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My brother

I have alluded to the topic of my brother in other blog posts and have been meaning to write a post about him. As it turned out, a cousin of mine is doing a paper that fit right in with my family's situation. My mom graciously agreed to be interviewed then I was asked for my input. The following is just a silver of what I wanted to write about my brother but it will have to do.     I have an older brother who is three years my senior. To be honest, I don’t think about him all that often beca




Wishing For More Time

Today was the first day I didn't cry after dropping off our youngest at preschool. (Maybe it was too soon to say that because I feel teary after saying that.) I feel like an era is coming to an end and I am heartbroken to see it go. From here on out, I will see our children less and less as they grow up. Gone are the years that I am always accompanied to every errand. Gone are the years where the house is constantly filled with the children playing, laughing, and talking. The spontaneous h




The beginnings of my sexual education

I wanted to respond to the thread: Where did you get your sex education? but I didn't want to write a wall o' text and derail the thread so I have opted to answer it here.   When I was about 4 or 5 years old, I was friends with the next door neighbor girl. She was a couple of years older than me and she had an older brother that was at least a year or two older than her. I remember being at the side of our house, next to my dad's old beat-up Oldsmobile (that no longer worked) and my fr




Saying no continues to be the hardest lesson for me to learn

What I'm going to write about...I feel like I wrote about it before but I suppose I only wrote about half of my feelings. I've mentioned my issue to Mr. Sun several times but it doesn't really help anything until I finally realize that it really is okay to say "no". See, the problem that I find myself in is that if I say "no" to playing with a couple, I feel guilty--guilty about disappointing others, specifically Mr. Sun and the other couple. I also don't like to hurt people's feelings, and I kn




Where the Rubber Meets the Road

I'm pretty sure I used the right idiom...if not, at least it sounds cool, right?   In any case, we had a moment of truth last night. We had arranged to meet another couple (we'll call them Core Couple) at a bar, which we did. However, they had arranged to meet one other couple there as well. Fortunately, we were able to sit and chat with Core Couple before the other couple arrived. On the down side, when the other couple did show up, they didn't share their names with us and didn't talk muc




I'm Sorry Your Face Scares Me

This is just a rant and I really do feel bad about the whole situation but I have to get this off my back.   Before we had any swing experience, we tried the ol' email/chat route. As we all know, there are a plethora of profiles that don't have public face pictures. We understand the need for privacy and such but when a profile only has one public picture that isn't a face picture with no other private galleries, it starts to get a bit hairy in getting a face picture from the other couple.  




Loss of Excitement

I've debated about putting this in the normal forum posts or putting this in the blog. Obviously, I've decided on the latter because it's more about how I currently feel versus a "problem" that I want to present and gain insight to fix.   For about 6 months, I would say that my excitement for swinging has waned quite a bit. I'm not sure why. I'm not sure how. But whenever we have a free night to go out, I find myself preferring to spend the time with just Mr. Sun. But we usually go out to




Other Couple Geniality

Any "seasoned" swinger will tell you that they come across these types of scenerios:   -An attractive couple isn't so attractive after speaking with them. -A couple who you are on the fence about becomes more attractive after talking with them. -A couple you aren't at all attracted to but you have great conversation with still remains in the we-can't-swap-with camp because you just have no attraction with them at all.   We know how it feels to play with a couple that we aren't attracted to b



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