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About Tahoecple

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    Swingers Board Addict
  • Birthday 08/15/1950

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    Dayton, Nv

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  1. The Corporate Ladder All rights reserved Part One The stench of sex blends with perfume and aftershave to place Celia’s every nerve ending on alert. Bret had sown the seed of temptation. So now, on those lonely nights her husband is away on a flight, she joins the other sexually frustrated, seeking to quench her cravings. With the image of her fantasy lover in mind, Celia waits for him to find her. But in this murky place, none of the furtive figures are discernible as they flutter about. Then, from the darkness, a whiff of masculine cologne propels a ticklish trimer careening through her core. She dare not look. Her only interest is he soon has her withering in pleasure. Celia tenses as instinctually she perceives his presence. Suddenly, his fiery breath caresses the nape. She freezes in anticipation as her skin sprouts goosebumps. Celia’s eyes close as his body molds against hers. Even though her heavy wool skirt provides a barrier, she detects his every twitch. She detects movement in the dark. Others gather in preparation to witness her shame in this act of decadence. Faceless forms jockey for position, drawing the oxygen from the room. He hikes her skirt over her bum. Celia’s panties become crepe paper in his hands as he rips them off. Modesty dictates she ends her scandalous display by lowering her skirt. But her insatiable cravings demand she spread her legs instead. A whimpering moan escapes her lips as his bulbous head traces over her entrance. Not wanting to complicate her fantasy with reality, Celia dare not look back. Instantly, her breasts are swaying to the rhythm of his thrusts. Spectators gasp, hands are on her breast, their moans fill her ears. Yet, through the swirling vortex of sensual pleasures, Celia’s focus remains locked on the pounding phallus until her body convulses in orgasmic bliss. Alone on her bed, the buzzing dildo remains firmly embedded when Celia finally opens her eyes. Once more, she is left to her own devices to find momentary relief from her insatiable cravings. Celia slowly withdraws her favorite dildo, but instead of freeing it from her love canal, she shoves it back in for one last thrill. Her hips rotate as Celia questions the five-year relationship and three-year marriage to Bret. But her love for Bret isn’t in question. Instead, her dilemma stems from the strain of living with a man whose job keeps him away for days on end. An hour later, Celia squeezes her thighs together once more before turning the car off. One more little thrill before starting the workday. “Damn you, Bret. You may be the love of my life, but this waiting alone at home for you to reappear is getting old.” But, of course, there’s no reply. Her husband doesn’t return from his flight until tomorrow. Before buckling down to work, Celia makes a stop by the lunchroom for her morning coffee. Marcy joins her, patiently waiting for her turn at the coffee machine, asking, “Aren’t you sleeping well?” “Does it show?” Marcy nods. “Bret’s on the last day of a ten-day flight, and I don’t sleep well when he’s away.” Mary smiles sympathetically. “Yeah, I remember being twenty-three. Twice a day sometimes didn’t do the trick.” “At this stage, every other day sounds doable,” Celia says with a giggle. Celia takes a sip as Xillia sticks her head in the door, saying, “Celia, Mark wants to see you before you start.” Celia tilts her head. “Did he say what he needed?” Xillia smiles. “I’ll let him tell you.” She gives a wink, “but don’t worry, he’s in a terrific mood.” A million scenarios rush through Celia’s mind. But, unfortunately, not one ends well when the Senior Partner of Johnston and Johnston asks to speak to you first thing in the morning. Xillia leads Celia into the reception area outside Mark Johnston’s office. She does a double-take from her desk as Celia stares. “Mark’s expecting you. Is there a problem?” Unable to move, Celia asks, “Do I look alright?” Xillia suppresses a giggle. “You’re stunning.” In a whisper, Celia asks, “Is he firing me?” Xillia slowly shakes her head, extending an