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Drama? Oh Yes

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Well, we had an interesting spring, and we all know that interesting means trouble. We've had our share of that, but things are looking good now, and although this doesn't need to go in Situational Help! because we know what to do, it just helps to get it out and down on "paper".


At the beginning of April we met a new couple, played with them that night- oh my- and then twice more during the month. Him and me- WOW. Instant click, couldn't stop. PB and her- well, he thought it was going great, but she, not so much. She liked him as a person, but sexually, they just didn''t mesh. She likes it rough, but PB is a gentle lover. So the 2-on-2 meets ended, but I met separately with him for my first solo experience, and although life keeps getting in the way, we are planning to see each other again.


PB really had trouble with this for awhile. Not me seeing the guy, but him being, as he felt, rejected by her. The old ego thing. I kept explaining to him, she was significantly younger than him (15 years) and on top of that was the difference in sexual styles. I kept trying to make him feel better, but on top of everything else right around then he started back to work after being laid off for the entire winter (good for ego) on afternoons (BAD for ever seeing him and having significant conversations) It was getting bad.


He even said he didn't want to go to the house party at the end of May, but we did, and it was just what he needed, because he had a magnificent time. Especially with a single woman who came with our best FWB, whom they had known since Feb, and were becoming very close to. Within three days, she (let's call her S) was coming down to our place for a daytime rendezvous with PB, and he was on top of the world.


Then it gets even more interesting. That same week S acquired a "boyfriend", which for her essentially meant "guy she would see more often than anyone else," and she and PB set up a date for the 4 of us for my birthday, including going to see a matinée show that the boyfriend (let's call him JR) had tickets for. Meanwhile, our mutual FWB were on a major trip out of the country so our communication with them was limited.


I saw this as a potentially REALLY awkward situation. Here would be PB and S, already very into each other and rarin' to go, and me and JR, with no guarantee that we'd have any desire to do anything. And I am not into taking one for the team. But I was willing to see what would happen, and JR was warned that there were no guarantees, and he was cool with that. We got to her place, and he seemed nice, but damned if PB and S weren't necking in the kitchen while JR and I were having polite conversation in the living room. Not too awkward though. And by the end of the show JR and I were holding hands and getting along fine, and by the time we finished the take-out Chinese dinner back at her place we were necking too, and so on, and so on... Oh what a night!


So all was well. We went back to her place the next week, and she brought along another female friend to enjoy the fun. (let's call her T) Well, PB, being a generous and loving kinda guy, had a wonderful time with T too, whereas JR and I sort of just continued on our merry way to the side. So PB's attention was split between S and T. S was not happy about that. So we agreed that the next time we met it would just be the 4 of us.


Then things got really weird. S met through her work a rich new guy, and tried to get us all to go to his condo for the next Sat night fun. (This is after she had made a huge fuss about how much more fun it was with just the 4 of us after having T there) The guys were sort of ok, whatever, but I put my foot down and said, no, I was NOT going to a strange man's condo and putting on a show for him (health issues made it difficult for him to participate fully, apparently) and instead we went to JR's place. So S did not get her way on that one.


That last night together, I guess JR and I were way too into each other. That is to say, although S wanted all of PB's attention, she wanted lots of JR's too. Oh and then JR took me into the bedroom and tied me up, which she was really unhappy about. (I wasn't!) Monday she broke up with JR. And she told him that I wouldn't be willing to play with him if he wasn't part of a couple. That Monday was also the day he and I had our first solo playtime... not the last.


Then things got seriously out of hand. First JR and T, then our mutual FWB, (finally home from their trip) and then PB all ended up going to "the condo" and playing there with her and condo guy (let's call him D). Within hours of PB being there, D ended up firing her and kicking her out on her ass for bizarre reasons. Then we found out through T that S had been picking up God-knows-who for the past two years, and did not use condoms. (Need to point out that PB had his regular test two weeks ago, and all is good. phew)


Meanwhile she is now back with D, as a GF, not an employee. Apparently the reason she might have been kicked out was because he didn't get invited to our house party by PB when he was there.


She did not come to our house party on Saturday, but JR and T did, and we had a splendid time together, especially after everyone else left Sunday morning. Oh and JR really clicked with female half of FWB too, and the male half liked T. Go figure.


So the irony is that as the dust settles with S out of the equation, everyone else is having a wonderful time together. And without her, these people would not have met, and we are really enjoying each other's company. We're not actively looking for any new people, because we've got enough to keep us satisfied (very VERY satisfied). It would be great if she could calm down and find some stability in her life, because she can be lots of fun and has some great qualities, but when you can't trust a person, that's too big a hurdle to overcome. We've learned some important lessons, and best of all, PB and I are if anything, even MORE crazy about each other than ever. Nobody smiles at me the way he does.


Oh and a new development since I wrote this draft a week ago- the couple from April? She wants to give PB another "go".


Wow. Long entry. But it does feel good to get it written down. It was perhaps a rather wild spring, but we've found a new stability to our relationship and our Lifestyle involvement.

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Whew! Much of it feels familiar, though. I'm sure it does make you feel better to get it committed to paper. Give PB a hug tonight.

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Whew! Interesting times, huh? Glad you are having so much fun and navigating those waters as a nice tight team. I guess PB's ego is doing better now, right? I hope you continue to have a wonderful time!

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Thanks for the Whews! We do feel like we're in a good place right now. Although who knows?

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