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Bye By Boy Toy!

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In my time on this planet, I have noticed a few things. A while ago, I

decided to compile a list of the things I have observed and found

interesting, and to a point humorous, to me. If you will indulge me,

let me share a small portion of my list with you.


I have noticed that virtually every woman I have ever met possesses

these same desires. Certainly, there exceptions to the rules and age

plays a factor in many items on this list. However, by and large, I

have discovered that nearly every woman I have met wants what is on this



To be X number of pounds lighter in spite of the fact that their S/O and

many around them find them perfect the way they are.


To have a closet filled with shoes. dresses and accessories to fit every



To own jeans that fit EVERY DAY of the month.


Batteries that NEVER die.


An S/O that knows when she needs advice and when she needs to vent.


A Secret fantasy.


Breakfast in bed.




A lover who can read her mind.


The list goes on and on.


Mrs. CXXC is among the masses in her desire for each of these. She,

like so many others women out there, is happy with what she has but

could always "settle" for more.


One item I hesitate to put on the list, yet know full well is in the

back of most women's minds, is her very own Boy Toy. This individual

acts as a distraction for her. He will do the things her S/O fails to

or is unable to; either by design or simply due to familiarity.


This Boy Toy will please her when she wants and will be sent packing

shortly thereafter. He has stamina, looks, personality and, most

importantly, IS NOT her S/O.


He will be a guilty pleasure for her. when her S/O is out of town on

business, out for a night with the boys or simply working late at the

office, the Boy Toy can come to her bed at the drop of a hat. He is not

the replacement of her S/O. Rather, her Boy Toy is a living breathing

sex toy for her collection. I submit he is simply a form of

masturbation with another person's body.


Mrs. CXXC has had a number of Boy Toys within our adventures in the

lifestyle. Each one provided her with a much needed release and to some

extent performed sexual activities I am unable to due to various

reasons. Add the fact that he is NOT me and the heat is turned up



Each Memorial Day weekend, we play a game. We go to a local dance club.

Mrs. CXXC enters well before I do. (I generally drop her off at the

door and leave to find parking. If any of you have been to our little city,

you know that parking is not one of the easiest things to do here.)

in the moments I am not with her, she will have circled the club

and picked several potential candidates to fill the position of Boy Toy.


Once found, Mrs. CXXC will discuss her desires to engage in sexual

congress with them. She will let them know that she is married and that

her husband is fully aware of her activities and desires. If the

candidate is still open to the possibilities, she will engage in heavy

petting and dancing for the rest of the night only to part with a phone

number and a promise for future activities.


Mrs. CXXC and her Boy Toy will meet at a safe place of HER choosing and

sex is fully expected. She will inform her Boy Toy of her likes,

desires and wishes as well as dislikes and the things she will not do.

Once these particulars are out of the way, they are off to the races!


Naturally, once she returns home, we discuss the evening in full and

generally end up tearing each other apart in wanton desire and passion!

This is actually the fun part for us both.


In the following days, I am introduced to the Boy toy and in our

meeting, I decide if this is a person I can trust in my home, with my

wife further and if he will be someone who is a good match as her boy



So far, Mrs. CXXC has chosen very well for her toys. Not one of them

has failed her nor have they raised a single concern from me. She has

been very pleased by them and they have, in fact, been really great guys

to hang out with for me. MFM situations are best when all three of us

are happy to hang out with each other in any situation.


Unfortunately, four things usually happen with every boy toy.

1. They grow comfortable in their position and no longer try to please

Mrs. CXXC but entertain their own pleasure.

2. Mrs. CXXC loses her passion for them as they no longer feel the

passion they once did when the novelty was new.

3. The Boy Toy finds a girlfriend (who is vanilla) and cannot see Mrs.

CXXC any longer.

4. The Boy Toy moves away for whatever reason.


Out of the 4 situations, the worst is number 4. Everything is going

along smoothly. Mrs. CXXC has a Boy Toy who is "in to her". She is

excited by him. The three of us have occasional MFM's which are a true

spoil for Mrs. CXXC. And, we have someone to take up my slack while I

travel for work etc... The Lifestyle is GOOD!


Then, all of a sudden, he is gone. The process of searching for that

perfect boy toy has to start all over again. The dance is slow and at

times painful. Mrs. CXXC must search through the throng of creeps and

assholes once more to find that one diamond among the chunks of coal.


So now, we sit, and wave fondly, Bye Bye Boy Toy, while one eye scans

the horizon for the next potential.

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Similar frustrations on this end. We'd like to find a very long term boy toy for my wife, one that can fill much the same role as you and your wife want for her boy toy.


