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Date Nights

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I love the opportunity to get each of my men to myself. :facelick: That can be difficult at times.


I had a busy week and I'll only list the stuff directly related to our quad. Children, work and everyday stuff were there but not of importance to this post.


Gator had Wednesday and Thursday nights off. Thursday was booked a month ago. The second of the poly meet and greets we attended. This one was just as fun as the first if not more so due to we weren't just meeting everyone this time. And Kitten seemed to have a fabulous time. I don't know the last time I've seen her like that in a crowd. There's just something about not having to hide any aspect of your life. These people know that not only are we poly but that we met swinging. Some of them are swingers as well. Several alternative lifestyles are represented within this poly group. Things are very relaxed and fun. I'm very happy that Kitten has had such a good time both times we've been at the meetings. We have plans to meet a few of them for drinks after work in a couple of weeks. To a place we are the ones to recommend.


Since Thursday night was booked, I asked Gator for a date on Wednesday. A surprise for him. Shit, it had been a while since we have gotten to do that and once it dawned on me that I couldn't remember having sex with him for at least a week, I decided it was high time he and I did some reconnecting. The date was a huge success. We talked, flirted, and tried a new restaurant out. We let the stress of the things happening in our everyday life go for the evening. Time wasn't an issue and it was one of those nights were it didn't drag or seem to fly by. Where things just went perfectly. And so did the sex later that night. We both realized how long overdue an evening like that was for the two of us. We don't often go so long between time we set aside for each other.


As luck would have it, I had a date with Tech on Friday night. We haven't had a date in so long I'm pressed to remember what we did for the last one. I think it may have been for my birthday in May. Now that is just too long. He had a movie he had been wanting to catch and I had a place for a light dinner I had been wanting to revisit. We spent the evening strolling around the mall while we waited for the movie to start...holding hands and window shopping. And he took me to a favorite place...the bookstore. A favorite...I walk in a bookstore and take a huge sniff. The smell of books I love. Got back to the theater in time for the movie and then went to this little place we've been to before. I've been there with all of the others in some configuration or another. But I have never seen it as busy as it was this night. It seems to have come into its own recently and still has the small place atmosphere. I like it that it hasn't lost that in it's new popularity. An evening like that with Tech was too long in happening. I will have to try and make sure it isn't months before we can do that again. For a while we were able to go out at least once a month. I will have to work on making sure that happens again.


I had a lovely week with those in my quad. A nice evening the four of us could share and two excellent date nights with my men. I have to say I was only lucky woman this week!!!!

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Guest warrencouple


Very happy for you that you had wonderful nights out with your men, and also that things sound like they're getting better with Kitten!


If you love the smell of books, if you ever get up this way, you really should stop in at John K King Used and Rare Books Built in a former glove factory, imagine 4 stories of used, classic, and rare books.


Truly a wonderful place for a book nut...



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Date nights are the best.

Mrs. CXXC and I had one last night. The funny thing is, all we did was sit in or around the hot tub all night, chatting, hugging, holding and kissing. The evening ended with me tucking her in with a loving kiss upon the forehead. Sometimes, that is all that is needed.

Glad to hear that you have had yours! We hope you have MANY more and More frequent date nights!

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I agree, date nights do not have to be a big planned out event. I mainly just want to spend dedicated time on one. Leaving everyday life at the door for a while. It's connecting that's important.

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