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How do you feel about marijuana and swinging?

How do you feel about herbs?  

745 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about herbs?

    • I/We are "herb"/"420" friendly
    • I/We do not participate but it doesn't bother me/us.
    • I/We are turned off by it.
    • We are a couple and have different opinions between the two of us.

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Would just like all you people turned off by 420 friendly folks there are some out there that function the same or better with its use, do not need or require it to sleep, fuck, eat, or laugh. And some are probably even respectful enough to keep it out of your site/smell or even events if asked and given a decent reason why.


I am an intelligent and educated drug de-criminaliztion advocate and there are many compelling reasons for acceptance, and even more that cause most people's mis-conceptions of their use and or addiction (disease) I few that perhaps only those with legal vices may be suprised by:


There has never been any proof of cancer forming from marijuana use, though one joint contains more carnicigens than a pack of cigarrettes.


There are no documented deaths casued by marijuana use, nor LSD. Now lets minus that from the death tolls combined of the legalized and socially acceptable vices - Tabacco, Alchohol, Prescription or Over the counter drugs, also given as the solution to other illness, which they usually only cause new ones.


No one ever here's how the serial killer was so high on pot he did, well anything. Perhaps ate a gallon of Dreyers, played hackie-sack...poorly, laughed till he farted, died from drinking to much water.


I could go on and on but this is a horrible discussion that usually causes people to judge people they other wise would not have.....

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Would just like all you people turned off by 420 friendly folks there are some out there that function the same or better with its use, do not need or require it to sleep, fuck, eat, or laugh. And some are probably even respectful enough to keep it out of your site/smell or even events if asked and given a decent reason why.

Nope. Sorry. The onus is on the herb-user to check if the homeowner, club owner, potential playmates are cool with herb before bringing it into their presence and endangering others.


The "decent reason why" many posters here don't want to be in the presence of somebody who is using pot, or is just carrying it, is that it is an illegal drug in many places. If a pot-friendly person knows that using or possessing pot in a given location is illegal, then that person should be respectful enough not to put others at risk of being prosecuted, and/or losing jobs or screwing up sporting careers, etc.


There were a few posters in this thread who want nothing to do with pot or the people who use it. There are others who are totally 420-friendly. But, many of the posters on this thread CLEARLY mentioned that they don't care if potential playmates use pot, just don't put non-users at risk by using it or possessing it in their presence at a meet-up, whether it's in someone's home, at a hotel, at an on-premise or off-premise event, or any other situation. Again, the onus is on the herb-friendly folks -- without being asked -- to make sure that everybody is okay with the risk. And if not, don't bring the pot. That's being respectful.



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Absolutely, absolutely.

I clearly was looking at it from a different angle, and you are absolutely right, never should anything I do personally put another at risk without there knowledge and or approval. I was only trying to say (and obviously poorly) that hopefully 420 folks are not never given a chance. I just feel if everyone is honest its a rule or agreement like any other. I smoke but I don't smoke or carry or bring within a country mile of my childs school, my job, my mothers...ect. If I were at a 420 friendly home, but there were those that were uncomfy with it around, I would hope that could just be discussed and compromised upon, rather than someone feeling they should be elsewhere.

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Are you kidding me...I'd rather have sex all day and night sober then fuck with that shit. Plus being a federal employee doesnt exactly permit me if I wanted to do so. I have better things to do with my time :lol:

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Hi.Mr.Telly2 here.


We feel that if you can't play with a clear head,you aren't serious about playing.What fun is it if your head's in a fog?


But that's just us.

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if i could do the 420 thing all the time, i would. any other drug is a turn off. I do, do it on holidays and my birthday, that's about all.

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I used to do weed when I was a teen (many, many moons ago) because it was the cool thing, but I didn't get high from it!?!? Hash on the other hand gave me quite the buzz... That was 20 something years ago...I have been illicit drug free since then in part dueto some bad hash (I think it was dusted)...


However, I'm ok with others doing drugs as long as they don't need a needle or a straw... Heck, I'd probably even roll some of their weed for them if asked...


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We know a woman who we are friends with that isn't into any herbs, not a fan of alcohol beverages (gets sick, hung over, even after just 2 or 3 drinks :eek: ) but she takes a Xanax or similar preseciption med to relax and enjoy herself. (She actually has a prescription for it from her doctor)


She explained it and associates it to having a couple drinks or a couple of glasses of wine, with out any ill effects, to help her relax and let her inner self out. Seeing her an hour after she takes it, there are no real obvious effects, at best she appears as if she had had just that, a glass or two of wine, prehaps a bit more esxpressive and maybe a little less inhibitied.


