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Life Wisdom

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This is something I came across online about a year ago. It struck a chord with me and I thought I'd share it here with all of you. It was posted in a forum asking for advice about a certain life situation.



Life Wisdom


I wish someone had told me ten years ago about how the sands of time keep sifting through the hour glass and that it's not a good idea to ever "wait" too long for anything. By this I mean, don't ever put yourself on hold to your dreams by making these mistakes:


* waiting for another person to be available

* waiting for your hair to grow longer

* waiting to lose weight

* waiting to save enough money

* waiting for this, that or the other...


Instead of waiting for something to occur first in the future before you start living, DON'T WAIT, be brave and go forth with hope and faith into your life. Live each day fully. Don't dwell on memories, that means you're living in the past rather than the present. Choose to live in the present, not the past or the future. I tell you this from experience. Too many times I "waited" only to discover that I let too many years pass by with my excuses and now, it's too late for me to fulfill some of those dreams I had, and that's a very sad awakening.


To avoid much heartache, one should always remember "love without respect isn't anything worth having, including self-love". So, respect yourself and the one you love. Actually, it's a pretty good idea to show respect to everybody. But, especially you must deep down feel it for yourself and your loved ones and they should also feel it for you. If they don't respect you then you need to step back and take a long look at the relationship and decide if it can be improved, if not, then it's time to move on down the line.


Be active everyday, because once you stop it's easy to fall into a routine of living a lazy lifestyle, then one day you'll notice that you no longer have the agility, strength and grace you had when you were younger and once that goes you start to feel old. You can stay youthful longer by being active. Knees that no longer want to let you dance the way you used to, or run, or bend down and get back up without support with your hands on something are no fun... believe me when I tell you this.


So friends, to sum up this wisdom in one sentence, be active, live in the present (don't wait), respect yourself and expect respect in return. Take this advice and I promise you a more fulfilling life.


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* waiting to save enough money


In light of the current economic mess, perhaps this one would have been a really good idea for people for the last 9 years :lol:

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Ya know, they say you can never be too rich. In the last 10 years, every american has had multiple oportunities to save and to put away for a rainy day. I hope maost of the people on this board did save for the storm we are in today!

Good point, Chicup. Thanks for the reminder.

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