index finger toward Mark’s door. Celia taps on the door to Mark’s office before turning the handle. Mark waves her inside, saying, “Celia, glad you could stop by. Please take a seat.” “Is there a problem, sir?” Mark holds Celia’s personnel file. “Celia, are you as surprised as I was to learn you have worked for us a year already?” “Yes, sir. Or I mean no, sir, I enjoy working here so much. Time just flew by... Am I in trouble?” Mark nods, “You will be if you don’t start calling me Mark.” But then, he chuckles, “I’m kidding. Your work and work ethic is exemplary.” A nervous tremor vibrates through and through. Celia clutches her hands so as not to show them shaking. Mark pours a glass of water, handing it to Celia, “Calm down, my dear. Then, with your permission, I would like to discuss your future with Johnston and Johnston.” Celia catches herself before placing the glass on her boss’s desk. She damn sure didn’t want to get fired for leaving rings on the antique mahogany desk. Mark smiles. “Celia, where do you see yourself in five years.” “I’m taking paralegal classes and hope to earn a position when I graduate.” “Marvelous. We all need a goal to shoot for. How far along are you.” “I’ll graduate in six months, sir.” “We always need outstanding paralegals. Would you consider a position with us after you graduate?” Nervously Celia bows her head, “Earning a paralegal position here is my goal.” Mark taps his upper lip. “I understand the paralegal course is pricey. How would you feel about me financing your studies in return for agreeing to take a paralegal position with us.” Bewildered, Celia’s head spins. “You are too kind. But I could never ask you to do that, sir.” Mark extends his index finger, “First, you didn’t ask. I volunteered.” He raises another finger. “Second, you proved yourself as a superior employee with great work ethics, so it’s prudent business.” Holding up a third finger, his steel-blue eyes lock with hers. “And if you don’t quit calling me sir, I’ll need to spank you.” Celia’s thighs involuntarily twitch together at the prospect of being bent over this handsome man’s lap. Of course, he’s kidding, but the image of those long tapered fingers swatting her bare ass is a mind-boggling turn-on. Mark jars Celia from her vision, saying, “Shall we discuss why I brought you here today.” Celia nods. Mark says, “Confidentiality is the crux of our company. For an employee to advance, they must be a trusted team player.” Mark holds his stare. “Celia, are you a trusted team player?” “What I see and hear inside this office stays inside these walls. I think my work history proves this, Mark.” “Most definitely, and therefore I thought of you when this position opened.” Celia’s eyebrows bunch as she asks, “I don’t recall seeing a position being posted.” Mark chuckles. “The best positions are never posted. They’re offered.” Mark studies Celia a moment longer before saying, “Xillia started this position three years ago. Last semester she graduated from law school, and last week she passed the State Bar. This is her last week as my administrative assistant. I would like for you to fill the position she’s vacating.” “Is Xillia leaving the company?” “No, she’s our newest associate.” “Sir, I’m honored. Yes, this position is a dream come true.” “Don’t be rash. This position requires a dedication some may not be willing to commit to, so think this over before making your decision. I have yet to explain your duties.” Celia nods as Mark presses the intercom. “Xillia, would you mind joining us” Xillia enters, locking the door. “Yes, sir.” “Celia expresses an interest in filling your position. Would you mind going over some of what that entails?” Xillia nods, facing Celia. “As the head of the company, Mark fills a stressful position. So we want him relaxed and at his best at all times.” She holds her hand out to Celia. “Allow me to demonstrate.” Hand in hand, they approach Mark. “ust as I suspected, can you tell how keyed up he is?” Xillia motions toward the tent in Mark’s trousers. Celia freezes, pulling back. But her eyes don’t leave the outline of Mark’s magnificent manhood in his slacks. Xillia smiles. “Don’t be intimidated. Let’s examine it closer, shall we.” Celia’s breaths quicken as Xillia’s delicate fingers lowers the zipper. She fishes his cock free, turning to Celia as she strokes. “Have you