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The Ultimate Aphrodisiac


The suave, sophisticated man, looking his most tall, dark, and handsome, was in the process of trying to seduce a lovely lady. "Tell me what you want, my dear. I'll do anything you like."


"Anything?" she said, looking into his limpid dark eyes.


"Yes," he said. "I'll do anything for your love. Anything you want me to do for you."


She thought a moment, snuggled into him, sending messages of success all through him. "Are you sure you would do anything for me?"


He kissed her hand. "Yes, my love, anything."


"OK," she finally answered. "Wash the dishes, vacuum the floor, and take out the trash."


I know, it's an old joke, but guys should know what really turns a gal on.


The party had been a smash hit. Everyone complimented us on the food, the music, the games, and the other games. Being the hostess, I hadn't gotten it on as much as the others, but I'd had a nice share of the men the previous night. Having exceeded my one drink limit by only one more, I wasn't wiped out, but the party did go late. Poor Jake exceeded his limit by a lot more than that. He'd be in bed until noon. At least my eyes were partly open as I followed the aroma of freshly brewed coffee to the kitchen.


I must have been a sight walking in rubbing my fingers through my messy hair and scratching my butt, barely awake… no, more asleep than awake. I murmured something unintelligible, acknowledging the presence of whoever was there but more interested in the coffee he'd made. He poured me a cup, and I managed to put one foot before the other into the dining room. Between the sips of hot coffee and the cold wood of the chair on my bare bottom, I began to come alive again.


Vaguely, I heard clinking noises coming from the kitchen without comprehending what they were. My mind began coming back to me slowly as the caffeine made its way through the fuzzy cotton in my head. I began to realize that I didn't have a hangover. I was just exhausted, not awake yet.


Finally, a thought took form in my head: the cherry cobbler that Doug had spilled on my new rug. How the hell am I going to get that stain up, I thought? Somehow, cutting a hole in the carpet and sewing a chunk of the extra carpeting came to mind.


My mind and my eyes tried to focus on the stain there by the door. No. It's not there. The other door? No, not there either. I began to focus more clearly and scanned the entire dining room. No stain! Had I been dreaming?


Along with the stain, I began to think of the horrible job of clean-up. Parties are great, but the aftereffects are a royal pain in the ass. But wait. The dishes aren't spread over everything. The little towels aren't piled in the doorway.


I managed to get up after another couple of sips of the excellent coffee. The family room is all picked up. There were some crumbs on the green carpet, but there was no mess. The living room had been picked up. What was going on, I wondered?


Re-entering the kitchen, Rusty left the sink to renew my coffee. The sink? I thought. Men don't even know where the sink is, let alone know how to use it. He went back to cleaning the punch bowl. The dishwasher was running, and there were just a few neatly stacked dishes on the counter next to it. The counters were clean. Everything was clean. Suddenly I was awake.


"What happened here, Rusty? Did you…?"


"I always get up early, May, there wasn't anything else to do so I just picked up a little," he said.


"Picked up a little? More than a little, Rusty. Thanks!" I said. At that moment I think I could have traded Jake for Rusty and thrown in our MGB and sailboat. What could I do? I gave him a big hug and a kiss. Not just a kiss but a KISSSSS. All you women know what I felt, don't you? A guy just did something very nice for me, did the work I knew I would have to do. Without having to be nagged. What a release.


I felt really close to Rusty at that moment, and it wasn't just that we were kissing and hugging naked in the kitchen. When I felt his cock rising to the occasion, I really kissed him. What a rush. I wriggled my butt up onto the counter, the clean counter, and opened my legs to him. He knew what to do. He poked at my pussy for a while but didn't try to enter me. After all the sex last night I wasn't lubricating very well yet. He took care of that, though. He went down on his knees and licked my pussy until I was gushing. When he came back up to kiss me again, my aroma and taste sent me up the wall.


With no effort at all, he was deep in my vagina, stirring things up inside me. Wrapping my legs and arms around him, I pulled him to me, reveling in the sexy feelings of his cock inside me and his hands on my boobs. I usually take a long time to cum, but that morning it was like I was on a big slide, slipping down fast, an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach that needed filling and he seemed to be filling it very quickly. I'm a loud cummer so I'm sure that if anyone else had been awake at that moment, they would have heard my moans. I came, and I came, and I came, enjoying the hell out of our morning sex. The feelings were indescribable, I shivered and shook, and my gums itched as I went over the hill with him. Then just as I was coming down and back to the world, I felt him shudder, heard him moan, and felt him pump me full of his juices. I love that feeling.