We know he will eventually move on, either by his own actions or ours. We know it will be hard to replace him. We found one such man already, but it ended all too soon and we haven't found a replacement yet. The 'hunt' as it were takes a lot of time to sift through the bits of coal.


I wish there was an easier way. This past weekend, she was especially frustrated by the lack of another boy toy. We've considered putting up a separate profile for her, looking only for single men as a means to help this along.


Oh, and I think your wife's closet and my closet are first cousins (if not sisters).

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If only we had a magic wand with which to create the perfect toy! Sigh! however, I have to admit, Mrs. CXXC does partake in the hunt with great excitement. The possibilities are endless. Then again, so are the disappointments. However, we do not dwell upon such things. The lifestyle is about fun, excitement and pleasure.


Now, I personally volunteer to by your wifes boy toy until such a time as you find a suitable replacement. Where do you live again?

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Hahahah :) Indiana! And you'd be more than welcome. I really wish we all lived closer. So many times I see posts of yours and think "Wow! They're perfect!" and my wife shares that sentiment. If ever you want to come up this way, you and/or your wife are most welcome.

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Indiana??? As in near Notre Dame? Could this boy toy business get any better????????


Thank you for the kind words. Now all I have to do is convince Mrs. CXXC that Indiana is so much better than Savannah!


Wish me luck.

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Oh good luck :) There's some very good things about this state. Very! But, I don't think you'll be able to convince her :) You don't have to move here. Just visit :)


Yes, Notre Dame is in this state, but it's some hours drive from us. :(

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I actually visited Notre Dame a couple years ago while on an NFL weekend with some friends. We were unable to get tickets to see a game but we did get to see the stadium.


Ok. Ill see if I can get Mrs. CXXC to agree to a visit. How is that?

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Great news on the Boy Toy matter!

MRs. CXXC has recently discovered a NEW TOY! To say that she is excited and pleased with this new development would be an understatment! He fits the bill perfectly! Better still is the fact that he does and has lived here his entire life. The odds of his moving away are quite small.

After a lovely evening in our hot tub (The three of us) where MRs. CXXC was being caressed, touched, fingered, etc... The deal was sealed.

Granted, I was not part of their activities this time but did receive an AFTER gift from Mrs. CXXC (FANTASTIC BJ) shortly after their play.

So, now, here we are. Mrs. CXXC is a virtual hormone waiting and counting the moments until their next play date.

As for me, I have a new potential Girl Toy in the works. She is more than ready to take things to the next level, however, our schedules are in conflict. Eventually, this will be resolved! SIGH!

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We too have the boy-toy hunt every so often when M's moves away, or as been more common lately - we move.

I was surprised to hear that the first meets are by Mrs. CXXC without you. I meet all the candidates with M first, usually have a mfm first before they begin their seperate adventures, but there has been execptions.



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Perhaps I have not made the situation clear. Mrs. CXXC will "FIND" them first. She will meet them in a vanilla situation and get to know them. she may even engage in some heavy petting to some extent but will not take them home or go with them that night. It is only after I meet with them that she will engage in sexual congress with them.


From that moment on, she is free to do with them as she pleases. Well, providing she keeps within the safety guidelines we have established.


It is only after she has been with this new man at least one time that we suggest the MFM. I have to say, that is probably one of her very most favorite things in the world!

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The WAIT is over! or at least that is how we feel at this time. Just a short time has passed since our perspective Boy Toy and his wife (Potential Girl Toy) left. The sheets are still teaming, for crying out loud!


What an absolutely WONDERFUL TIME! Once they had left and I returned to our bedroom, Mrs. CXXC possessed a grin that would make the Cheshire Cat turn green with envy! as she lay there, languishing in the afterglow of purely GREAT sex, I could not help but feel the twinge of lust build within my loins. I just took her again! LOL!


Well, our parting words to them both were, "We welcome you back into our home any time you are free and wish to visit, whether you are together or alone!" To that, they smiled and thanked us with the promise to visit again soon!


Well, I am going to be gone most of Tuesday and Tuesday evening. Lets just see if she gets the Boy Toy or the Girl Toy! Life is GREAT!

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You aint just whisling dixxie there! Life is AWESOME! What a great couple! Mrs. CXXC is already counting the days till her next encounter. LOL she is such a slut. I am so proud of her!!!!

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Guest warrencouple


I'm just going to say a big *CONGRATULATIONS* to Mrs CXXC and yourself! Here's hoping that the Boy / Girl-Toy(s) work out!



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Thank you my friend! After our conversations (Mrs. CXXC and myself) and our conversations with our guests last night, I think we are well on our way for MANY MANY evenings for both solo and couple play! The best part, they are not moving ANYWHERE!!!!

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