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About PeterJ

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    Super Contributor
  • Birthday 09/14/1957

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    Upstate New York
  • Swinging Experience
    13 years

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  1. "Warn" isn’t the word I’d use: that implies something negative. For myself and for most men I know — in the lifestyle or close vanilla friends — squirting is a positive. "Inform" is the word I recommend. You might say "hey, before we really get going here, let’s get a towel under my butt because when I cum I will probably squirt." Some small proportion of partners may be turned off when you say that, but they will be less put off than if you spray their face while they are going down on you. 😉😂 (Over the course of our 37-year romantic relationship my wife’s orgasms — which felt were good to start — kept getting stronger and more satisfying. About 15 years ago she started squirting and now does it almost every time she reaches orgasm. It heightens my enjoyment that she squirts. She is also literally a screamer as she cums. Our closest neighbor is 250 feet away, but we have to keep the windows closed when we fuck. If she tries to inhibit either vocalizing or squirting it diminishes the strength of her orgasm.)
  2. Sexual bucket list? I’m 76 and I’ve lived in real life pretty much all the sexual acts and combinations I fantasized about when I was young and middle-aged. And a few I hadn’t. 😉😂 I’m grateful I remain sexually active, and am sometimes able to revisit a few of those bucket-list items with a short list of single and couple FWBs.
  3. While I find the "inaugural ball" with novel partners exciting at one level, for me the other side of the coin is that subsequent encounters will likely be even better as we learn each other’s bodies and responses.
  4. I continued to have occasional sex for several decades with my high-school girlfriend. At some point she learned to be able to squeeze her partner’s cock with her vagina. She could do that kind of rhythmically in a way that was both interesting and quite stimulating. She couldn’t bring me to orgasm unless she also moved her pelvis up and down as well, but she told me she had other partners she could make cum without doing anything but squeeze them that way with her vagina.
  5. Not from my perspective, Numex. He asked for your thoughts on the matter and you shared them candidly and honestly. And I reckon he’s going to ask others their opinions. Some of them may suggest he hire a private detective and have them surveil her. Instead, I hope he takes your advice to heart in proceeding.
  6. Thickhips, as hunterdonNJcouple notes, cuck play is a kind of "advanced" form of ENG (ethical non-monogamy). Based on your post I see no indication that cuckoldry is a fantasy you’ve shared with your boyfriend. I also note that in your post you indicate you believe you are a long way from turning any of your shared fantasies into reality. But either way, perhaps you should judiciously share with your boyfriend that you find cuckoldry fantasy engaging. His reaction will suggest whether this scenario is one that you both will wish to incorporate into your shared fantasy life. (If cuckoldry doesn’t appeal to him, you can still enjoy it privately.) My own entry into my current broader ENG life was through hotwifing, as the other male playing with M/F couples. I never found being a bull attractive, but within the hotwife community cuckoldry is quite prominent. You may wish to check out ourhotwives.org. If the two of you wish to eventually incorporate any of your shared fantasy life into your real lives, this forum is a good place to find answers to your questions and general support.
  7. Uncle Oops, as others have noted, communication is important. Share with your partner that you find her so exciting that you are concerned you will reach orgasm too quickly to satisfy her. Particularly if she’s experienced in the lifestyle she may reassure you that it’s not important how long you last. (Trust me, most women will tell you they don’t really like it when I guy fucks them for 20 or 30 minutes and leaves them sore. And she may be a woman who doesn’t orgasm from PiV, but rather from oral or a vibe.) But assuming you and she both desire a longer fuck there is a simple and reliable technique for delaying male orgasm that I learned about more than four decades ago when I studied sex therapy while a clinical psych grad student. (Note, you may want to practice this with your wife, even though I assume you don’t cum too quickly with her. It’s also possible that your partner won’t be interested in doing this with you.) Here’s a Mayo Clinic passage that describes it: The pause-squeeze technique Begin sexual activity, including stimulating the penis, until you feel almost ready to ejaculate. Then you or your partner can squeeze the end of your penis where the head joins the shaft. Keep squeezing for several seconds until the urge to ejaculate passes. Repeat the squeeze process as needed. By repeating as many times as needed, you can reach the point of entering your partner without ejaculating. After some practice, delaying ejaculation might become a habit that no longer requires the pause-squeeze technique. If the pause-squeeze technique causes pain or discomfort, you can try the stop-start technique. It involves stopping sexual stimulation just before ejaculation. Then waiting until the level of arousal has diminished and starting again. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/premature-ejaculation/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354905#:~:text=Begin sexual activity%2C including stimulating,the squeeze process as needed.
  8. For sure I want to signal my sexual preferences to random motorists. (But why not go with tradition and fasten a pink flamingo and a pineapple to the roof of your car.) Actually, when I was a college freshman (and stupidly impetuous) I was riding with two friends back from Maine to Boston at the end of a winter long weekend. On the Maine Turnpike I noted a cute young woman behind the wheel of a car in the next lane over we were slowly passing. There were two pre-adolescent girls in the front seat with her, looking too old to be her kids but too young to be her sibs. I stuck my head and shoulders out the window and motioned for her to pull over on the shoulder of the Turnpike. We exchanged phone numbers and I dated her all of spring semester until her boyfriend came back from a junior year abroad in Germany. So, yeah, maybe I could pick up a swinger couple on the New Jersey Turnpike. 😉😂
  9. I don’t know, Petra. We speak on the phone about once a week and have lunch every few weeks. So, I could ask her. But I won’t; there are some sleeping dogs I’m just gonna leave laying there (not that she is in any sense a dog 😉😊).
