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Knit One, Perl Two

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I try and try and try to never tell a falsehood. Telling the truth is so much easier to remember. This is a lesson I learned as a VERY young child. I just knew my mother could read my mind so, I figured that I may as well come clean. Plus, by admitting the truth and/or the wrong doing, the punishment, although many times painful, was not as severe.


Unfortunately, with my family, I am forced to spin a little web every once in a while. You see, my sister just asks too many questions. She wants to know every little detail about every little thing. Does it matter that it is no business of hers? HA HA HA! Try telling her that and she smells blood! The questions just get worse. So, I am forced to invent this reason or that to keep her from knowing the truth. There are times however, while weaving a particular web, my skein becomes tangled.


Sisters, as they are prone to do for they too become mothers in time (most of them at least) start that mind reading thing. They see holes in the armor of a tale. They see little flaws or inconsistencies and start to question. With the shrewdness of Colombo (am I showing my age here?) they hem and haw, let you think you are off the hook but return with yet another question. I half expect to see her in a wrinkled beige London fog the next time she comes over. Sisters are relentless. Then again, so are mothers.


So, my sister drops by (She actually has to go quite a way out of her way as she lives near DC) unannounced (AGAIN) for this weekend past with her daughters and loving mate in tow. At least they did call a few hours before the visit enabling me to put all the lubes, sex toys, condoms, DVD’s and any sexually related items in their proper hiding places. I even considered hiding the deck of cards we play strip poker with! Now that is paranoia!!!


Immediately after receiving her call (with only a couple hours notice) I run about the house clearing any “contraband” then set to the task of calling any and all of our lifestyle friends to ensure they don’t drop by. That would be difficult to explain.


Sis: And how do you know them?


Me: We are friends from an on-line group I joined when we moved here.


Sis: What is the group you joined?


Me: It’s a local social club.


Sis: Really? That is nice. (walking away from me toward the fridge to get a beverage.)


Me: (Breathing a sigh of relief)


Sis: What’s the group called? (She asks over her shoulder as she raids my fridge!)


Me: (ACK! I can’t say Swing Lifestyle or anything remotely related to it or any of the clubs affiliated with it. She may look them up!) It has been forever since I used it after meeting a bunch of the people. I think it was the “Savannah social club”, or “The social club of Savannah”. Something like that.


Sis: You should remember stuff like that. You may want to meet new friends! (she starts to sound matronly though she is my junior.)


Me: (Thinking) LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA….. Pretty plant in window. Need to paint kitchen ceiling! Should re-grout that corner tile there. Look at the sun shining today! (I just know she can read my mind in her Mother/Colombo persona. I just know it.)


The worst part is, if I do happen to miss one of our Lifestyle friends in my “DON’T COME OVER calls, one will stop by. That is when the conversation will be directed at them before I have the opportunity to prompt them. That will set the bloodhound lose for certain.


So, I do everything I can to keep from telling lies as they are so difficult to keep up with. When you tell one, you have to back it up with another and then another and another and soon, you have a complete web of falsehoods that becomes so tangled, Charlotte would be embarrassed for you!


This weekend was no different than any other visit in her constant probing. Questions over where this item (Gift from an LS couple last week) came from. What did we do last weekend? (Subterfuge and omission work best here) What are we doing for this holiday weekend or that? Can she visit on such and such a weekend (Always on the weekends I have plans with LS friends)? She seems to be sniffing something out but I keep to my guns and work feverishly to remember what I told her last time she asked to visit on certain weekends or holidays.


Invariably, I trip up and she nails me to the cross with my knitting needles. That web I had been spinning now has me ensnared. This stuff is sticky too! Once you get into it, it takes EVERYTHING to get out. This mind reading super sleuth, in the guise of my sister (acting like my mother…ewww, creepy) has me in her grasp. She is tightening her grip with each passing second as I back pedal to correct my error. I am on the verge of spilling the beans when she suddenly lets me go completely. I fall from the web, staggering as I catch my balance once more. Her back is to me once more as she moves to leave the room, she stops and looks back at me as if pulling the thoughts from my brain!


Me: (Thinking) Snow cones… Telephone booth… I need to get those steaks for dinner… Should we use paper plates for the kids? I wonder what sexyfuncpl4u is doing Thursday…..ACK! NOOO!!!!! Did she catch that?