There we were at the kitchen counter, the clean kitchen counter, hugging and kissing, trying to keep his shrinking cock in my pussy, loving every minute when I heard clapping. I opened my eyes to see Barb, Rusty's wife standing in the doorway watching us. All I could say was, "Barb, you've really taught him well, wanna trade?"


She laughed. "I can see that you like what he does."


"You betcha." I waved my free arm to the kitchen. "And it's not just the fucking, Barb. He cleaned up after the party. How'd you teach him to do that?"


She just smiled. "Isn't it obvious? He gets what he wants when he helps around the house. It's a win-win situation."

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      "Ooohhh, darn. I think my panties are wet”, I say playfully. “Will you check for me, please?"
      Raising my lower region to your face again, I lean over and lick the head of your cock as you bury your face in my wet pussy. Your tongue licks and your teeth pull at the fabric hiding my silky slit from you. Sweet juices coming through the fabric tease your senses as your hand rises to pull me into you and you beg me to let you grab my hips.
      "No baby, you are not allowed the use of your hands at this time".
      I sit back onto your face as your tongue finds its way past the lace and slides between my soft supple lips and I slide the head of your cock between my crimson painted lips."Mmmmmmm, I am really going to enjoy myself tonight as I use you for my pleasure"
      Doubled over, almost in half, I have my ass and pussy in your face and mouth and my mouth and lips sealed tightly around your cock.
      "Hold onto my hips, baby, and don't let me fall over. You can use your hands to move my panties aside".
      Your tongue slides softly at first across my smooth cunny as my tongue traces the pulsing veins in your growing shaft. We spend an amazing half hour just licking, sucking, and face fucking each other. Your cock grows so strong and hard in my mouth as my pussy swells and ripens dispensing waves and waves of nectar into yours. As your licks and sucks grow more furtive, I feel your hips buck sending your enormous cock down my throat and I hear you beginning to plead with me to take you into my folds.
      I love to hear how much you want me to slide your steely hard-on into my silky depths. It gets me so hot, I want you that much more knowing how strongly you are overcome with lust for me. I can almost feel your body physically aching to be inside of my tight wet slit, feeling you lurch toward me like a hungry tiger driven solely by desire and overwhelming passion. I love to tease you and to see how far I can push your limits. Thus far, you have been a great sport and the way you eat my pussy makes the game all the more delightful for me. After a while, though, I sense you becoming less verbally responsive and more aggressive with your tongue as your hands grab me in an almost painfully secure hold to cram my cunt against your face and face fuck me as though your tongue were actually a cock wanting to shoot off.Unable to contain your consuming drive to take me any longer, unable to stand a moment more of my pussy in your face, of me sucking your cock into my wanting mouth, you grab my waist and push me away. I am startled by your move and I don't understand until I look into your eyes. I don't see you. I see the crazed tiger, looking at me like a piece of meat, a primal urge to fornicate and overpower.
      Without saying a word, and in one fail swoop, you clear your desk of papers, phone, and files. Pushing me over onto it, I fall from the waist up and grab hold of the sides. I hear you grunting as you throw my legs open and your fingers probe for my fuck hole. Reaching back you grab your dick and slide it into my velvet glove, feeling it wrap around you, providing the hot tight fit your body yearned for. But this fuck is different. This isn't a passionate or romantic love making session, this is a base mammalian primal urge let loose from the deepest recesses of your brain. This is a fuck driven by evolution.
      Powerful thrusts with years of survival by the fittest behind them. Blinded by physical forces that even you do not understand, you don't see your office, you don't see me, your eyes are closed as your cock directs the action. Releasing sexual energy from a primitive place in your psyche that you never even knew existed. Your mind screaming for release, your senses heightened but not at all present in the moment, your ears deaf to my passionate moans, your eyes blinded by lust unable to see but the brightest flashes of light driven by impulses finally met.After an indeterminable amount of time spent in forceful, base instinct driven animalistic fucking, with me screaming as I cum over and over, you begin to settle back to earth, still completely oblivious to your surroundings and my being. Looking down, as if out of your body, you watch yourself fucking me, pounding your hips against my ass, powerfully and with complete disregard for the hole you ream. Looking back at you, it seems to me that the sight appears to intensify your need.
