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BiloxiCouple last won the day on December 10 2010

BiloxiCouple had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

695 Excellent


About BiloxiCouple

  • Rank
    Lifestyle Mentor
  • Birthday 03/12/1962

Personal Info

  • Relationship Status
    Couple with benefits and retired
  • Location
    Biloxi, Mississippi
  • Interests
    A little of this and that.
  • Occupation
    She Nurse, Him retired
  • Swinging Experience
    several years

Swinger Info

  • SLS Name
  • Favorite Club(s)
    Close Encounters, Mississippi

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  1. Mormons who wear garments wouldn't be swinging and keeping active with the reason they wear them. They would be totally inactive and not wearing garments at all.
  2. Reading it, reminds me of something I used to say or someone else. No matter how hot a woman is, somebody is going to get tired of her shit. This is not my kind of fantasy or kink. More power to those who do it.
  3. I was on a Carnival cruise about 3 years ago and they drained the hot tubs and pools every night. Cleaned them too. The nets were used to keep people from falling in an empty pool.
  4. A good thing to have is a swinger phone. One of those pre-paid phones. Your personal phone won't be overwhelmed and other things.
  5. The last cruise (non-swinger) I wore sandals and painted my toe nails a bright green sparkly polish. I got a lot of looks and some positive comments. A different type of ice breaker. My wife loved it.
  6. If you switched bodies would that make you bi-sexual, if you weren't? Or a latent bi-sexual? Or hetro? blah blah blah hahaha
  7. I quit wearing my ring during Desert Storm. Wife doesn't wear one because of work. I never started wearing it again.
  8. Why not? I saw the picture and this is first thing I thought of.
  9. Consider no shows also. She can stop anytime she wants and you too.
  10. Just do her chores for a day or two. That should get the libido going!
  11. You failed because you let it fail. It wasn't the other people's fault. You are in charge at all times of your own personal experiences. When other people go wrong, bad things happen. First warning sign was them changing YOUR plans. Don't compromise, just to get to the end result. There are plenty of other fish out there with no drama.
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