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14 days of Valentine’s!

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Within the last 15 years that Mrs. CXXC and I have been together, I have come to the realization, it’s the little things that matter most! Case and point:


I started something a few years ago that has become a tradition in our household. I call it the “14 days of Valentine’s”. Sure, everyone celebrates the 14th of February! That’s easy. Valentine’s day is a Hallmark holiday! It is forced down our throats and men throughout the USA have been made to endure it. We shell out ridiculous sums of money for flowers or candies to profess our love to those who know we have and do love them more than any other in the world! Like the animal kingdom, we are made to dance in ritualistic fashion to “prove” our love! We spend un-Godly amounts of money on lingerie, jewelry, perfume or weekend get-a-ways each year to sate the desire for proof!


I learned long ago, how to avoid this debacle! I celebrate every day from the 1st through the 14th! Certainly, I do not wish to diminish the fact that I love Mrs. CXXC one iota! If anything, I want to make certain that she knows that I love her more than anyone else in the world could or ever will! I ensure that she knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she is that one person, that special being, the perfect match for me through all possible means available. In short, I take each day and make it a mini-Valentine’s day!


The activities or gifts I bestow upon Mrs. CXXC are not as grand as one would think! In fact, they are quite simple. One day, I may simply give her a card proclaiming my love for the last 15 year together. Another day may have nothing more than an E-mail with a picture (Gathered from the web of something reminding me of our union over the years) and a small note professing my love! Other days, she may be awarded a Mix CD with specially selected songs. Between each song, I will have placed my voice reading selected love poems. Stuffed animals reminiscent of our lives together from Walgreen, candy dispensers that speak the language of love, cards that are directly related to “US” or a simple note placed in her lunch box will suffice! Trust me! The Dollar store is perfect for these daily gift. A dozen balloons in the shape of a heart, silly little pens, pencil, socks (to be worn and displayed proudly by her), snow globes, crystal cubes with hearts engraved within, Lolli-pops in the shape of hearts, sweet-tarts…… The list goes on and on………..


Each day is marked with something special that hallmarks the last 15 years together. I spare no expense in time or effort in showing my love for her. By day 14, Mrs. CXXC knows full well that she is the object of both my desire and heart! She is my one true Valentine! Some of the simplest things are readily available to demonstrate ones love and devotion! All one needs do is put a little thought and effort into the idea.


Every year, Mrs. CXXC shares my activities with her co-workers, friend and associates. Each year, she hears the same laments and complaints. These women have not received anything like this in their entire lives. Mrs. CXXC does not brag about her gifts. She never flaunts her attentions in front of others. She simply receives her gifts as any other woman would do. Once asked, she then tells the enquirer of the 14 days of Valentine’s! Unfortunately, it is at this time that I become less than favorable among the men in our social circle!


Every year, I make it a point to highlight those things that make Mrs., CXXC happiest! It is rather easy to do. I simply watch her throughout the year and make note of those little things that make her smile, light up or excite her! Some things NEVER change! Her love for Beagles for instance enables me to find so many items with Snoopy on them! Had her love for the Springer Spaniel been at the top of the list, well, I have the internet, Google Images and a printer. Anyone can make a card!


Guys, when was the last time you 100% detailed her car? What was the last dinner you made for your wife? Can you remember the last time you put the kids down for the night without “MOMMY” being part of the activity? What do you think she would do with all that free time? Perhaps a nice hot bath would fill that void? Instead of trying to have a night of wild abandon, how about some nice relaxing music, a back/neck rub and nothing expected in return?


One of my favorite days within the 14 was a few years ago. I called her boss. I informed her that I was going to engage Mrs. CXXC in a FULL DAY of spoils. I told her of each and every activity I had planned out! Breakfast with a dear and close friend, early afternoon Spa treatment including, facial, manicure, pedicure, massage, Hair cut/style and Lunch with another dear friend. A shopping trip with her friend and the last part would be her meeting me for dinner at her favorite Sushi place. From there, the evening was opened to anyone! Her boss gave her the day off “WITH PAY” and asked if she could accompany her! Well, Needless to say, her boss was not on the list of close friends, but she did have the day off!


The smallest things make a world of difference! Having a steady supply of her favorite chewing gum is ALWAYS a hit around here! Stock up her favorite libation (with us, it is a selected Pinot Noir) or make sure that her favorite munchies are on hand! Fill her day with smells of her favorite flowers or spices. Record her favorite shows for a later viewing! Watch them with her!!! Take her to a park just to sit and people watch! Write her a love poem! Sing her a song! Even if you are tone deaf sing something! Just by stepping out on that limb, you will demonstrate your love and devotion!


No matter what you do, remember, nothing says “I LOVE YOU!” more than holding that beautiful woman in your arms tightly and whispering into her hear, “ I love you!” .


Remember, each year, from February 1st through the 14th, there is reason to show your love, commitment and adoration! For two full weeks, you can put to shame, every man in your office or workplace. All you have to do is celebrate your love each and every day! The best part is, there are more than 14 days of Valentine’s!

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Guest warrencouple


Initially, when I first read this, I was going to make some heckling comment about it being so sweet I was getting a sugar rush...


Then I realized I wish I'd thought to do something like this for my wife!


So, you're instead going to get another guy giving you the "that's so sweet" comment (and meaning it!)


That's so sweet!


We've more-or-less quit with treating Valentines as a day for her, and made it a day for us. Nothing fancy, maybe we get each other a small gift, she tends to get me cards (I tend to forget the card for her) and lunch or dinner together. This year, we're doing something a bit different. Starting Friday night, we're turning the ringers off on our cell phones, and spending the weekend as just us. Going for a couples massage Saturday, probably lunch on Sunday, and the rest of the weekend just lazing around with each other.


CXXC, may the next 15 years of your marriage be as happy and joy filled as the first 15!



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That's so sweet !


I would say I'm jealous of Mrs. CXXC, but I'm not, since I happen to be married to a man that equals your thoughtfulness and romanticism.


Although V-Day is not a day we make a big deal over...a card/candy, the occasional flowers or some other small token, it was a delight and very touching to read about the love you have for Mrs. CXXC and has inspired me make a post of my own.


May the love you two share shine for all eternity.



Edited by TNT

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We're pretty much a backlash couple when it comes to Valentine's Day. We just look at each other and say "ew", not about each other, but about the manufactured holiday that so many misplace their expectations on.


That being said...


That IS very sweet. Rock on.

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I have come to the conclusion that life is better lived when one is happy! The best way I know how to be happy is by making Mrs. CXXC's life happy! little things like this celebration are nothing compared to outcome! :D


Thank you for your comments. I do enjoy hearing from you!

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We just joined the board this year so missed your post in 2010 but may I say BRAVO!!! You sir, are a Maestro! My Husband and I will be sure to toast you and your wife the full 14 days of Valentine's :kissface:

P of PnJ Day

Edited by PnJDay

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P of PnJ Day


Thank you for your kind words! I must admit, I garner as much fun from all the little things I do as she does having them done for her!


I may just sit down, soon, and write another blog with the details of this years 14 day celebration!


Thank you once again!!



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