      As you come further to your senses, you become more aware of your surroundings, your office in disarray, my corset and torn panties on the floor amidst your paperwork and belongings. You look down and see my spent body splayed on the desk, my full round ass still held high in front of you, my tits sandwiched on the desk, spilling out the sides, my hair over my face and down my back, and the most incredible feeling building in your balls.As you pump me faster than mere humans can and your hands dig deep into the flesh of my hips, I realize that you are drifting again into another stage of arousal. Your thrusts are deeper and faster than anything I have ever felt. As if being pumped by a machine, I hold tightly to the desk listening to your grunts and moans, wondering what has become of you, unable to move under your weight and the slamming drives of your body into mine.With no additional warning, I feel you tighten up against me. Then, as if all your primitive ancestors had been released, you let loose a yell that would wake Satan in hell. I have never heard such a sound and it reverberates through my body in vibrations. It scares me as it penetrates my body filling me with your passion as you fill me with your cum. Such interjection of your primal sexual being into me through both your spirit and your body causes me to cum again in unison with you.Your body convulses as the cum pent up from your Neanderthal past rises through your veins and courses out of you with such velocity and strength that it hurts as it demands its forceful release. The surge from your body into mine almost sends me forward as hard as your powerful thrusts have. My pussy lips, weary from the lustful torrent, nonetheless, tighten around your cock to ensure the safe passage of your seeds. Once released, you step back, disoriented and confused, sitting on the floor, dazed and spent. I am plastered to the desk, cum pouring down my weak legs, equally immobile. Neither of us able to speak, both breathing heavily, feeling the most wonderful reverie ever experienced.
      Finally, with sex still hanging heavy in the air, you break the silence.
      “I think I will be working late again tomorrow”.
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      Again your lips find mine while you run your hands down my arms and place them behind me so that they rest on the table top, urging me to arch back thrusting my breasts forward. You raise my shirt and kiss my chest while your hands rest on the bare skin of my back. My head goes back as your mouth encloses on a hard nipple, electricity shooting downwards to my loins accompanied by a surge of wetness. You take the other nipple and suckle on it, forcing my thighs apart so that the junction of my thighs is pressed hard against you. You rub unconsciously on me, while your hands knead my back and your mouth does wonders to my breasts.After a few minutes like this you kiss my lips again and then pull back from me. The look that I see in your face is one that I have not seen in quite awhile and it fills me with excitement and desire as well as a touch of trepidation. Your eyes are hungry and predatory. It shows throughout your face as you turn me slowly so that my back is pressed against your chest. You pull my hair away from my neck and ears; the heat from your breath sends shivers through me. You lean close to my ear and I hear you inhale the scent of my skin before tasting my earlobe with your lips, nibbling and suckling on the sensitive place.
      My lips part and I wet them with the tip of my tongue as I hear you whisper in my ear, “You smell good.” Your words and your breath cause my breath to catch as it tingles over my skin. Your hands come around the front and push the blouse’s front up high again while your hands tease and caress my breasts, your lips and nose nuzzling in my hair and on the exposed sections of my throat.
      In a moment I feel your hands urging me to lean forward so that my bare breasts are resting against the table, the cool surface in direct contrast with the heat of my skin, the nipples grazing it and exciting me. I close my eyes as I feel your hands under the side slits of the skirt, touching my thighs. Your fingers come close to that place that I want you to touch, even graze it but you do not touch me there yet. I feel you raise the skirt higher and higher until it is bunched up around my hips.I can only imagine the “view”. Can only speculate what your sharply taken breath means. A mental image flashes before my eyes of me bent over the tabletop, my thighs parted slightly, the garter clearly visible around my waist, and its straps going down my thighs to hold up my stockings, the dark cloth of my thong between the twin globes of my backside, covering the triangle of my femininity before disappearing down the front. I can almost visualize how the roundness of my rear is showing up at you.I hear you rustle around behind me, an instant later feel your lips on the exposed part of my thigh, your hands on my behind. Your tongue makes little circles around and around, coming closer to my heat. I moisten every time that you get close and don’t touch me. I am not disappointed.
