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Ever wonder if swinging is worth the effort?

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We're having one of those weeks where we're wondering if all the effort we put into swinging is worth it. It just seems like lately people are so busy they don't have time to get out and do anything for an hour or two, let alone spend an evening out. We're also finding that most couples we meet are in a different place in their lives than us. We have 1 child, in college and relatively independent. Most couples we meet have younger children and childcare is a big issue for them. We've considered meeting older couples and recently met one we liked. No kids, secure, experienced. BUT, they don't seem to really want to get out and go to clubs, parties or a night out on the town. They're more about hanging out at home and having fun there. They're also nudists, which we are not. We're finding that it is VERY difficult for us to find truly compatible couples, both socially and sexually. We'd love to hear how others here feel about this topic.

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We are one of those younger rapidly approaching middle age couples with young kids and limited babysitting.


We need to plan most things a few weeks in advance or have little chance to finding a sitter and even less of finding a sitter that work on swinger hours (aka really damn late, or actually early).


By default swinging is hard for us and at times its not worth the effort and we pass.


But still, when it does work out, its pretty good, and it has been good for us, so no complaints, its just life.

Edited by Chicup

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We are at this same point, for some of the very same reasons you identify. People are just at a very different stage in their lives than we are. We are physically very active. Most we've encountered within our age group are simply not there.


Also, the most recent couple we met with seemed to be at a very different place in their lives with their pets, than was acceptable with us. Imagine feeding your cats on your kitchen counter, so that your dog doesn't eat the cat food! The "guest" bath had the uncovered "kitty-litter" strategically placed front and center in the room. If there would have been an exit trap-door, we'd have pulled the cord and simply disappeared! Damn, sometimes we are so blind & accepting.


We are at the stage in our lives where our vocations are our choices, no longer driven by the necessity of earning a pay check. Our children are raised and gone, no longer the central focus of our daily lives. We are animal-free. We are Harley free, and clueless as to Pro Sports/NASCAR.

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