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A Picture's Worth....

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I have to say I'm really glad that we actually do look just like our pictures. This last week we were contacted on SLS by a couple wanting to meet us at Menages on Friday. They had sent us their picture on yahoo and honestly it was a bit grainy so it was hard to get a good read on how they looked. We had been really busy and while we'd looked at their picture we just really hadn't gotten back to them with a response. They knew we'd be there, we knew they'd be there... so it was just left at that.


Then Friday night we were at the club having an absolutel BLAST. I was dancing my ass off (I feel like I worked out), I had Dean play "Low" for me twice, I'm loving that song, had some fun folks there from our local group to hang and dance with. Just overall had a great time. At some point during the night I see Pet talking to a guy and I go over to them and he introduces himself to me by their username. Then we go and talk to his wife. They were HOTTIES, so much so that their pictures did not remotely do them justice.


We ended up closing the club down. What a blast. But, had we not looked like our pictures we never would have met them, because we never would have picked them out in the crowd from their picture.

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I'm so glad it ended up being a good thing. Most of the time we have found that those grainy photos or even some of the ones that are clear are incorrect representations of the actual couple. We had a couple that we just thought the female of the couple was gorgeous but the guy not so much the wifes type so we did the sorry we don't feel we would be compatible email....weeks later we saw them at the club...we can only assume the pictures on their profile were taken before they hit up the buffet 5 years ago. (yep totally a misrepresentation of what they both look like today). Hubby really takes good care of his body he works out all the time I the wife try but never to the extent he is able to (most likely b/c I love french fries)....he doesn't mind curves but its hard for me to be with anyone who is too far off from what I've already got! He has spoiled me what can I say lol.

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That's exactly why we like to meet people at the club in the first place. At least there if they turn out to not be what we want, we still have other options.

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I have no idea... let's see if Google knows....It appears that it is Flo Rida ft T Pain


And while searching I discovered that "Apple Bottom Jeans' is actually a brand of jeans, I thought he was just talking about the way her ass looked in them.

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