      Soon I feel the heat of your mouth directly on me, nibbling on me, licking me through the panties. I push back wanting the direct stimulation of your lips on the smooth shaved skin. You pull the thong off to the side and begin kissing and licking me. Wonderful feeling surges upward through me as my pleasure center swells and sensitizes further. I open my thighs more and I feel you lick me harder and suckle directly on that place familiar to you. I moan and pant between open lips, my eyes closed and my hands gripping the edges of the table. My inner fires burn and my body starts yearning for fulfillment. I moan in protest when you stop and pull away from me. I feel you insert a finger or two within me rubbing just an inch or two inside, gently, teasingly. You lean over me until your lips are near my ear and whisper, “That feel good?” I moan and thrust my hips a little in time with your fingers nodding. “You want me don’t you,” you ask, “want me inside you.” I nod. You’ve never done anything quite like it before and it is exciting me. Your fingers slide out of my very wet essence and start to rub on the little sensitive nodule that you know so expertly how to touch gently and arousingly.
      “Tell me,” you say, “Tell me that you want me.”I whisper breathlessly, “I want you.”I jerk as your hand comes down hard on my bottom. “Louder.” You say.“I want you.” I say loudly.Over my shoulder I see a wolfish look come across your face as you step behind me, rubbing what has got to be the pink mark of your hand. I can see and hear your rustlings as you free yourself of your pants, feel you as you caress me tenderly, as you spread my moisture around. I feel it when you place your throbbing member between my buttocks and stroke a little, stroking down through my wetness and then running it over my swollen bud. I suck in my breath sharply every time it goes over that place.
      “Mmmmmmm,” I hear you moan. I chance a glance over my shoulder at you, see the look of restraint on your face. “My little dirty girl are you.” You say as you look at me, I can only nod. I can see that you are doing this for me as much as for you. The knowledge pushes my arousal up a notch. “My little dirty girl wants me to fuck her.” I don’t have to say it for you to know it is true. Again you lean close to me, taking a handful of hair and lifting my ear up to your lips, “Beg me to fuck you. I want to hear you beg me for it and then I want you to be nice and noisy for me.” The deep tones of your masculine aroused voice, your actions, and the slight discomfort of the position and the pulling of my hair all act to push me to a place where I would do anything to have you inside me. My body almost hurts with need.“Yes,” I say, “I want you to fuck me…fuck me please.”You release my hair for a moment while you take up your position behind me. “Again.” You say.
      This time, when my voice comes out, I can hear the longing and need in it. “Fuck me, I need you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me.”By the time the third word is out, you take up my panties in your fist and forcefully rip them off. It doesn’t hurt me, just surprises me and I cry out a little as a result.I feel the thick, heavy, pulsing head of your engorged cock at my tender nether lips, you sliding in and out just a little. I groan deep in my throat, my pussy hungry to be filled, needing to be filled.You slip into me slowly, excruciatingly slow. Taking me by inches while my body opens for you. In my desperation I try to thrust myself back on you but you respond by pushing my back down farther on the table and holding my hips in place. In what seems like a lifetime I feel you settle in me. You hold perfectly still and my body clenches around you, admiring your dimensions.
      “Tell me what you want.” You push into me more and I gasp at it. My body trembles and I say, “Fuck my pussy….please fuck me.” You withdraw almost all the way and then slowly slide in again. I moan loudly. “Who’s pussy is it.” You say. There has never been a doubt as to whom my treasure belongs to. As you withdraw I say, “You, my pussy is yours.”
      You set a rhythm that is not quick and is not slow. It is maddeningly steady; I can feel the desperate need to climax deep inside being stoked each time your hardness fills me up. My moans become louder and louder as the tension builds. I can hear your own efforts as well; see your face set with passion and hunger. You catch me watching you and grab up my hair once more, arching my back, the angle shifts and I cry out as you thrust. My legs shake as your other hand comes around to the front and begins manipulating the tender clitoris. “Oh, God,” I begin to say over and over as my need fills me and I want to burst with the desire to cum.Your hand works between my thighs in rhythm with your strokes. The spiral tightens deep inside and I know that I am ready, that I can’t hold it off anymore.“Ohhhh, Fuck!,” I say loudly. “I’m going to cum.” It comes out broken up and breathless as the wave hits me and starts to wash over me. You pound into me harder, releasing my hair as my face presses against the table and I am clearly in the throws of my rapture. I feel myself flexing and clenching over and around you. The shudders being egged on by your fingers. I don’t need to see my face to know that it shows what I am feeling, my moans more like screams as you drive into me over and over again.Your pace picks up until you are riding me hard and fast. Your passion noises deep in your throat, teeth gritted.
