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And a time for every purpose, under heaven...

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To every season, turn turn turn, at least thats how the song goes, where we are suppose to accept the changes in life and our eventual deaths as just part of the way things work. Its a nice philosophy, comforting without the blanket of religion, and relatively true.


It also sucks when it happens to you.


When it comes to us, as in my wife and I, I think our seasons are turning. Our kids are of an age that they take more and more of our time, and its time I won't begrudge them to meet up with 'sexycouple69'.


Swinging is a hobby to us, not a lifestyle, and its been a very educational and often fun (and sometimes not so fun) hobby. Its made us closer than almost any marriage, its broken the bonds of jealousy, and being at an age now when the first separations and divorces are beginning among my vanilla friends its made me feel our marriage is unbreakable. I don't know if I can credit swinging with that, I know swingers get divorces too, but in our case it sure didn't hurt.


But even while typing this, I had my youngest bring me a picture book to read, my wife is busy working on a project on her computer, and has several new 'hobbies' which will improve her health and her mind. I myself have started a few new ones on my own, but the gym still bores me to much to go that direction.


To put it mildly we have several irons in the fire, and I just can't find room for swinging. If I may continue a bad analogy beating our heads against the anvil that is finding compatible couples so I may quench my red hot sword in another bucket of water seems more like a chore than a joy. That really was bad wasn't it?


So where does this leave us, the chicups? In a sort of swinging limbo. Oddly for not having time to swing, my last encounter was a week ago, our last encounter together less than a month. By every vanilla definition of swinging, we are still swingers, yet swinger to swinger, we know playing with a long friendly couple is not the same as living the lifestyle at least thats my opinion on the matter.


So we stand at a turn. One way will be to go back to our old ways, put up that add, find a overnight babysitter and do what we enjoy, the other is to drop the whole thing, and turn our extended break into a semi-retirement.


Where are we going to end up? Ask me in six months.

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I'm sure many people have been at this crossroads. If it were me I would take things as they come (so to speak) and not give up on the LS entirely, just be happy with a few encounters here and there. We've not had to face this particular choice regarding kids as our are older..though the issue still is an issue for as some of our swinger friends have kids. My motto has become, there is never a rush. If you can meet a particular couple at a particular time, then wait for a better time.

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I have friends in their 30's who voice the same concerns. There have been more than one occasion where what was supposed to become a playdate turned into a night with kids movies and my friends kids using me for a pillow on the couch. I just take what fun I can. I don't mind. But I do think you have the right priorities. Best of luck, and you know what they say; the less often you enjoy something, the more you enjoy it when you do.

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The only thing constant is change,,,, and how it rattles in the pocket.


We all make choices about how we'll spend our allottment of time. Some choices are easier than others, and I think it's the difficult choices that truely define us as individual characters. Play times can still be available for yall to enjoy. Perhaps this is an opportunity to employ creative problem solving techniques.


Several of the party-hosting couples we know have had adult kids move back home since the economy soured (we have a boomerang too). The party scene has changed a bit, but it still continues.


I'm confident you'll find a workable solution....

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I'm with socolais; I'll bet opportunities will continue to come your way every so often, even if you are not actively looking... especially if you just leave your profile up in more or less of a "passive mode".


Other things are often just more important. I hope we'll continue to see your posts on this Board though :).

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I do not see swinging as an all-the-way-in or not-in-at-all thing; It's not a poker game. Anybody who is raising children in the early twenty-first century should be nominated for sainthood. I will ask again in six months.



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This is less of a time issue and more of a priority one.


Sure we could make time for swinging, the question is do we want to.


I think its just hit the threshold on our priority list where its not worth the time.

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Chicup, wouldn't it shrink your world, to just close and latch the door? The sweetness can go out of something if the context doesn't change along with other views and preoccupations. It does seem as though you have some of each.

Things that we like to do, after circumstances bring an end to them, sooner or later sprout back, looking a little different, but satisfying just the same.

Strongest wishes for you two, especially with your kids just hitting their fastest growing time. We're a few years from the other end of that era of life (also, our remaining parents are near their full time on Earth) and we seem to be freshening our thinking about vitality and lusty engagement with life (Mrs.' words.) It's all seasons, those times for every purpose. They go round and round.

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Where are we going to end up? Ask me in six months.


I know, it's been more than 6 months, any new outlooks ?

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This is a question I'd like to hear your answer to as well. "Sure we could make time for swinging, the question is do we want to" sounds quite familiar.

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Well I completely forgot about this post, a LOT happened a few months after.


Now first let me state....


To put it mildly we have several irons in the fire, and I just can't find room for swinging. If I may continue a bad analogy beating our heads against the anvil that is finding compatible couples so I may quench my red hot sword in another bucket of water
I only vaguely remember writing that but damn thats an awesome line.




We had weird things happen right after this post, swinging related and life related which ended swinging with our last play partners (they went nutty), and we thought about some other issues which would drop swinging from our list of activities for what we thought was going to be at least a few years. Yes I'm being VERY vague here, and the swinger drama would be worth a good post but you can understand why I'm not sharing for privacy :)


But... life does change.


Work is going a touch better (less stress), we decided a few plans were were going to do we would not do (vague yes), and we actually have some reliable babysitting. Not enough we can be spontaneous but enough we can make plans.


So we signed up for a couples cruise, and we are going to start being what I would call 'casual swingers' in January. Basically we are not going to clubs, we won't be what I call 'lifestyle' but we will do our add and if a couple looks like a very good match we will try to get together.

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