  10. She didn’t share it with me until at least a month after she’d broken off the relationship. But if she had told me during the course of the affair or when she was considering initiating it, I like to think I would have supported her in that. True, I’m looking back from the perspective of a half-century later after I’ve been in an ENM relationship for two decades. However, there was another occasion during her time in medical school when one of her fellow students invited her to accompany him on an out-of-town meeting of some medical-student organization. It was clear that the invitation included having sex. I encouraged her to accept the invitation. If she hadn’t been considering it I don’t think she would have brought it up with me. But in the end she declined. I believe she was more interested in MFMF activities, but as I’ve noted previously the logistics on making that happen were difficult in the days before the public internet.
  11. Numex, indeed. My first wife had very little sexual experience prior to the beginning of our relationship. Although attractive she hadn’t dated in high school and very little as an undergraduate. I think I recall correctly that she’d had quite brief sexual liaisons with three guys. We knew each other for two years through an extracurricular organization, and I’d had the hots for her from literally the first moment I’d set eyes on her. I wanted to date her so bad, but other than a couple of desultory friend-zone dates, she just wasn’t interested. Until she suddenly was. She’d graduated but several months later was back in town with nothing really going on in her life. I asked her to a party at the off-campus house where I was living for my senior year. We’d had just enough wine to be relaxed and then the kissing started. Within a few days we had begun having sex. A lot! Like, I quit going to class and for a couple of weeks we primarily stayed in bed and fucked. She had so little prior experience; had never masturbated or had an orgasm. This was her first serious romantic or sexual relationship and she was keen to explore. And I was happy to do so with her. We married about 18 months later. She continued to be interested in exploring sex. I think she always was a bit envious of my much broader sexual experience coming into our relationship and felt as though she’d somehow missed out, While she was in medical school, beyond the soft swing with another couple (the wife in that couple and I have now been married for 34 years) and her affair with her classmate, we discussed swinging (or as it was then referred to, "wife swapping" 🙄). She expressed interest in having sex with a couple of other guys she knew from school and I gently encouraged her to pursue that interest. We also discussed looking for MFMF possibilities, but the logistics in those pre-internet days were daunting for a couple who were in medical school and grad school. So yeah, @Numex, "what might have been." After a decades-long period of relative estrangement following the sad end of our marriage we are now again quite close friends. We have lunch every couple of months and speak on the phone weekly. We had lunch last week with our spouses and a mutual friend who was visiting. She clearly deeply loves her husband, who is a terrific guy. She has implied that she’s no longer sexually active, but did so in a way that suggested she didn’t miss sex. If circumstances were different I’d still want to have a sexually intimate relationship with her as well as enjoying our close friendship. It’s probably best t she’s in a loving marriage that is apparently celibate by choice. Or we might get in trouble.
  12. David, whether Amy prefers you or her friend’s husband, she wants to fuck both of you and she’s not interested in a third. Based on that I’d describe the two as being in a closed ENM relationship. (I know there are folks on this board who restrict the term "swinging" to MFMF play, but clearly the contributors to discussions here are engaged in a quite wide range of ENM activities and interests. More power to us all.)
  13. Petra, on more than one occasion I’ve had two women sucking me and the woman who finally gets me to orgasm snowballs the other. In a regular MF situation I’ve had my partner snowball me. I’m not freaked out by cum. I’ve been snowballed by a.woman with the other man’s cum. And I have no hesitation about eating a woman who had just had me or another man ejaculate in her pussy. The taste of a mix of female and male juices I generally find quite pleasant.
  14. Petra, my reaction to seeing him later is hypothetical. After that initial brief supervision experience our paths never crossed again. (A year later I changed professions.) Regarding my supervision experience with him, 45 years later I don’t recall whether he was helpful in developing my clinical skills or not. And I don’t recall having any thoughts about my girlfriend having sucked him off before she and I met. But I’m guessing I would have been thinking that like my first date with her, he thought he was getting something special, when she was just blowing him so she didn’t have to fuck him. Which I was at that point she was doing with me every evening and many mornings. On the other hand (as I’ve posted on this site previously) I was transfixed and super turned on watching my first wife jerk off one of our friends in our first (and only) soft-swing situation. And when she told me she’d been fucking one of her med-school classmates that also made me super turned on. I was kinda disappointed that they had discussed bringing his wife and me into things, but then didn’t. If she hadn’t already broken off the relationship when she told me about it I’d have been totally amenable to getting a full-on four-way going.
  15. Ah, yes, the old back-of-the-mouth trick. 😂I was in grad school and on my second date with my (second) wife she didn’t get out of her panties but asked if I wanted to cum in her mouth. I did! And she was very good at sucking cock. Indeed, she sucked me off a second time in the middle of the night. Beginning on our third date we did all the forms of MF sex, including anal, which she’d not done previously but was curious about. (She liked it. A lot.) And she continued to give me really good head. Several months later I was going to be having supervision on some clinical cases with an adjunct faculty member. My now hot and heavy girlfriend said "I think you should know that one time (before we were dating) I gave him a blow-job." I wasn’t sure I needed to know that, but okay… By way of further explanation she said she’d gotten into a casual sexual situation with him but didn’t want to fuck him. Kinda like our second date, I thought to myself, though I didn’t say anything. I’m doing my best to recall a conversation from 40+ years ago; this is how I best recall it. "When I’m not prepared to fuck a guy I just duck him off. It’s easy. When I sense he’s getting ready to cum I just make sure the head of his cock is in the back of my mouth and I try not to let him pull back. He cums and it just goes down my throat like snot when you have a cold." That conversation kinda took some of the "special" out of my memory from our second date…😉😂
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