      “Oh Baby!” You exclaim as you withdraw quickly from me, grabbing me up and forcing me to my knees. I go willingly until I am faced with the purple, engorged head of your manhood. You press it against my lips and I open them to take you inside the warm recesses of my mouth. With your hand in my hair you start to thrust. I suckle in time with your thrusts. Running my tongue over you and caressing you with my lips. I can see your thighs trembling, hear your ragged breath, feel your cock expand even farther as you thrust. I keep up my attentions as you push between my swollen lips. In a moment I hear your orgasm hit you. You tense, groan loudly and your maleness jerking as it lets go with your seed. I catch the first part and swallow, continually caressing and stimulating. The pressure of your hands lets me know how and where you need me to stimulate. Your body buckles as your pleasure empties between my lips.As you come down, I suckle you gently, licking the rim and bottom tenderly. You are not flaccid but I can tell the initial demand is gone.You urge me to my feet, taking my face between your strong calloused hands and kiss me.
      “Thank you,” I say, “That was very nice.”“But of course.” You say, your voice still full of our pleasures. You take me by the hand and lead me into the bedroom.
    • By 1hotminute
      When I was in my early twenties I worked as a house painter. I worked for a company that painted higher end homes. A lot of the customers we worked for were professional men like doctors, lawyers, owners of restaurants, etc.. Usually financially stable enough to be able to have their wives stay at home during the day. Most of these women were very nice and usually attractive. I noticed after being in their home getting comfortable with them, and they with me, that there would be a little flirting. Nothing bad more just little comments in conversation and some joking. I would fantasize about them at times, but would have never tried to make a move that is until I met Susan B.
      Susan B. was a stay at home mom. Her husband owned a business and spent most of his days working and running the business. He was a really nice guy just hardly ever home. At least during the times I was there. Susan was a cute blonde. She was in her mid 40's, 5'4, and a about 105 lbs. petite I would say. Her face and body were starting to show some signs of age, but only different for me because I was used to dating girls in their 20's. She stayed in shape and worked out in their home gym.
      We got to talk a lot while I was working there. She would sometimes sit in where I was working and hang out for hours talking about when she was my age and the stuff she would get into. She also talked about her personal life and how her husband spent so much time working.
      One day I was working there and it was getting close to the time where I'd be leaving. She came down from her bedroom in nothing but a robe and said that she was going to take a shower, to just let her know before I left. I thought it was strange because I'd locked up before I left any other time. But in my mind I thought maybe she wanted me to come up for another reason. So right at quitting time I went up to their master suite. I could hear the shower going. I decided to stand outside the bedroom door and call in. But she didn't answer. So I went in and went to the bathroom door which was open and called again. I said "Susan". She responded "ohh, you scared me". I said "I apologize. You wanted me to let you know before I left." It was quiet for a few seconds then she said. "Come in here". I went in and there she was standing fully naked. Hair and body were completely wet. Her body was thin. In pretty good shape. Her breasts were a small size B with a little sag to them. And she had quite a bit of hair on her pussy, which I wasn't used to since most girls my age pretty much went clean shaved. I can remember her standing there in the water dripping wet.
      We stood there for about 30 seconds. Me just staring at her naked body. Taking it all in. Then she said "well, what are you going to do to me?" I was in shock. I didn't know what to do. Something like this had never happened before and I really didn't expect this from a customer or my bosses. She then said "come here and kiss me".
      So I moved in. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I leaned down and we started kissing. Her wet naked body was getting my clothes wet, and my cock was getting rock hard. We kissed back and forth for about 5 minutes. I was kissing her neck and breasts. I reached down and squeezed her little ass. She grabbed my shirt and started pulling it off so I finished taking it off as she started undoing my belt and pants. We started making out even more as she pulled down my pants. Then she reached down my boxers and grabbed hold of my throbbing cock. She said "wow, you're pretty big". I didn't think so. I'm on average 7", and had only had that impression from one or two girls, but maybe her husband was working with a small dick. Then she pulled my underwear off and pushed me up against the sink and started sucking my cock. I reached down and grabbed her tits rubbing up and down across her hard nipples. She moaned with every stroke of my hands.
