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Purple Potatos, Condoms and the 1st MFM

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There is so much to be said for anticipation. One feels the excitement, longing, desire and pure adrenaline surging through their body from the moment the idea is decided upon. Both Mrs. CXXC and I are no exceptions to this rule! In fact, I believe we personify it. And so begins the tale of this last week.


As you may well know, Mrs. CXXC and I play solo on occasion. It adds an extra level of excitement to our lifestyle experience. This past week, while out with Vanilla friends, Mrs. CXXC met a gent with whom she truly connected. In spite of some Vanilla cock blocking from ignorant friends, she exchanged digits with her target. As Usual, I was out of town and she was in “that” kind of mood. Must be the water! It has been raining for two weeks.


I returned home and we talked about her potential boy toy. We agreed that she should have fun and the next night she met with him. I have to say, I really enjoy it when Mrs. CXXC comes home from a solo engagement. She is ALWAYS on fire! That night was no different. In fact, I would have to say it was hatter than any other time. As always, she told me about her night in full detail without missing a thing. To say that I was excited would be an understatement akin to Noah saying, “It looks Like Rain!” She had an absolutely GRAND evening with her boy toy. Her excitement was enhanced by the wait and expectation. Add the fact that, by her admission, he was the best boy toy she has ever had, and you have a VERY turned on Mrs. CXXC.


The next day, we were sitting in the hot tub and started to discuss her new boy toy and their activities. She was getting turned on again. It was amazing. However, I brought up a topic that I figured she would like. I suggested that we have an MFM with her new toy. As we have never had an MFM, it was one of her fantasies. My suggestion just threw her into high gear. That was some of the hottest sex that hot tub has ever seen! WHEW!!!! It looked like it was going to be a VERY HOT and HORNY week!


The days ticked off one by one until the planned evening arrived. Mrs. CXXC and I were getting hotter and hotter as each day passed. She was hot and bothered the entire week. I would sport wood at the most inconvenient times. Our evenings were spent in verbal fantasy and discussion. The days could not pass quickly enough.


The evening was a Success! We started with wine, a nice dinner and music. I could see the devil dancing behind Mrs. CXXC’s smile and eyes as each second clicked off toward her pleasuring. She could hardly contain herself. And finally, we made our way to the hot tub. Naturally, sans clothing, she between us. We sat for a few moments and chatted. Then, recognizing that everyone was feeling comfortable with each other, she took the initiative and began to stroke him beneath the turbulent surface of the tub. She reached for me and began stroking as well. There she was, exciting us both in tandem. Mrs. CXXC was in heaven.


Naturally, after ensuring that both of us were fully erect, she would take turns offering the oral delights of which she is quite skilled in. But as this was an evening for HER, I instructed her to sit on the side of the tub and directed her boy toy to orally please her. I must remember to figure a way to muffle her cries of ecstasy next time. I am certain the neighbors hear everything! But, Joke’em if they can’t take a fuck!


We played in the tub for the better part of an hour but simply needed to take it to our bed. Once laid out on the bed, Both the toy and I gave Mrs. CXXC a complete body massage. I started at her feet, he began with her shoulders. In the matter of seconds, she was squirming. Her hips undulated constantly. Her legs parted further with each moment waiting for her nether regions to be touched. We played this game for a while teasing her but would ever so quickly touch her lips or mound eliciting a moan, groan and reflexive spasm. She was in complete sexual bliss.


The Massage was finished by a happy ending provided by her boy toy! This guy can suck on a clit! Mrs. CXXC was virtually screaming.


Once she had her first full orgasm, we took turns with her. I would take her from behind while she orally pleased him and visa versa. Her oral skills caused the toy to blow on the first round. However, he was quit to refresh and was back in play within a few minutes. We took her in many positions. Her favorite was, “the Oh! Jesus!!!!”. This is when she places her ankles upon the man’s shoulders and he knocks the bottom out! Again, I am glad I have the triple paned windows with separate storm windows. She was virtually screaming. I have claw marks on my legs, hips and arms.


