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Stepping out of Isolation

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3 hours ago, adamgunn said:

Okay, guys, I'm getting really bored with this conversation. I'm not putting anyone down, just sayin . . .


In this overly politicized atmosphere, some people are going to try to research every piece of scientific data out there, realizing that the science on this issue is constantly migrating as the scientists get more and more data and try to make sense of it.


Other people, perhaps looking at the confusion in the scientific community, or just being people who don't trust science, are going to ballyhoo it. 


The former are going to be cautious, the latter are not going to wear face masks and gather in groups.


This is the way it is right now, it's the way it's going to be for awhile.


I get my data from various sites that I trust. I don't need a constant ongoing argument about it on a site that's meant to be about swinging. I'm bored with the conversation.

Sorry it no longer holds your interest there are 125,000+ Americans and more than a half a million people world wide that aren't interested either....death tends to do that to you.  And the people they left behind, I am betting they wish more people were not bored with it either. ???


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Idaho, please read my post CAREFULLY.


I didn't say Covid was boring me, I said this thread is boring me.

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1 minute ago, adamgunn said:

Idaho, please read my post CAREFULLY.


I didn't say Covid was boring me, I said this thread is boring me.

The thread is about covid. You either don't like the prose people are using or you find the subject matter boring.  I apologise I should have said I'm sorry that you find the subject of people getting sick or dying boring. Or people concerned about not spreading it. 

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I know that COVID has been consuming much of the oxygen in the room here, just like it has everywhere else and with all other aspects of life, and that's understandable for something that is a defining event for a generation.  It's not straight up politics, and it's not religion, two subjects that have been banned here for many many years after repeated demonstrations of why doing so was necessary, so the discussions have been allowed to take their course.  Having said that though, I think everyone keeping in mind the two top rules of  discussion boards, 1) if you don't want to read what someone has to say then don't read it, and 2) we can agree to disagree without it becoming personal, need to be applied to COVID as much or more as they do to any other subject.

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Cpl, I appreciate your post, I will pertain to this immediately after I finish this post. 


Idaho, you are mistaking what I've said. You wrote, " I apologise I should have said I'm sorry that you find the subject of people getting sick or dying boring." Again, I didn't say that. In fact, as a person in his late sixties who has diabetes, as a person who has a good friend who's quite sick with Alzheimers who is going to have to be put in a nursing home, I'm extremely concerned with Covid, the rising cases in the United States, and all of the concerns.


What I found boring about this particular thread is that the posters just keep going round and round.

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11 hours ago, adamgunn said:

Idaho, please read my post CAREFULLY.


I didn't say Covid was boring me, I said this thread is boring me.


49 minutes ago, adamgunn said:

What I found boring about this particular thread is that the posters just keep going round and round.


What I find boring is people who are no longer interested in a forum topic still post on it.  You bored? Find another topic to post on, not every post is interesting, I just pass over it. You didn’t seem to bored enough to not read and comment. Seems you just might be bored. 

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Concerning the question of this thread becoming "boring", I find that reaction to be remarkable.


COVID-19, or more precisely, how the world at large is reacting to it, is literally reshaping how human beings interact with each other, perhaps indefinitely. That our lifestyle is directly in its crosshairs should require no further explanation. I cannot imagine a more germane topic.


That being said, I recognize the subject matter has taken a more dry and scholarly turn that may not hold someone's attention quite like other topics of a more prurient nature. With that in mind, should I feel the need to continue to discuss this topic in areas that delve more "in the scientific weeds", I will do so via private communication with interested parties.


Lastly, I believe most of the people whom have contributed to this thread have done their best to keep politics out of it. Not an easy thing to do when the normally bright yellow line that separates politics and science has been faded and blurred to the point of being nearly indistinguishable.


Wishing everyone a happy and safe weekend.




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