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spicylife42 last won the day on May 27 2021

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About spicylife42

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  • Birthday 11/08/1961

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  1. Thank you, I appreciate it. Yes our marriage is over, and I told him that years ago. That I no longer had feelings for him. He does like control. I have to remind him that I’m not his to control anymore. I’ve got a lot of thinking to do.
  2. Well he and I have been broken 6-7 years. He impotent. So yeah I’ve been celibate. I went to NOLA a few years back with a couple we were close with in the lifestyle. He didn’t seem to mind that. I guess I sound crazy but since I had the freedom to fly solo before, why the hell do I have to stop now.
  3. We have an established life in this house. I know that sounds stupid but we live across the street from our grandson. I’m just beat down.... I don’t want to imploded the family. It really sucks tho thinking about being celibate for the rest of my life.
  4. Hmmmm, we enjoyed everything in the beginning together. That’s really the idea in the beginning I think. Playing solo for us came later when a gentleman we had played with many times asked to see me alone. By then the hubs and I were both comfortable with him. 80% of the time we played together
  5. We are 60/65. Kids know our marriage imploded years ago. He’s clean and sober for 4 year, ptl. But yes I am to blame for this situation.
  6. We had an amazing run in the lifestyle for years. We had regular house/pool parties. Went to Hedo. Had an orgy on the 19th green New Year’s Eve. So yes I understand the lifestyle. And I do know my situation is dysfunctional. I had to explain our freedom in the lifestyle as a background for my story.
  7. 60 & 65 our kids & grand live across from us. The kids have know for years we don’t like each other. We are not miserable all the time, we try to get along. We haven’t had sex in over 7 years...
  8. Our rules were different than yours, we were a part of a large group of people that regularly had house party, Taladega, Hedo., this was for years, no we didn’t call it cheating.
  9. We are 60/65. Our kids and grand live across the street. Our kids are grown and they know I have not loved him in years.
  10. The hubs and I were very active in the lifestyle for several years. We had a great time, we had lax rules where we were ok with each other playing solo. I traveled with him on business and had a particular lover I was completely head over heals for. The sex was like no other, he felt it too. Fast forward many years, we’re out of the lifestyle. He became an alcoholic and our marriage imploded. During all of this, we had split briefly. He came back but I let him know that I didn’t have feelings for him anymore. We could try to coexist, for the family. We have lived this way for 6/7 years. Last fall T, reached out to me and I went to see him. It was electric, as it always is. Well I was planning to see him again, and I was going to tell the hubs b4 I left, that I was going to see T. Explosion! He had suspected since last fall, how can he ever believe me again, oh yeah sure I was going to tell him... yada yada. Hubs says well if this is the way we are going to spend the rest of our marriage we might as well get a divorce. He’s the one that drug me kicking and screaming into the lifestyle, we allowed each other freedoms. I’m heartbroken and mad!
  11. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. You are right, a pool is a huge ice breaker...everyone was nude last time within minutes, and playing shortly there after. Yes, if we did a truth or dare type thing the card I was thinking should say...kiss the woman of your choice...or take a shot... but then again what if she doesn't wanna kiss you? Yeah, risky.
  12. We're having a pool party Saturday and wanted to maybe play some fun games....was going to maybe have the ladies tie the cherry stem with their tongue and who ever did it fastest gets a little gag type gift like a pair of eatable panties...... thought about maybe some true or dare questions..... a competition for the guy..... any other good parties ideas would be appreciated too.
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