So what ever works for her is okay with us, as she is a beautiful professional woman, who I guess wants to have a few drinks and relax on her weekend, but for what ever reason her body chemistry doesn't respond well to alcohol but she wants to have the benefit of the drink or two, relax and enjoy :) .


Were not supportive of people who use drugs, or drink to excess, but in this circumstance, we understand her use of it.

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If it came to a choice of either of the two evils, I would take pot over psychiatric drugs any day. But I would prefer to take neither.


For one thing, I have an extensive drug abuse history as a teen/young adult, and since having quit with the help of a recovery home (coming up on 25 years dry!), I've become a much more stable, productive and adventurous individual.




Sex is soooo much better with a level head! facelick


I am generally 420-tolerant (just keep it out of my face!), but my experience has been that people who smoke pot can't function as well as those who don't smoke. It's like the guy who drinks a lot at a party: you know he's gonna have a problem getting a boner.


In the case of a pot-smoker, the attention can't focus on the task at hand. There's simply too much of a short attention span. The attention wanders and zings around. And I find that problem is more obvious in males than in females.


So far psychiatric drugs go, there are way too many that have the side-effects that either diminish or damage sexual libido, aside from the instability of metabolism and hormonal levels. I will drop any new play partner or prospect whom I find are under the influence of psychiatric drugs. I am tolerant of pot smokers, but COMPLETELY intolerant of psychiatric drug users. I don't trust 'em.


Ain't this a fun topic? ::P:

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We try to avoid those that NEED drugs or alcohol to "get in the mood". There is one couple (that we know of) we are friends with where the husband uses herb to heighten his fun, but we have made it clear to them that if it is anywhere near us we will leave. They have respected that opinion and refrain from it's use when we meet.

If it is your thing, that is between you, your employer and law enforcement. All we ask is that you respect our feelings.

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Wow just found this thread today and I will say i have not actually read the entire thread. We have run into a couple of folks during our short period of time in the Lifestyle that were herb friendly and when we found out about it we just asked a simple favor. Please don't do it around us and please try not to be high if we are planning on getting together. We are big fans of those folks that also have to be sloppy drunk to even get naked either so I think it is a similar situation.


What folks want to do in their personal lives is their business not mine. I just don't want them to risk legal action around me. :D


On a different note, I have long been an advocate of legalizing not just pot, but hell go one step further and legalize it all. Sound drastic? Yup, but is having it illegal right now stopping anything? Tax the hell out of it and you could have a huge revenue stream for the most countries. If you legalized it, you would also have a much better chance of keeping the stuff clean and you would have a better chance of knowing what you are getting. Let's face it, folks are going to use the stuff one way or another. I have an issue with drugs personally and would never use them myself, but hell if the demand is there why not fill it and tax the shit out of it? It would also lower the crime rate related to drugs and free up some much needed jail space also.


I understand that there are many other issues that would need to be looked at, but I still think it could work.



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It's still illegal. And while it is, I think it is unappropriate to make others feel uncomfortable around it by using or being high while around them.


At the very least a person can say, "We are herb friendly, if you don't mind we'd like to use it." Who knows, you might find a toking buddy. Or I might be given the opportunity not to be put in an uncomfortable situation.


I see little difference between Marijuana and alcohol, with the exception of it being illegal while alcohol isn't. And that's enough to keep me from wanting to be around it. So please, if you use it, be considerate that it is still illegal, and that people might not want it in their presence.


Mr. Truelove


Edit: I'd like to add that some individuals may not be allowed to be around it due to the nature of their work.

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You know it is funny how many "Pot smokers", "420" folks or whatever they prefer to be called will say things like, "I would never bring it around others that weren't into it" yet every one that I know of in the swinging community that comes to the local clubs is constantly going out to their car and coming back in smelling like they walked through a burning field of the stuff. By the way, that mint you ate and that strong perfume you put on doesn't even come close to covering up the smell. Now, for the record I am in the camp that agrees that they should just legalize it and be done with it. I even agree that some legal substances like alcohol and such are often worse than pot is, but the fact is, it is illegal. And yes, we live in one of those states with "draconian" drug laws, where more than likely, if they arrested one person for it everybody else associated with them would get hauled in too. Worse yet, the club they are at would most assuredly lose their business license, even though they only used the illegal drug in their parking lot. So, I have no problem with people that use drugs, it really is none of my business, I just wish they would leave it at home when they come to the clubs. Because when they show up at the club smelling like pot it now becomes my business because they are putting me and the club owners at risk for legal hassles do to their illegal activity. We actually stopped going to one of the local clubs for a few weeks until the owners finally had enough complaints that they confronted the half dozen weed smokers that were doing it out in their cars and put a stop to it. And you can bet, if people will complain to the hosts about it, it is only a matter of time before someone reports it to the cops.

