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"Have More Sex, Please!"

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Magdalene Taylor is a writer covering sex and culture. Her Valentine’s Day opinion column, currently up in the opinion column on the New York Times website, looks at the epidemic of loneliness and loss of connection in our current society, a trend that she notes has been exacerbated by the pandemic, and the broader knock-on deleterious effects it has had.


Her recommendation? More fucking! For the betterment of society and ourselves as individuals she says  we should all make an effort to have more sex. I expect that few members of this board would not agree with Ms. Taylor’s prescription.


At the end of this post I’m including the link to her piece. The Times has a paywall, but I believe if you register you can read several articles per week or month. For a nice combination of social commentary and smiles I recommend this essay.


(As a former Timesman I am confident that the two brief passages quoted below fall well within the bounds of fair usage.)


"The loneliness epidemic may be a societal issue, but it can be solved, at least partly, at the level of individual bedrooms. Those of us in a position to be having more sex ought to be doing so. Here is the rare opportunity to do something for the betterment of the world around you that involves nothing more than indulging in one of humanity’s most essential pleasures.


"So, anyone capable should have sex — as much as they can, as pleasurably as they can, as often as they can."


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Yeah, I agree! Men that I know would rather play video games, work out, or try to make money. Women that I know only have sex if there is something to gain by it. It's disheartening that people don't have sex for fun and to bond with one another. A lot of people not having sex wonder why they are having anxiety attacks, it doesn't take a brain surgeon. Yes, have more sex, loosen your bullets and enjoy your life.

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