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Intuition? Or paranoia?

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I'm trying as much as possible to enjoy this time when i'm getting a lot of attention. I do love attention...and I'm trying to savor it rather than get overwhelmed. I'm also trying to be a bit selective. Anyway.


So I chatted with a couple last night who sounded great! They are local, professionals, and attractive. I chatted with them both by im, but via separate conversations. Evidently they have a F/B relationship and don't see each other too often.


I chatted with him first. He seemed great! Very nice, easy to talk to. Then, she got online, and I started chatting with her in a separate window. Then the red flags started appearing:


1 - she mostly talked about how awesome he was in bed

2 - they never talked at the same time...one or the other, in large spans

3 - she will be out of town, but encouraged me to meet him without her


ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. yeah buddy....sure.


now i'm all paranoid that he's really a single male, who made up this whole other chick just so he could get me trust him enough to meet. How lame would that be!?!!


i could be really mistaken here, cause he seemed so nice at first. then again, i didn't click with her...she was way too aggressive in chat. ..... i think i'm going to have to vote my intuition on this one...it's a no go!


dear local cute smart guy,


i'm sorry, but your imaginary lady friend is too aggressive. best of luck with your future encounters!


hugs and kisses,


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Might be at least worth a phone conversation with both of them. Text is much too easy to misinterpret.


Good luck,

Mr. Oly

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hey, at least he was cleverer then 97% of other guys who say that they have a gf but she can't play right now

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Overall, it does seem odd to us and we think your intuitions are probably spot on. Nothing like a mandating a phone conversation with all of you on the line before meeting to clear that up.


You made a pretty important point though about feeling that the woman was too pushy. If you didn't like that online, imagine what it will feel like in person. That in itself may be another reason to move on.

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Ya know, I wouldn't put it past anyone to try that (hmm, that's a good idea). But my significant other lives in a different country. We have the understanding that when we're separated like this, we are free to do whatever with whomever. And I catch a bad rap because of it. No one believes me. I swear I have to get every new fling on the phone with my GF (okay, that's an exaggeration.) But the point is, it's too easy to doubt us geographical bachelors. Oh well, it is what it is.

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