ever seen anything so masculine?” Lost in her captivation, Celia isn’t aware of her head shaking slowly from side to side. Xillia sinks to her knees, engulfing Mark’s erection in her mouth. Celia’s hips sway in mesmerized fascination until Xillia removes his wet red cock from between her lips, swirls her tongue around the head before summoning Celia. Then, in a sex-starved trance, Celia joins her kneeling on the other side of Mark’s legs. A moan escapes Celia’s widespread lips as Xillia smiles, tilting his cock toward her, and says, “Taste his shaft. But remember, he adores wet juicy head.” Fixated, Celia’s fingers encircle his erection. She savors his aroma as her tongue sloshes around the head. Then she takes him into her throat. So focused on her blowjob, discovering Xillia naked a moment later surprises her. “My turn,” Xillia says, wrapping her fingers around Mark’s cock. Celia stands, and in mindless fascination, lowers the zipper on her dress. Her mind swirls. One event morphs into another until Xillia is sprawled in front of her on Mark’s desk. Behind her, Mark eases Celia forward toward the V of Xillia’s widespread legs. Celia’s mouth an inch from Xillia’s pussy, Mark enters her. In forbidden captivation, Celia savors the thrill of a man the same size as her husband pounding into her. As Mark thrusts, Bret’s image flashes in her mind. Forgive me, Honey, but I can’t stop now. I promise to make it up to you. Twenty minutes later, Celia’s pussy is overflowing with Mark’s sperm. Xillia’s juices coat her face, and for the first time in weeks, she’s experiencing the glow of sexual satisfaction. Xillia takes Celia in her arms, tracing her tongue over Celia’s lips, before giving her a passionate kiss. Their lips part and Xillia says, “Welcome to the eighteenth floor. We’ll have a ball.” Mark kisses both women and says, “Xillia, I see no reason for prolonging this. Call maintenance to move your things into your new office and help Celia settle in this afternoon. Xillia nods. “And you need to get a move on. You’re due in court in an hour.” Mark chuckles on his way to the shower. “Celia, those are some humongous shoes you’ll be filling.” Celia giggles, “I can only imagine.” Alone, Celia steps into her panties with a sigh. Xillia studies her, asking, “Are you all right.” “Conflicted,” Celia says with a shrug. “I’m no cheater, but God, I enjoyed what just took place.” Xillia nods, asking, “Is this the first time you took the bull by the horns and taken what you needed. Instead of waiting for a man to give it to you.” “Am I that obvious?” “What we need is a long talk over lunch. Let’s go.” “Xillia, it’s not even ten o’clock.” “You now report to Mark, who when in a satisfied state of mind cares less how you spend your time.” The two women follow the maître d to their table as Celia scans the restaurant. Finally, Xillia asks, “Does this place meet with your approval?” “Unfortunately, Xillia, I can’t afford this.” Xillia laughs, “Obviously, Mark neglected discussing the salary and perks of your new position.” Celia’s mouth opens as Xillia playfully flings a credit card toward Celia. “You now have an expense account. Lunch is Mark’s treat.” On their second martini, Xillia asks, “Are you ready to tell me what’s bothering you.” Celia glances around the room, ensuring their privacy. “I can justify losing my mind once, but I can’t rectify being a concubine.” Xillia giggles. “You’re not a concubine. Think of this as being compensated for taking what you need while giving what Mark needs.” “I’m a married woman, and however you justify this, sex outside the marriage is wrong.” “Celia, you marry for love. But just because you love someone doesn’t mean you’re sexually satisfied.” Celia shakes her head, “You marry to be the only other person in each other’s life.” “That’s the beauty of this arrangement. You go to work, take care of all your pent-up sexual frustrations. Then return home to love your husband with a satisfied mind.” “And in the meantime, my husband is faithfully abiding by our vows. I can’t do that to him.” Xillia takes a sip and smiles. “You’re either a conniving little bitch, or the most loving wife I ever met.” “What do you mean.” “Are you concerned with him discovering your sexual trysts or considering allowing him to share the freedom you’re experiencing?” Celia gives a sheepish shrug, “A