If she did catch anything it was the look in my eyes or the quick jerk of my head to look at her. DAMN! I give myself away so easily.


So there I stand, reduced to that 5 year old boy trying to get out of something by being inventive, clever, cheeky even. My web of lies is spinning out of control. The threads of my skein fly through my knitting needles faster and faster as I think to back up the last fib.

Knit One, Perl Two!

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Guest warrencouple


Of course, just be glad that you did manage to get all the "adult" toys and such found an hidden. You didn't forget about the "Big pop-up Kama Sutra" on the bookshelf by the TV, right? Or the "Erotic massage for groups" you keep in the den?



Makes me glad, that if the Mrs and I do ever get into swinging, in any form, we

A) Don't live anywhere family will want to come over and visit (after all, we're only about 10.5 miles as the crow flies from my Dads place, and my Sis, brother-in-law, & kids live with him)

B) Mom-in-law house sits, and we've generally gotten in the habit of just leaving the books on the shelves. Toys stay under the bed in a box, and videos get buried in a closet

C) Brother and sis-in-law live in more interesting places, we're more likely to visit them (with plenty of warning) then they are us (Hawaii, currently South Carolina)


Not sure how we might explain our sudden trips out "clubbing" if anyone asks, what with our being homebodies for the most part...



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There's nothing more annoying than nosey family.


When Ted and I started going out more the questions started flying...like you, I hate having to tell those little white lies so...when asked where'd we'd go...the town's name was given. When asked what we did...the answer was whatever we felt like at the moment. No lies whatsoever.


However, the questions would keep coming to the point of total frustration on my part and I'd finally blurt out...I'm not telling you what we did. We had fun and that's all you need to know.


Now, when we come back from a trip somewhere the only question asked is "Did ya'll have fun"?


I understand family's curiosity but, there comes a point where it really is just rude and I'm not above pointing that out to them.


You are a better man than I'd be Mr. CXXC....if family called wanting to visit on a weekend I already had plans that I either couldn't or didn't want to change, I'd simply tell them no, we have plans. If asked what plans, I'd repeat again, we have plans...that's the only answer they'd get no matter how many times they asked.


Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it), our family are our neighbors so the only ones who visit are the kids and swinger friends (for vanilla visits).


When we're asked how we met our swinger friends I'll answer one of two ways...1. Does it matter how we met them? (This really throws the one who asked off and usually ends the questions) or 2. We met them at a convention we went to.


I've found that when someone ask a question that I really don't want to answer, if I throw the question back to them...Why do you want to know? It really throws them off and they change the subject rather quickly.



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I overheard a lady tell another one day (after being asked an incredibly personal question) "if you forgive me for not answering, I'll forgive you for asking."


:) Trixie

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I have been conditioned over all these years to just deal with my sister. When I tell her it is none of her business, you would have thought I insulted her children or somehtng. She takes it so personally. So, this is the game we play.


It is funny tho, she is not like this with anyone but family and close friends. IT is just the way she is. So, we deal with it.


Her visits are not always un-announced. In fact, she is pretty good about it. Sor some reason, this year, she is horrible. I have given keys to my family and a few friends. they have the abiltiy to, when I am not home, come and go as they please. I have their keys as well. If I didnt answer her call or admit to being home, while she was passing by, she would just come over and stay in my house.


If I was home and trying to ignore her while playing with friends, I can just see this situation.


I am really tempted to tell her that we are int he lifestyle. It would explain everything in just one sentence. Then again, I am not sure she could take that information very well.


I think MRs. CXXC and I need to have a chat about telling her. She may never want to spend anohter night in our den of sin and lust! HA HA HA At least it beats telling her lies!

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Do you think your sister would "out" you to the rest of the family? Would there be a big fallout, or do you think she/ they'd get over it (and possibly give you more notice when wanting to visit/ not ask "what are you doing" 40 times)?


I think my mom's head would initially explode if she found out, but then she'd tuck it away into the "it's your life, I don't wanna know" area of her brain. But she lives far away and stays in a hotel when she visits LOL


:) Trixie

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As there are only three of us plus children left, I dont think it would really matter if we were outted. It is really just a matter of keeping the peace and not wanting to deal with the drama they could possibley cause.


Mrs. CXXC, on the other hand, comes from a very uptight, straight laced, LARGE family. The ramifications of being outted there could be pretty grim.


Oh, if we had the freedom to just say screw it! In time, we may have that very freedomn.

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