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You know it is funny how many "Pot smokers", "420" folks or whatever they prefer to be called will say things like, "I would never bring it around others that weren't into it" yet every one that I know of in the swinging community that comes to the local clubs is constantly going out to their car and coming back in smelling like they walked through a burning field of the stuff. By the way, that mint you ate and that strong perfume you put on doesn't even come close to covering up the smell. Now, for the record I am in the camp that agrees that they should just legalize it and be done with it. I even agree that some legal substances like alcohol and such are often worse than pot is, but the fact is, it is illegal. And yes, we live in one of those states with "draconian" drug laws, where more than likely, if they arrested one person for it everybody else associated with them would get hauled in too. Worse yet, the club they are at would most assuredly lose their business license, even though they only used the illegal drug in their parking lot. So, I have no problem with people that use drugs, it really is none of my business, I just wish they would leave it at home when they come to the clubs. Because when they show up at the club smelling like pot it now becomes my business because they are putting me and the club owners at risk for legal hassles do to their illegal activity. We actually stopped going to one of the local clubs for a few weeks until the owners finally had enough complaints that they confronted the half dozen weed smokers that were doing it out in their cars and put a stop to it. And you can bet, if people will complain to the hosts about it, it is only a matter of time before someone reports it to the cops.



While I understand your issue due to your past experience, please do not assume you know us. You don't. And don't assume that everyone who does something are all the same. I am attempting to not get ugly and defensive here, but as previously stated in my posts, I do respect the rights of others, and the decisions I make, I am free to do because I don't involve others in it.


SInce you have never met me or my wife, and know nothing about our lives, lifestyle, etc., I will assume that you made this statement out of frustration for your past experience.


I am here on this board to share ideas and thoughts with others who think like me, but also to candidly discuss differences. I do not know you, and make no judgements, but would appreciate in the future that while you openly express your opinion (which I value), you not make character judgements about people you do not know.

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In some places I am sure there is a law that forbids horses from sitting on the front seat of a bus at noon on Tuesdays, but to compare that to a law that is pretty much uniform across the 50 states is pretty absurd.


Depending on the sexual activity you may or may not be doing something illegal. However, if you are in possession of Marijuana you are committing a misdemeanor in most if not all the states. With that said, it's up to the police officers on the scene, the prosecuting attorney, the judge, and the lawyers to decide who was actually in possession of it. And that's a tad further than I am willing to take it the matter.


I think this is pretty simple, those that don't want to do it shouldn't. Those that do wish to should. And when they do they should respect other people's right not to be around the stuff. And one thing that "herb whatever" people need to understand that when you possess any illegal drug around someone else, you are risking their establishment, their property, and themselves to unknown scrutiny. And that is simply unfair. Keep it to yourselves. If you don't like laws there are political avenues to take. (There goes that "P" word again)


Mr. Truelove

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While I understand your issue due to your past experience, please do not assume you know us. You don't. And don't assume that everyone who does something are all the same. I am attempting to not get ugly and defensive here, but as previously stated in my posts, I do respect the rights of others, and the decisions I make, I am free to do because I don't involve others in it.


SInce you have never met me or my wife, and know nothing about our lives, lifestyle, etc., I will assume that you made this statement out of frustration for your past experience.


I am here on this board to share ideas and thoughts with others who think like me, but also to candidly discuss differences. I do not know you, and make no judgements, but would appreciate in the future that while you openly express your opinion (which I value), you not make character judgements about people you do not know.

You are absolutely correct, and no I was not referring to you because as you said I don't know you personally. I only related my experiences regarding the issue with people that I know who obviously from their smell smoke pot when they are around me. I am sure I have met others who also smoke pot that do as you do, and quite frankly I could care less about what they do as long as they keep it to themselves. As far as making character judgments about people I don't know goes, that is something you read into what I said that I certainly did not intend. I thought I stated clearly who I was referring to but admit maybe I could have worded it better. In fact what Spoomonkey said right after I posted was pretty much the same thing I was trying to say, he just said it better.