little of both, I guess.” “Have you two discussed playing with other people?” Celia nods, “Which I immediately shot down accusing him of wanting to have an affair.” “Is he serious about wanting to play with other people?” “The idea of fucking other women turns him on,” Celia says. Xillia nods, “And with seeing you fucking other men.” “I guess. He brought it up, knowing I wouldn’t be thrilled with the idea.” “Are you planning on telling him all about your new position? Or are you pacifying your guilty conscience?” “Pacifying my conscience for at the least the time being.” Xillia laughs. “Mark’s going to be thrilled. You’re a much bigger jackpot than he expected.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Let’s just say I am a regular guest at his and Helen’s parties.” “Who’s Helen?” “Mark’s wife.” “Oh my God, Mark flaunted you in front of his wife.” “No. He fucked me in front of his wife while she did the same with anybody striking her fancy.” Celia gulped her drink in stunned silence. Xillia finally asks, “Any idea how you will reveal this to Bret?” Celia shakes her head, and Xillia says, “Don’t worry, I do.” *** Five o’clock Friday afternoon, Celia answers the doorbell to find Xillia on her front steps dressed to kill. Her short black cocktail dress is split to her naval, with the hem just below her shapely ass. Xillia rushes through the door carrying a garment bag. “Is he home yet?” Celia shakes her head. “He should be here any minute.” Xillia hands her the garment bag. “Put this on and hurry. We have little time.” “What’s this?” Xillia arches her eyebrows. “A little something to ensure tonight goes as expected. I took you as a size 6, am I right?” Celia nods. Half an hour later, from the front door, Bret says, “Honey, you better be naked. I sported this diamond cutter all afternoon thinking about what I’m about to do to you.” His shirt is halfway unbuttoned as he freezes in the den. Bret’s eyes lock on the voluptuous blond sitting across from his wife. Then, finally, he pries his eyes from her exposed cleavage to lock with her sky-blue eyes, as she says, “Don’t stop on my account.” Celia hastily introduces Xillia to her husband. “Honey, this is Xillia, my coworker.” Bret’s lips form an unenthusiastic frown. “But, Celia, this is my first night home.” Celia pats the sofa. “Sit down, Honey. Have I got a story to tell.” Bret gives Celia a confused stare. But before he can speak, Xillia flops on the other side of him, saying, “You’re going to be so impressed with your little wife.” Of course, with the sexual aspect of her new position omitted, twenty minutes later, Bret sits between the two women with a broad smile. “Honey, I’m so proud of you. We should go out to celebrate your new position.” Xillia busts out laughing. “Damn, Celia. Why didn’t we think of that.” Both women are laughing as Bret turns from one to the other. Giving Xillia’s cleavage a covert glance, as he does. Xillia gives Bret a mischievous smile. “Is there something on my dress? Or are these what you find so fascinating?” she says as she pulls the flaps of her dress apart, allowing her breast to spring free. Bret’s head shoots around to face Celia with his mouth agape. She grins. “Those are some bodacious ta-ta’s. Aren’t they?” He raises his hand to cop a feel. But thinks better of it and faces Celia and asks, “What’s going on?” Celia shrugs. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” He turns back to Xillia, who smiles as her index fingers trace circles around her nipples. Then, turning back to Celia, she’s doing the same thing. But before he can comment, both women straighten their dresses and stand. Finally, Celia says, “We’re going out to celebrate. Are you joining us or staying home?” A fabulous dinner at the swankest restaurant in town and three hours of hopping from one nightclub to another find Bret and Celia grinding on the dance floor. Finally, Bret says, “Honey, not to be rude, but do you think we can lose Xillia and go home?” Celia snuggles close, “Whatever for. The three of us are having so much fun. Why would we want to ditch Xillia?” “Celia, they say men might die from going this long with a Boner. You don’t want my death on your conscience.” Celia raises her head, drawing her lips to his. Her head slowly shakes side to side, and she says, “Xillia and I are going to team up to