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My Libido disappeared, what now?

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Not to worry. Its the 'change' more than likely. Just ask hubby to chill a little while and you both will be fine. My wife's been going through it for nearly 12 years now. Her pill of choice is Zoloft. Makes her a little "ballsy" but then I like her like that. :D Ask your doctor if he/she can perscribe it with Wellbutrin as this may help your libido. :D C'mon now....SMILE! :D




Thanks for the info. I have a lady friend on Zoloft for Bi-Polor, Depression Disorder.

We will check my hormones next month prior to my SUPPOSE TO BE cycle....but it's unlikely I will be able to take any hormone replacements due to a TIA (minor stroke) I had after a fouled up C section :(


But alot of my symptoms have been present for years, like 6 years and I am only 35, the labido fluctuation, headaches, kidney pain, back pain, body aches.

So I sure hope they figure out whatever is goin' on soon, would really like to enjoy my time better :)


xoxoxo C

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Hey KittKatt,


Me thinks you are under a lot of stress. I have read most of this thread and there's a lot of frustration at how no one is "feeling" the other. It could just be depression. His saying that he can't live without swinging is wierd though, if you really do love each other. Remember that swinging can't fix problems, it just makes them worse. You have the feeling that you don't want sex. You mentioned a bunch of stuff that relates to your own self esteem. That can be a damaging blow to libido.


I know you didn't wish to share all your dirty laundry with us, and I'm sure hubby was surprised at some of what you posted, but you were just looking for ideas and then the rest came out. Your hub has been a pretty good sport about everything and so have you.


I think everything will work out if your man will let it, and I think he sounds better. Not hearing him say he will get something somewhere else lately, are you? :kissface:


Male D

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Hello DBL D,


First off, sorry if he sounded angry, he didnt say he Couldn't live without swinging, but that he Could.


Yes that letter was very bitter to my eyes and heart, and we have come along a bit since then, he hasn't mentioned "finding another woman" again, nor has he belittled me for not wanting sex.

His main problem proffessed to be, that he didn't feel I still wanted him sexually, or physically. We have talked about that and cleared those thoughts away :)


My health is going to be a long road fixin I'm afraid :(

But we plan to stand by each other along the way.....bumps and all :kissface:


thanks for the input

xoxoxo C

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Sorry I missed that. I read too fast. Cancel one red flag, please.


KittKatt, I'm sure you'll be fine. Just hope your health is A-okay!


Male D

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Having been with Bree for over 20 years have seen us go thru something similar, and going thru a light case of it now. It is normal with all the stress and ups and downs in our everyday life for those things to happen. Saw a sexpert (expert) say once that a man shows his love in many ways but the most basic is sex with his wife. I think i can understand that because I have felt unwanted until i remember its not me she doesn't want its just having sex she's not interested in. See your doctor first to find out if it's not something physically wrong or medically wrong with you then work on your communication with him and tell him that you still love him and want him, but adding more stress about it won't work. The idea is to reduce the stress and expectations of how we think things should be, then things will start to improve. We men aren't all stupid just dumb most of the time and we often go about trying to fix things in the wrong way, our hearts in the right place. Sex is important in a relationship, don't think that just because we seem to put to much emphasis on it, that it's not a man's way of being his most loving and trying to fix things between you two. (AT least in our minds) We just don't tell you or show you often enough that its not the most important thing between us.

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Hi ChrisnBree ,


WOW, thanks.....it's soooo nice to hear a man talk so honestly :kissface:

Still goin' to doc appt's, had one today......the road is startin to look very long and scary :(


At this rate , I might feel sexual again in a YEAR!!! ::P: LOL just kidding

All these tests they are runnin isn't going to go very quickly *#@*&%#@!+


xoxoxo C

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hey everyone new update here.might have found out our problems on the labido or where it went. well guess i better let katt tell you. anyway i hope it works cause if not im going to doc to see if he can give me a pill that will take the horny out cause doing without (2months now) is killing me.

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Hi everybody,



This is the Mrs. here, thought I should update our situation.


First off, not everything is better health wise, so still seeing specialists to find out more, but.......labido is back at least ::P:


I spoke with my pharmasist about pain releif I could get other than codeine, when I mentioned to him that I ached all over my body from head to toe, he said " that sounds like a magnesium depletion"


Desperate for any releif at all, I got some Chelated Magnesium he suggested and began taking 2 to 4 tabs a day, my doc called in flexeril since the synthetic lortab never helped the pain at all.


Well, bingo......it's been a week now and for the most part the pain is gone, the sex drive is back, less headaches, less fatigue , vaginal odor gone, vaginal burning gone (and all tests for yeast or infec. were normal as well as std) and less mood swings . And I don't take the Flexiril daily.


Now granted I did eventually have a cycle too, so maybe it was hormones, should get those results in soon, but was very shocked to see all the symptoms on MG deff. when I looked it up online :eek:


I'll let ya' know if they find out anything else, and no my doc hasn't actually checked the Mg level yet.....her nurse said sure try it, so I did. I will have them check that asap, but in the meantime.....it's SOOOOOOO nice to want sex again facelick


xoxoxo C

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That's GREAT to hear Kittkatt, we're soooo happy for you. Now what are you reading this for,,,,go git ya some lol, thr rmrx1's

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Woo-Hoo!!! :D I can hear you all the way over here on the left side!


Male D

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I am so glad that you brought this topic up... I have never felt like this before too. I dont feel horny anymore. I can not even cum when my hubby and I do it....

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Sounds like it's time for a vacation....somewhere totally new! Cum our way. :kissface:


Really, I hope it's only temporary. Fem D and I have gone withuot for a week lately and we don't seem to mind. I lost count of the O's she had this last weekend though. facelick She said it was the lay-off (get it?) ::P:


And BTW KittKatt, Hope you all are doing well again too. :D



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update again.....


Hi everybody, the Mrs here,


Well we got some word from my doc finally, seems that on my hormones, I am VERY low on progesterone ( wich can cause "low labido") my levels was 18, doc said it should be between 100 and 600....so now taking progesterone twice a day ( and can feeeeeeel a big differance in labido :) ) already hmmmm


As for the other pain, or at least part of it....doc said x-ray shows degenerative disks in my spine and neck and wants to do a MRI next :sad:


But all in all we are still grateful that the labido is back, and all the symptoms sure seems to be pointing to Fibromyalgia......at least it's all a exact match on internet.


Hope this helps someone out there that may be suffering from low labido, and thanks to al yall' for your help :kissface:


xoxoxo C

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Hi Kittkatt, good to here things are progressing and labido is still back.


I have several severly degenerative disks , lower back myself. Went through mri's,and chiro's and the like. We recently, like 8 weeks ago, got very serious about dieting , eating right and working out. The results so far have been so great for us we can't hardly wait for the nights we go to the gym. (and I used to hate going to work out) But one of the great things has been that with the stretching, and working out,,,much of the symptoms from my back are easing.


good luck and thanks for keeping us updated, the rmrx2's

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