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You are absolutely correct, and no I was not referring to you because as you said I don't know you personally. I only related my experiences regarding the issue with people that I know who obviously from their smell smoke pot when they are around me. I am sure I have met others who also smoke pot that do as you do, and quite frankly I could care less about what they do as long as they keep it to themselves. As far as making character judgments about people I don't know goes, that is something you read into what I said that I certainly did not intend. I thought I stated clearly who I was referring to but admit maybe I could have worded it better. In fact what Spoomonkey said right after I posted was pretty much the same thing I was trying to say, he just said it better.


You have my apologies. And I certainly didn't mean to get defensive. I respect your point of view.

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I would never, never, ever, ever smoke outside of my OWN home. First, there is far too much risk in taking it somewhere. I don't have the nerve for that. Second, I'm not about to pack it up, get somewhere, only to find out the people there hate weed or there's not a "safe" place for me. And lastly, it's on my list of "Ash's Dirty Little Secrets". It's not something I advertise, and aside from a handful of people - NO ONE knows it's something I will occassionally partake in. I can count on both hands the number of times I've smoked in the past 2 years anyway. It lost a lot of its fun after I got out of college. It's something I reserve for special occassions (like when I'm chilling on vacation - which I never get to take) or when I have a mind-numblingly painful migraine.

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This thread will never go away and if it does a new one will start and it will be just as controversial. I am amazed at how some view smokers...from swingers of all people. We are talking about pot right? Not crack or meth?


Unless you have it on your possession you are not at risk of anything. In your home or business yes. You could be charged with allowing drug abuse but not likely unless it was done in the open and ignored by the owner. In any business the person in possession would charged, not the business owner. This happens in bars and workplaces everyday.


One more thing. I would bet my house that if you asked your average American who they view more favorably, swingers or a couple who smokes pot once in a while, they would say the smokers. What would you rather tell your mother or kids for that matter? That you smoke pot, or are a swinger who goes to clubs and fucks strangers? Of course I'm not bashing swingers but just trying to make a point. Swingers get pissed and defensive when the lifestyle is bashed by ignorant people. The same could be said about us criminals who smoke pot.


Guess that makes me a pervert and a criminal and I don't like being called either.

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If it were legal then I would have less of an issue with it. But as long as it's legal I don't like people around me doing criminal acts like that. It's a misdemeanor plain and simple in my state and most others.


If you are in a vehicle with them, then the driver could be considered in possession as well.


Basically at that point, it's whoever the officer decides to arrest for it. (right or wrong) And then it is up to the courts, prosecutor, and your lawyers to decide otherwise.


The answer to this is pretty simple. You are doing an illegal act, just keep your illegal act away from others. Just as you would any other illegal act.


Mr. Truelove

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OK, lets be hypothetical for a moment. What if we were all in Amsterdam? What are your thoughts then?


We've been to Amsterdam several times. While one is allowed to smoke in the coffee shops and to carry a certain amount and smoke in one's home, it certainly isn't a place where you can just toke up anywhere. Personally, I've never seen a lot of people smoking outside of the coffee shops, just a person here or there occasionally. People are not in your face about their usage.


So, after the 4 or 5 trips to A'dam, I feel pretty confident in saying that it's not something you would do at the club unless there was specific permission to do so, and you would not even consider lighting up in someone else's house unless invited to do so. It's kept to your home or the shops, or perhaps the park.


The Netherlands IS quite tolerant - but that tolerance goes both ways - not everyone in the The Netherlands uses pot, after all. There are some anti-pot people in The Netherlands too and those who don't mind what you do in private, but they do not want you bringing it to their home, parties or swing events, and those who wish they could light up with impunity.


I've found usage in Amsterdam is no different than what people are saying here - it's a matter of respect. You keep your smoking to where it's accepted/condoned/legal, and keep it out of places where it isn't welcome/accepted/condoned/legal.


ETA: There's a reason we go to A'dam at the start of some of our Europe trips: it's legal/condoned in certain conditions there, it isn't at home, and until it is, we'll just keep starting our trips in A'dam.

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Wow, I've been away for a while . . .


I have used herb/420 when in college but that was over 25 years ago. Don't think Mrs Twotocum4u2 has ever had an experience with it. Don't think we'd be willing to do it now ourselves but if the couple we're with or people at a party want to try we've go no problems with it.