ensure you don’t die.” Bret’s head shoots back. His eyes lock with hers, and he asks, “Are you insinuating what I think you are?” Celia gives a broad smile and nods. “Let’s take this show to the house.” Inside their home, the girls usher Bret upstairs to the master bedroom. He unbuttons the first two buttons on his shirt before freezing. Then, facing Celia, he asks, “Are you sure about this?” They smile as Celia unbuttons his shirt, and Xillia takes care of his pants. In moments, the three are standing naked beside the bed. Bret glances from one to the other, asking, “This is new to me. What do we do.” Xillia suppresses a giggle patting the bed. “Jump up here on your back. We’ll think of something.” With no need to get Bret up for the task, both women position themselves on either side of him, taking turns licking and sucking. In moments his toes curl, his legs grow taught, and he groans, “I can’t hold back any longer.” Xillia pulls down hard on his shaft, covering the head with her mouth. One stroke, and he’s going off like a Roman Candle. Her eyes never leave his as she greedily gulps every drop. When his trimmers stop, she takes Celia’s head in her hands, giving her a tongue-sloshing kiss. Bret watches in fascination as both women explore each other’s bodies. In no rush, they linger with tantalizing caresses until morphing into a classic 69. Bret maneuvers, waiting for an opportunity to plunge his cock into Xillia’s dripping honey pot. Only to draw her stern rebuke. “Not this time, Bucko, do Celia first. Then if you’re man enough, come see me.” With Celia on top of Xillia, Bret brings his cock to her entrance. Then, with a gentle thrust, he’s inside and stroking. Xillia is soon alternating between Bret’s shaft and balls and Celia’s clit. While Celia follows her urges with her mouth on Xillia’s clit. It could have lasted but a minute or an hour. Time is impossible to calculate in this state of arousal. But after each reached the pinnacle of sexual bliss, they lay in a panting huddle on tangled sheets. Then, with endorphins enhancing their post-orgasmic glow, the three make their way to the den for a glass of fine red wine. Xillia and Bret settle in on the sofa as Celia excuses herself. Bret studies Xillia’s sensual form and asks, “Would you mind my asking what I owe the pleasure of your company this evening.” She smiles, “The subject came up during lunch conversation the other day.” Bret nods, “Which of you brought up the subject of tag-teaming me.” “I don’t recall. We both mentioned being horny, and when the subject evolved into who might remedy the situation, your name came up.” Xillia toys with his flaccid cock. “I sincerely hope you’re not offended.” “Not in the least. My curiosity comes from her going ballistic when I brought up the subject.” “She mentioned that. Celia also said her biggest fear is you going bat ass crazy if she ever fucks another man.” Bret’s cock jerked in her hand. “She’s wrong about that. Her doing another man is my deepest fantasy.” Xillia giggles, “Exactly what I told her.” “So your conversation went from playing with other men to a threesome with me.” “In a way. Being all men fantasize about having two women, I explained this would be a fantastic way to break the ice. If she’s agreeable to you having fun, you should willingly return the favor.” Before he could reply, Celia asks, “What are you two talking about?” Xillia shrugs. “Me fucking your husband while you fuck any good-looking man striking your fancy.” Celia studies his twitching erection in Xillia’s hand. “Well, he brought up the subject, and he’s thrilled by the prospect.” She twirls her tongue around his head and asks, “Honey, do you want to watch me being fucked?” Unable to find his voice, Bret nods. Celia’s tongue darts over her lips. “Why don’t you tell me who you would like to see fucking me? And do it while you’re fucking Xillia.” Bret’s gaze rises from his wife’s tongue on his shaft to Xillia sprawled on the floor with a finger stroking her slit. Then, in a sensual whisper, Xillia says, “Get over here and show me what you can do with that hunk of manhood.” One swipe of the head over her flowing gash, and Bret plunges balls deep inside his wife’s beautiful coworker. He continues bucking until Celia squats over Xillia’s face and wraps her arms around his neck. In a communal effort, first one, then