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My Gyno has a sick sense of humor

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I love my gyno, she's cool, she's actually rather hot, she's easy to talk to, and she's FUNNY.


The last few weeks I've been having some sort of cyst on my inner labia. So I called the dr last week and they couldn't get me in till this week. Of course, what happens but the thing pops over the weekend and is no longer bothering me, but I go anyway. I had done some research online and thought it might be a bartholin cyst (since it seems to flare up after sex). She took a look and said it was just a regular ole Sebacious (sp?) cyst, but since it wasn't flared up she wasn't going to bother with it right now, BUT next time it flares up to call and tell them she said to get me in that day.


Since I was there and she wasn't going to do anything about the cyst she decided to go ahead and do a pap... so we get that done and as she's leaving I'm like


"So what makes it flare up?"

"Friction, usually."

"So, like sex huh?"


"ok, that's why I thought it might have been a bartholin since it's basically caused by a blockage of the moisture glands or whatever they are called. Hmm.... ok."


As she's walking out the door.

"So, have fun this weekend and I'll see you on Monday!"


That was just so wrong. The worst part is that I know when I go back in there is cutting involved and I don't want to deal with it being swollen and painful let alone the cutting. So it's really not making me want to have sex. I've actually had issues getting in the mood for sex the last week since I figured out that sex was what was making it swell up. Knowing what I'll have to deal with when it swells up again makes it even harder. I think I'm just going to have to drink till I don't care, have sex and it better damn well swell up that time so I can go to the dr and get it over with.

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