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Tired of being "fluffy"

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I've never posted a blog before so I figured this would be a good place to start.


My wife and I have both been heavy most of our lives. Her as long back as she can remember and I since my preteen years. We've tried about every gimmick and fad out there to loose weight both before and after we got married. We had finally given up and said the hell with it, there is nothing we can do about it. :surrend: There was never the time to do anything, or the money for gym memberships or eating right. Well that all changed in December of last year when I hit an all time high weight. I've been 300+ since 2001, but when I went to the Dr on the 28th for a sinus infection I got the shock of my life. I stepped on the scale and it read 410lbs. :sad: I decided that I had to do something. Starting a week later after I'd got over being sick I started making my self work out. We have a Treadmill and Elliptical at my part time job, and I started going there every day off from my regular job and using both. To begin with I could barley do 5min on each machine, but I made myself work at it and add 1 min each each day.


After about 3 weeks of this I had lost a little weight and was feeling better, my wife was seeing a difference in me and was beginning to get motivated. We went together and checked out a new gym in town and after taking the tour and meeting the trainers we decided to join. We are now going to the gym together 3-4 days a week. We have changed our eating habits. No more fad diets or gimmicks, just simply watching what we eat and eating 6 small meals instead of 2 huge ones a a day. This is an actual lifestyle change that we can stick with and make permnate.


I now have to say I am incredibly proud of my wife. She has worked her ass off Literally. Every day I see her I get more and more proud. She has gone from barely walking a mile in 30 min to doing just shy of a 20min mile now. She has lost 16lbs and 4% body fat in 3 1/2 weeks. I can't believe how proud I am of her :D


I have had great changes as well. I now regularly do 1.5 mile in 30 min on treadmill or 2 miles on elliptical 4-5 days a week. On Friday I even did a 5k on the treadmill in 1hr5min. I have gone from 410 on Dec 28th to 390 as of this morning. Three weeks ago I was at 49% body fat and I'm now at 44%.


We both know this is not going to be quick. It's going to take time, but by this time next year we'll no longer be Fluffy. :lol:


Sorry if this is long winded.

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Thanks for the support. I'm gonna try and keep this updated every few weeks or so. Maybe I can use the status reports here as additional motivation.

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I'm sure you must watch "The Biggest Looser"....it's truly amazing what people can accomplish when they are really motivated. I need to loose some weight but thought I couldn't......until the other week when my wife was gone for the weekend and I was too lazy to cook for myself. I ate only one meal a day and was amazed how fast I lost weight. If you are having sucess with your routine, keep it up !! Genie

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I know where you are coming from, and where you are going. I was at 335 and a couple of weeks ago I weighed in at the Doc’s at 207. You are right, it is a lifestyle change. Changing the way that you eat and exercise. One thing that I want to caution both of you about is to not obsess with your weight or percent body fat because that goes up and down. One of the biggest problems with “diets” is that you set goals and if for any reason you don’t meet that goal you can start feeling that you have failed which makes it easy to quit what you are doing, which you already know.


In my case, I threw my scale in the trash. I focused on changes in my life exclusively. I focused on what I could control and that was my lifestyle. One day I was dressing for work and my belt was too loose. I went down to the tool bench and poked a new hole in it. Ooops, it was loose again. Another hole. Lee told me, “Steve, you need a new belt!” Naaa… I just keep poking new holes. Which reminds me, I need to poke a new hole.


It took a couple of years. It didn’t happen overnight. My goal was not to lose weight, it was to change my lifestyle, which is a much easier thing to manage. I eat anything I want, I just do it in small portions. I don’t eat after 6:00PM. Oh, maybe some sugar free ice cream as a snack.


Good luck to the both of you, but remember, it is a lifestyle change, not a diet, and you will get their eventually. And GoodWill will love you for all the clothes you donate.



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Way to go!!!!!!! That's fabulous! Just keep in mind, when the numbers don't really drop quickly, that each percent of body fat lost will lower you risk factors for all kinds of illness and disease. Please keep us posted, we would definitly like to follow your progress and support is always helpful. J is a type 2 diabetic, and could possibly reverse his diabetes if he were to do it.

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