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About WeDive

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  • Birthday 10/08/1962

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  • Occupation
    Swingers....yeah baby
  • Swinging Experience
    2 years

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  • Favorite Club(s)
    Club Cave

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  1. It's interesting to note that upon reflection of the last club visit your wife felt it was "morally wrong". Now it comes to light that she doesn't feel that way if it's MFM....... hmmm. A few observations: In our opinion you set yourself up for trouble if you bend/break pre-agreed upon boundaries during the heat of the moment. It seems that your wife decided it was "morally wrong" in some sort of unconscious attempt to agree with you stopping the action and that she doesn't truly feel its morally wrong to the point of never considering it again. Find the play level that works for both of you and then seek out others that are interested in that same level/type of play. There is someone out there for everyone. It doesn't always happen, but in many cases your comfort level will increase and you'll be able to experience other types of play as time goes on. Patience is a virtue that serves you well while swinging. Good luck and happy swinging!
  2. We are members of several sites; currently AFF is not one of them. We like to meet people and we found that while the number of contact on AFF was very high the ratio of contacts to actual meetings was very very low. We actually meet a high percentage of the people we communicate with on CouplesTouch and other sites. CT does not have a big presence in LA, so SLS or some of the others may work better for you. From our experience sites like SLS are much more reasonably priced than AFF as well. While some others have stated that single males are a dime a dozen in the lifestyle.......nice, nice looking, respectful single males stay very busy and have a great time swinging. Good luck!
  3. We find Yahoo IM important. Many of the reasons why have already been stated in the previous answers. Our specific process for screening who we want to meet includes some time on Yahoo. We clearly state on our profile that we are not there for endless email / chat exchanges, we are there to meet. So if the Yahoo chatting isn't going down the right road we end it. Once someone has expressed an interest or vice versa (and its mutual) we try to have a conversation over Yahoo with them to determine further mutual interest and scheduling. If that all goes well then we make a date to meet. If not we have just saved a ton of time. We also use Yahoo IM daily to keep up with people we already know. We have a dedicated Yahoo account that is only for sexy fun and we have no identifying information in that Yahoo profile. We hear/read about swingers that want to have fun but have no time. They are caught juggling family, work, other responsibilities so they can't respond in a timely manner or get out as much as they'd like. Yahoo IM can help with that -- it saves time and allows you to communicate more efficiently. It does for us anyhow. A word of caution though --- we recommend NEVER sending pics through yahoo unless you KNOW the people personally. Think Dateline.......
  4. We have wondered the same thing about people we meet and they just talk and talk about other swingers they know. It seems that nothing is out of bounds. In fact lately it has become a determining factor of whether we would consider playing with someone that talks out of school like that. On the other side, we have to choose what/how/who we talk about very carefully so that we won't be considered in that same group. We've determined that some general small talk is OK, but anything more specific than that is out of bounds. We actually had an acquaintance contact us this past weekend and ask if we'd heard anything bad about her. We hadn't and we assume we won't hear anything because it's known that we don't give or receive nonsense. If we had an issue with someone there would be no reason to share it. We are well aware that whoever we had an issue with might not be a problem for the next people so we'll let everyone be their own judge. If we had just heard of an issue it would be high school-ish to repeat it. Our .02 worth.
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