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About cplnluv1

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    Super Contributor
  • Birthday 01/23/1974

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    New Jersey
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  1. Politics and swinging don’t mix if you are looking for fun. Once a prospective contact mentioned politics or race we took deeper dives into personality. We never asked sensitive questions on certain topics, our focus was always on the why are you looking and what your expectations were. It was always about the woman and her feelings, any mention of politics sent up Red flags. We never asked, we never told, no incompatibilities that way. Our current group of friends will discuss politics because it’s in the news daily and though swinging and sex brought us together, there is much more that keeps us friends.
  2. We made friends that were originally new swingers. We now say playing with friends is the best.
  3. We have been with many first time couples and many first time women who were curious. We attempted to make a first time experience as friendly, positive and memorable as possible. We never pressured anyone and attempted to make our new friends feel they were in full control. Our initial mission was making women comfortable in exploring new sexual fun. I didn’t feel that I was a teacher, I was more a guide with the majority of couples eventually engaging in swinging. We noticed that men are always willing and women who came to explore found it easier to swing before exploring new sexuality. While we found it exciting to be a first we now find the fun of being with friends.
  4. Reality is average is real which means some are more some are less. Size is not important unless someone is in the outside limits. As a couple looking for our first meet we looked at profiles together and saw an attractive young lady with a man who in the profile was larger. We both thought they would be fun as a first. How big was he? I didn’t measure, just bigger. Back in my school days we used to talk. I had a friend talk about small making fun of a date she had. I had a friend claiming she was with an arm sized guy. I thought she was just stereotyping a boyfriend, the so called myth. Eventually I had to check out her lie, it wasn’t. I said he had to be 12”, I have no real idea to his real size. In the last 10 years I never saw a man as big as that one memory, most are 5-6 some look bigger, not many are huge as some have written.
  5. Ouch reverse cowgirl is popular with many of us. Better be careful in the future.
  6. True couples experience 40 though I was much younger when I had group sex as a single
  7. You need to ask why people marry, it’s because of love. Today you see many same sex marriages that look much happier than many conventional MF marriages. I asked two women just like the couple you met why they married and they gave me an answer I give when I was asked years ago, they were one soul. Most lesbians don’t hate men, they love a person that fulfills them.
  8. We grew over the years as to the why we play with others. We didn’t care who as we were not looking for friends, we were looking for excitement. Unlike the first time I had sex being nervous and young, we were now going to be a first for couples. After meeting a the first few couples where my deep feeling was to make their first experience a memorable positive experience I found deep in my gut the I had joy over being a first. Alan called it our conquest which is more important, physical less important. We evolved to enjoying companionship as well as physical satisfaction. Our swing partners are now our friends, great friends. Within our group are those that were friends before and remain closer friends. My feelings like others who post, it is safer to make new friends rather than risking losing good friends.
  9. Not the smartest thing we never brought the subject up, only used protection if the others brought it up. A dumb thing not to discuss when meeting strangers I felt most newbies were “clean”. Too much trust or too naive.
  10. Some brag, some hide. What’s worse?
  11. We learned that not all goes great when meeting others. Most of us write of great times, great sex and enjoying all we do then we realize life isn’t perfect. We are lucky that we found new friends that help us forget the mistakes we made along the way, not all our meetings turned out the way we wanted. We read, talked and chose wisely and still made mistakes. As careful as I thought we were we found out people aren’t always truthful, people have agendas, people hide facts. My mom used to call me a Pollyanna, I never truly understood the real meaning, I do look for the positives in others, I trust people. I know I am not alone, others have shared negative encounters, I read others. Life is not all roses, true friends open your eyes to beauty.
  12. Never thought of sex after sex as reclaimed sex or anything more than us being US.
  13. As much as the original post bothers me we have been asked by a number of new swingers about swinging with black men. It’s not only men who ask women ask and will ask for more details. I don’t always answer or will just state it’s a stereotype and not to believe everything you heard. The most upsetting questions are the ones I perceive as racist mostly by the men’s comments. Alan and I have met many couples new to sex with others always trying to steer clear of those who are doing it because the man wanted to see his wife have sex with me, I think those same men are the ones who want to watch a black man too. Embarrassing note: 10 years ago we met our first couple because Alan never saw me being wild like I bragged about as a college student. In a future search Alan found a Black couple. I am sure it was more of a porn fantasy and in now way a racist use of anyone. As with any first whether it was the first couple, first woman-woman, first i terrace meeting or first threesome there is a special excitement. None of these were firsts for me when we searched, they were firsts for us.
  14. We have and we haven’t. If meeting the first time was based on a profile other qualities must click both ways. Others posted women control the action something 99% true. Over the years I found those too willing to start play immediately sends up some red flags
  15. We met tens of scared, cautious, curious couples over the years, almost all reached out to us to start them on a new journey. All of the couples contained a woman who for many different reason wanted to know what being with another woman is. My first meeting was filling my husband’s curiosity of wanting to see me with another woman, a thing I did before meeting him. Our first was not typical, I was not a newbie, my husband was. I found the scenario changed each time we met a newbie, all came in with the intent of the wife/gf curious of touching a woman. Most needed help taking the edge off, wine, liquor or a pharmaceutical, I never let an inebriated woman go further. Touching and kissing of very willing partner, or slowing down a hesitant partner. Some wanted to touch others wanted to be touched, we read the signals.
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