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Illegal is still illegal and jail time will follow. Until they make it legal I will have to past on riding that train to Hooter-Ville. Remember in history when alcohol was illegal and now it’s a regulated item and widely accepted at parties and social gatherings. It would not surprise me to see marijuana one day become a regulated item and become accepted at parties and social gatherings much like alcohol is now. Until then it’s still illegal and YES a deal breaker.

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For now it boils down to my freedom or jail. I'll stay with my freedom and find another high.


And there is guilty by association. Someone in your car, drops it in your car, puts it on you and all this for whatever reasons.


Plus my job can do random tests. I like my good paying job.

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Major turn off. Our careers rest on being able to pass drug tests, and we don't mess around with it, or allow it in our home.

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Don't smoke it, don't like it, don't associate with people that use it.. as we don't associate with people that abuse alcohol (key word being abuse). Some will argue that it is no worse than alcohol, however as some of you have pointed out one major difference is that it is illegal. Only thing in defense of it I can say is I never heard of anyone robbing a convenience store and shooting someone dead for no reason so they could cop some weed!

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Hard stop for us, especially Mrs. Shy. We once met a couple for drinks. Things went well. We met them back at their hotel. He had already smoked up when we got there and was getting ready to start a second bowl. This had not come up either online or in conversation. We left her naked in a hot tub and him literally dazed and confused at what had happened.


Recreational use has been legalized in CA and seeing more and more. Not our thing but would like a disclosure, same as cigarettes, because both are no go for us.

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How do we feel about marijuana and swinging?


We don't do any drugs, even if legal.

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We don't do marijuana because K is randomly drug tested because of her job, I am recently retired and would if K was retired also. Since we vacation in Jamaica, we have swapped with couples who partake and it doesn't bother us, it's common to see openly. I love to see American retirees in Jamaica smoking and getting so fucked up that they need help walking when they leave the beach. The beautiful British women can smoke that weed as fast as their man can roll it. Lol

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We are both very 420 friendly and smoke it daily!  If that bothers other people we could care less.  It is legal in Canada just like booze. We don’t get uptight about other people drinking even though we are not super into it so if people want to get uptight about 420 we have zero time for them.

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Our swinging started with Linda meeting someone at a dispensary who invited her back to his house. When she refused saying she is married he said call your husband, me, and we can join him and his wife. It’s not like we weren’t sexually wild before our marriage, we had given up all the wildness once we married until we realized we became our parents. 

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I've gone from hiding pot in the spare tire of my 67 Mustang to seeing it totally legal here in CA.


We do not care if people partake as long as they remain kind, engaged and friendly during our time together. I am wary of using any drugs that might impair my performance, but there have been times when enjoying a good high and just hanging out with others is welcome and fun.



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15 hours ago, lovefest04 said:

I've gone from hiding pot in the spare tire of my 67 Mustang to seeing it totally legal here in CA.

And yet, on the other hand, abortion is now illegal in many states.  What a strange world we live in.



Edited by couplers
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2 hours ago, couplers said:

And yet, on the other hand, abortion is now illegal in many states.  What a strange world we live in.



The US is rapidly slipping into oblivion. Legislating moral values NEVER works and usually harms one or more segments of society. The attack on women we are seeing now is depressing and immoral, not to mention an affront to the constitution and equal rights. COVID has made it worse, in that people think they have a right to tell others how to behave. Politicians and organizations pitting one person against another is a powerful tool and we humans have fallen for it hook line and sinker.

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On 3/27/2023 at 12:01 PM, enhancer said:

We are both very 420 friendly and smoke it daily!  If that bothers other people we could care less.  It is legal in Canada just like booze. We don’t get uptight about other people drinking even though we are not super into it so if people want to get uptight about 420 we have zero time for them.

I know for most people, weed helps them relax. We haven't smoked in years, at this stage of life (60's) it would be great to smoke and relax but my concern would be does it affect (male) performance?

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50 minutes ago, marla&brian said:

I know for most people, weed helps them relax. We haven't smoked in years, at this stage of life (60's) it would be great to smoke and relax but my concern would be does it affect (male) performance?

It has absolutely zero negative effects on male performance!  At 52 I never have any issues with ED at all.  I get hard and stay hard for a long time.  We both feels it enhances sex for both of us.  Also the best sex we have had with others is with people that also partake.

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I'll have to research this , but curious if you use marijuana and Viagra at the same time if it hurts or helps.....lol


Maybe I should just try it and find out for myself. lol

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