      With my cock deep inside of her mouth I grabbed her wet hair and wrapped it around my fist as I thrust my cock a little deeper into her mouth. Then she started working my cock deeper into her mouth until she had her lips down to the base. My sack resting against her chin. She chocked a bit and let off. Then she said "you like to get a little rough huh?" I said "Yes. Do you want me to get rough with you?" She said "yes, do me hard. My husband hasn't ever fucked me hard". That was such a turn-on.
      So I grabbed her and picked her up on the counter. I spread her legs and started playing with her wet hairy pussy. I spread her lips and rubbed my hard cock up and down her clit. Her lips spread showing her inner pink surrounded by the light brown hair of her crotch. Then I got on my knees and started licking her clit. I slid my finger inside her pussy and started rubbing her internally while I sucked and licked her clit. She wrapped her legs around my neck, her feet rubbing up and down my back. I worked in and out of her pussy spreading her lips and working my fingers in her wet hole as I tongue lashed her clit. She began to push her crotch deep into my face and squeezed her legs around my neck as she came. She said "That was awesome. I'm all wet now." She was completely soaked and not from the shower she just had.
      She pulled me up to her and hugged around me to pull me in closer. Got right up to my ear and started biting my ear and said "Why don't you get inside me now". Then she grabbed my cock rubbed it up then down to slide right into her wet hole. Her pussy was so tight. She gasped and said "Yes, fuck me!" I was so turned on I just started pounding her pussy pulling her close. I got so turned on watching myself fuck this milf in the mirror. I reached up under her ass and lifted her in the air. She wrapped her legs around me and I just started fucking her in the air. After a few minutes I set her back to the floor and she grabbed my hand and led me to their bed.
      Once we got to the bed she climbed up on the edge and bent over. I walked up behind her she grabbed my cock and slid it inside her. I started fucking her doggystyle and she reached up under to play with my balls. It felt so good I almost came. Then I pushed her up onto the bed. Climbed up behind her, got on my feet, and started fucking her as hard as I could. She came really hard. I wouldn't let up as she started screaming with her face in the pillow. Her ass cheeks were getting red. Then I reached up and grabbed the back of her hair. I was fucking her so hard and soon I felt the urge to cum. I then flipped her over. I got on top of her and began to fuck her even harder. She wrapped her legs around me and gripped my back. She started cumming again and this time scratched my back bad. I grabbed her legs and threw them up over my shoulders. I could feel how much liquid had came out of her from her cumming. We were both soaked. I could feel my balls slapping up against her little ass. She pulled her legs down and wrapped them around me again. Soon I couldn't hold back. I told her I was going to cum and she gripped me tighter with her legs.
      I couldn't hold back any more so I started cumming inside her. Her legs were still wrapped around me and I couldn't pull out. I was so exhausted I laid down on top of her. My cock still inside but beginning to go limp until it sort of slid out naturally. I laid there exhausted from the ecstasy. We couldn't lay there long so I got up and went into the bathroom and cleaned up and got dressed. We kissed before I left as she stayed laying naked in her bed as I left. That evening all kinds of emotions went through my head thinking of the trouble it could cause sleeping with a married woman, who was also a customer of my bosses. Also thinking what is the next day going to be like because I still had to go back there for work.
      The next day her husband was home when I got there. I was kind of nervous wondering if there was any way he could know. The room when I left yesterday was a mess. The sheets were wet and there was water all over the bathroom. What if he had come home early and smelled the sex in the air. Him and I were talking and then Susan walked in. I made eye contact with her and she smiled from behind him. He and I talked a short time and he said that I was doing a really good job. That he was surprised for my age how much I knew and that more importantly how happy I was making his wife. I almost thought that he knew on that comment and was into letting me fuck his wife. I looked at Susan and she was smiling even bigger holding her hand over her mouth. He said that if they ever needed things taken care of that I was going to be his guy. He finished making his coffee and left for work.
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