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Friends with......

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When Mrs. CXXC and I began planning our adventure into the lifestyle, our notions of our involvement with others were limited in scope and depth. We discussed our activities with others with a concentration upon the physical aspect of the lifestyle. Certainly, sex would be the core principal to which we would be drawn. The passion and excitement of sharing our bodies with others became a focal point in our discussions. We openly discussed our fantasies with one another. In our exchanges, we highlighted our wants, needs and desires in order to find a common ground. We centered upon these ideas and sought to obtain them in our joining of the lifestyle community.


Our first experience was exactly as we had planned. The mechanics of the evening were a mirror image of our fantasies and wants. This couple, our first, had provided us with every wanton desire and wish. They shared their bodies with us completely and wholly. We gave and received equally to ours and their ends. Our first engagement was a success in our minds. Once our playmates left, we retreated to our bed, lovingly caressed one another and spoke of the event with amazement and rekindled desire. In our newly discovered sexuality, passion burned within us. We had to let our cups overflow upon each other once more that evening. Our lovemaking was grand. We reached a heightened state of arousal that had never been experienced by either of us before. In our climax that evening, we exchanged our deep love and gratitude for the gift of self that we had just given each other and our playmates.


As we began to drift along our sleepy path to dreams of sexual delights, my mind wandered toward an unusual spot. I was immediately caught short and pulled form the restful promise of slumber as I realized, our union with that couple had been purely mechanical and without feeling. We had simply shared our bed and our bodies with them. They gave too, equally. In our exchange we offered nothing but our physical selves. Though we knew their names, likes, and dislikes pertaining to sex and the lifestyle, we had absolutely no knowledge of them as emotional beings. They were simply two vessels within which we were able to fulfill a sexual fantasy and nothing more.


I pondered further these thoughts while watching Mrs. CXXC sleep. I could only imagine what her dreams would be that night. Would she relive the sequence of events that had moments earlier transpired? Would she find issue with her emotional and societal ties regarding our activities? Or would she, perhaps, consider the notion that we had just had a completely erotic experience devoid of emotion? This was sex for sex sake. As we knew this couple for less than 8 hours but proceeded to bed them both, our ability to attach the smallest portion of emotion to the act was limited. We had just had sex with perfect strangers! How liberating!


How frightening!


In the excitement of the moment, neither of us had considered the lack of feeling toward or for our playmates. In our haste to engage in our fantasies, we neglected to consider the possibility of feeling any more than our base interests. Our primitive brains were working overtime. Our core desires had enabled us to engage in an activity we would normally reserve for one with which we held an emotional connection. We had broken free of the constraints of human pair bonding and ran into the void of pure pleasure seeking.


At our breakfast table the next morning, we discussed our activities and I voiced my thoughts. It did not truly concern us at that point. Our intention was to engage in and with as many couples as we felt the desire to. Yet something inside me would not let the thought go. Would every encounter be equally empty of an emotional connection? Would there be nothing more than physical attraction and animal pleasure to share or receive? Was sex for sex all the lifestyle had to offer?


It occurred to both of us as we spoke throughout the day, we could not survive in the lifestyle if no emotional connection would ever be experienced. We were not looking for emotional replacement or feelings that could fill in gaps within ourselves. We were whole. We needed nothing more than to feel a connection on a deeper level. Sex as a physical experience was pleasant and erotic. There was no denying the fact that we did enjoy ourselves. However, at that moment, we set out to find a connection first. We simply had to have an attraction for our future partners on several levels before we could move toward a physical relationship. Right then and there, we made the decision to seek friends’ first, lovers second.


How Frustrating!


In our search among those within the lifestyle, we discovered that the chances that 4 people would find enough in common to unite them as sexually and emotionally compatible were nearly infinitesimal. Meeting after meeting would end with Mrs. CXXC in our vehicle shaking our heads with slight frustration. We often wondered if what we were looking for could be found! Meeting after meeting, we spent both time and effort attempting to connect with each couple yet for this reason or that, we would fall short in our desire to find people with whom we could connect to the desired level.


At last, we had met and discovered a few couples with whom we felt in sync. We shared many of the same dreams, plans, desires and wants in life. Our histories were similar yet different enough to enable a mesh of personalities to flourish. The hours and days fly by with each meeting. We plan trips together. We go to outing, dinners, celebrations, clubs and even resorts. Our homes are open to each other. As friends, we share a connection. We are united by so many things other than our desire for sexual expression. With each meeting, gathering or sharing of our homes and or bodies, we drew closer to these new found friends.


How exhilarating!


From that moment on, Mrs. CXXC and I have been blessed with meeting more couples with whom we consider ourselves friends. These are the individuals and couples to whom we open our hearts and minds and speak freely, openly and honestly regarding most any topic. With these people, we share not only our bodies but our lives. Sex has almost become an afterthought.


While our activities and scheduled gatherings may be underlined with sexual thoughts and desires, it is not a necessary requirement for our mutual enjoyment. An evening sitting around the fire, listening to music, laughter and conversation is more often the plan than sexual relations. To see these people and to know them personally is a gift to us. To have friends with whom we may confide, ask for guidance, gain insight from or share and exchange ideas with is the goal. This has become our newest fantasy, above all else.


Certainly, our sexual encounters with them are deeply passionate. The fact of the matter is that we are all sexual creatures and our wants and desires are met within our circle of friends quite often. Camaraderie is born and flourishes with each meeting. Each phone conversation bears the fruit of friendship. Each communiqué is read and answered with relish. We have established a relationship with these people that hinges not on the prospect of sexual congress but rather a commune of like minds and desires.


We feel quite fortunate in our finding such wonderful individuals. Each couple is an extension of who and what we are. Through our search and efforts we have discovered Friends With………

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It is amazing just how enriched your life becomes when you find others with that little somehting extra.


We feel truly fortunate in knowing the people we have met int he lifestyle. having the physical aspect of the relationship included is simply a bonus to us.


I hope your walk throught eh garden is filled with such pleasant memories to!

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