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About Islanders

  • Rank
    Just Getting Started

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  • Location
    South Carolina
  1. I didn't mind my son seeing me completely or partially nude when he was younger. But, now that he is about to turn four yrs. old, I try to cover up when around him. However, I don't mind if he comes into the bathroom to ask me something or use the toilet, while I'm in the shower. He's at the age now where he has tons of questions for everything he hears and sees. For example, while potty training him I had to explain to him, in a PG way, why girls sit down and boys stand up to pee. With that said, I don't mind if he's in the bathroom while I'm peeing, since I usually try cover things up as much as possible.
  2. I'm confused as well by the idea that people are willing to have unprotected oral sex, but insist on having protected sex when engaging in intercourse. STD's breed in moist places like the mouth and genitals. I feel that if you trust the couple you are swinging with enough to engage in unprotected oral sex than you might as well engage in unprotected sex for intercourse, as well (unless of course you are a woman who is using condoms as a form of birth control). My husband and I are new to this scene, and are beginning to understand your frustration of finding playmates that want the same things you want. I think it's like many of you have stated earlier "it's the quality not the quantity" when trying to find couples to swing with. I'm discovering too, it takes a lot of time and patience trying to find the right couple or woman to swing with, especially when your parents like us with a busy schedule. Good luck LCJTSD in your search for the right couple.
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