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An Awesome Night

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It seems like sometimes I just know that we are going to have a great time if we go to the club that night. Yesterday was one of those days. After being sick for the last couple of weeks I was finally feeling better. So I woke up Saturday morning wanting to get out and do something. We started looking online. We looked a social in B'ham that we haven't been to yet but as it was already about noon and we didn't get a response back within an hour we decided we'd just head to Menages again.


It was SLS night, but there weren't a lot of people signed up on SLS to attend (about 1/3 of what is normally signed up) so we figured it might be a light night. But, we tend to have more fun when the club isn't AS crowded and it's a lot easier to meet people (at least for us). So we decided we'd go.


We'd had a message on SLS from a couple that we'd talked with back and forth a couple of times on SLS over the last few months telling us they were going to be there. So we shot them a message back and let them know we'd decided to come out and would hopefully see them. The only thing was we had no idea what they looked like as all their pictures had their faces blocked.


We got to the club shortly after they opened and it was DEAD. There were about 15 couples (maybe) sitting around looking bored, but we knew from past experience it would pick up. So we found a table and dropped our stuff and just went for a walk around. While we were on the balcony outside we actually saw one couple LEAVE! Oh well, their loss. We headed back down and around 9pm it finally started picking up a bit more and we were enjoying watching people on the dance floor. Pet saw one couple and pointed them out and said "You don't think that's ______ do you?" "god I hope not!" was my response. Luckily, it wasn't too much longer before an attractive guy leaned over us and asked if we were Julie & Pet and introduced himself and his very attractive wife as the couple we had been talking to on SLS.


We went over to their table and talked for a few minutes and then went back to ours. We didn't want to be pushy and I don't think they did either. We talked a few times throughout the night and kinda let them know where we were in the lifestyle and found out more about them. We were having a good time just dancing and enjoying the crowd in general, but we were definately up for more.


Then I saw HER. I saw this woman walk by and instantly I said "Pet would love HER". It's taken me a while to figure out his type because he's been very shy about pointing them out to me. Typically I end up finding out about them after we leave when he says "man that girl...... was really hot". Well this woman was totally his type and I went over to tell her so and in doing so found out she was a unicorn! She came back to the table with me and met Pet and talked with us for a few minutes. Then went back to the people she had been sitting with, with a promise to come back. But, not 10 seconds after she got up, the couple we had been talking to sat down with us and made it apparent they were up for some play.


What to do? We could literally go either way here and happily! In the end we went and played with the couple and had an awesome time. Not only were they great fun to play with but just in talking to them we could tell they were a lot like us in the way they think and felt like we could actually enjoy a dinner with them. So we might be onto something. Of course, we thought we totally blew our chance with the Unicorn but when we came out of the playroom and went back to our table to start packing things up to leave she came and found us and let us know that she was interested and we should let her know next time we are in town. WOOHOO!


Now that is a GREAT night at the club!

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Too cool, Julie. I can relate to finding it a bit hard for a while to know what type Gator liked. I mean in "real" life it isn't always what he likes in fantasies.

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