As I held her down he worked her into a sexual frenzy unlike any I have ever seen. For two hours straight, the boy toy and I took Mrs. CXXC to the top of a sexual Mt. Olympus! As we would stop for a moment for rehydration, she would simply lay there with a smile, panting, waiting more. If we dallied, she would take charge and start things on her own with the nearest cock. The toy took her from behind once more as she pleased me orally. He would slam into her with great force aided by me pressing her body toward him by her shoulders. She was unable to do anything but cry out in orgasmic bliss that lasted 15 minutes straight. The sights and sounds proved to much for the toy as he, once again, unloaded.


Once I filled her with my seed, we went back to the hot tub for a little recoup and to calm down. We laughed, drank and relaxed. Unfortunately, it was time for her boy toy to leave as he had to work early in the morning. I lifted Mrs. CXXC above the surface of the water and instructed him to orally please her as a parting gift. He complied. (I have to remember a gag or something next time.


Once he was in his vehicle and driving down the road, Mrs. CXXC pulled me back into the bedroom. She was not done yet. For nearly another hour, we shared each others bodies and the pleasures of the flesh. This was OUR reunion. We call this re-connect sex. It is our reclamation if you will. Passion and sexual excitement had not waned one bit. However, in this reunion, we shared our love and deep commitment toward each other. SIGH!! How I do love Mrs. CXXC!!


Today we are enjoying a day of sunshine and rest. Our waking moments were once again spent in a dance of sexual passion. We have friends visiting later and will be forced to remember our places as they are Vanilla. Mrs. CXXC is getting that woman/woman desire again! It will not be long before she is squirming at the thought. So we have to be careful! The company will be two very lovely vanilla ladies. Both of whom Mrs. CXXC wants badly!


There were only two bad things that came from our evening:


I prepared a meal for the three of us of steaks, Veggies and potatoes. Now, The steak and veggies were great as usual. However, I was not aware that the bag of potatoes that I thought were baby reds actually turned out to be PURPLE. BABY PURPLE potatoes. Even tho they tasted just like any other potato, they were still avoided as they were visually unappealing!


Condoms are not very comfy and Mrs. CXXC just LOVES the feel of skin to skin. However, as we are VERY safety conscious, they will always be a part of our play time. However, never before she felt such deep desire to go without. Safety won the day and the toy donned them when needed.


The good things that came form the evening:


As always, for DAYS after each activity, Mrs. CXXC feels “HIGH”. Her description of her mental and physical state is nearly equal to one who has taken ecstasy! Every nerve in her body is on heightened alert for pleasure. Her mind is filled with euphoria. She is sexually excited all the time. And we are so much more in love.


We fulfilled another fantasy! In that act, she received MANY truly earth shattering orgasms. Also, she got a 30 minute full body massage from two men. She was in heaven. Mrs. CXXC was the center of attention, receiving pleasure from two men at a constant pace. She was near sensory overload by the end of the evening.


This was our first MFM. I can promise you, this will not be our last. Seeing Mrs. CXXC so pleased, so utterly racked with sexual enjoyment is a great turn on for me. My excitement builds hers and the circle of excitement grows exponentially.


This was a truly amazing evening. We relished it all, including the Purple Potatoes, Condoms and our first MFM.

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Hey, purple potatoes are the best! They only seem unappealing because they are "different". I've grown them for years and they are the favorites around here, especially with my teenage son.


The MFM sounds awesome.. must have one of those again... real soon...

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Mmm... steak.... :)


Seriously -- holy shit, that sounds AMAZING! I raise my drink to you both.

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YES! Must repeate and soon! Very fun! Very exciting. Very HOT! Mrs. CXXC just LOVED every second.


Ms. Fuse

Oh yeah, STEAK! Yummmm.... I think we have at least two steaks a week. I know! Bad for you! But we work it off.


And Yes, VERY SERIOUS! We had a truly wonderful time and are now thinking about another evening and other fantasies.

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Great experience, glad you had a great time! I definitely enjoyed reading it! Congrats!


We had one good MFM, one not so good. Someday will try again....

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You just described my exact ultimate fantasy...I can not wait to have 2 men just taking care of every part of my body!! yummmmmmmy

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Let me just say that Mrs. CXXC had a remarkable time. Talk aobut being spoiled. However, the very next day, she started talking about adding more men to the mix! HA HA HA!

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