another, follows their urge into another position. Finally, sprawled with widespread legs, Celia thrusts into Xillia’s mouth as Bret pounds into Xillia from behind until the three reach simultaneous release. *** Monday morning Celia only has time to set her cup on her desk before Mark calls her into his office. She finds Mark, Xillia, and a beautiful brunette sitting around his desk. Mark says, “Come in, Celia. I would like you to meet Helen.” The brunette stands, her eyes sweep over Celia before saying, “Xillia’s been telling us all about your weekend.” Then, after a much too tight hug, she says, “From the sounds of it, we will be fast friends in no time.” “I hope so, Mrs. Johnston.” “Please, no need for formalities. Call me Helen,” she says, tracing a fingertip over Celia’s breast. “Unless, of course, you enjoy spankings.” Celia’s tongue darts over her lips, “Well, sometimes I’m a very naughty girl.” Helen laughs, and Mark asks, “Celia, we have a core group of liberal-minded friends who enjoy the same pastime the three of you engaged in this weekend. So you would honor us if you and Bret would join us at our home this weekend.” “Oh, I’m afraid this short of a notice Bret may not have time to change his schedule if he’s booked for a flight. So if you will excuse me for a moment, I’ll call to see if he’s free.” Mark picks up the phone. “Give me his number. I’ve been dying to meet the man who won the heart of my stunning new assistant.” Celia is on pins and needles as Mark dials the number. Then she listens with bated breath to one side of the conversation. “Bret, Mark Johnston, I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” “No, no problems, just the opposite. I wanted to share how proud we are here at Johnston and Johnston to have Celia taking such an active role in our firm.” “We feel the same. Celia’s a real asset to the firm.” “Anyway, we like to think of our employees as family, and this weekend the wife and I are throwing a little something we would love for you and Celia to attend if you’re free.” “No, nothing formal. Just friends getting together for a little fun.” “Fantastic. I’m looking forward to meeting you.” “Oh, before I forget. Bill Thomas will be there, and he’s been talking about buying a plane. I don’t know one plane from another. I think he said he’s looking at a Gulfstream. Anyway, I wanted to give you a heads up. Bill’s got the deepest pockets in town. So if he offers you a job, hold out for top dollar.” Mark laughs. “Don’t give it a second thought. I told you, we’re a family around here.” He gives Celia a wink, placing the receiver in the cradle. “From your husband’s reaction, it sounds like we’re on for Saturday.” Celia’s thighs twitch together as she giggles. “I’m looking forward to an entertaining evening.” Helen bounces to her feet. “Girls, I think a little shopping is in order. Let’s go.” Mark says, “Wait a minute, I was thinking about having a little pre-party fun this morning.” Helen gives a mischievous smile and says, “Honey, for what I have planned for this weekend, you’ll need to rest up all week, so you’re ready to go all night Saturday.” Helen then ushered the girls toward the door. *** Bret meets Celia at the door when she arrives home, lugging several shopping bags. He lightens her load by taking a few following her into the den. “Hey Baby, your boss called this morning inviting us to a party this weekend.” Celia nods with a smile. “I know. I was in his office during the call.” Bret’s head tilts. “What’s behind him personally inviting me.” Celia shrugs, “He just wanted to ensure you understood we were welcome, I guess.” “Who is this Bill Thomas guy he mentioned.” “One of our biggest clients. He’s the head of Thomas Industries.” Bret’s eyes widen. “Just to be clear about this, we are talking about international Conglomerate, Thomas Industries?” Celia nods. “He has us on a seven-figure retainer. Mark and Bill went to college together. Why?” Bret flops on the sofa. “God, are you telling me we’ll be attending a party with one of the richest men in the world in attendance.” “From what I understand, he’ll be one of several power brokers there.” “I never knew Johnston and Johnston are so well connected.” “There are probably a lot of things about the firm you’re unaware of.” Lost in thought, Bret gives an absent-minded nod. “I guess I should buy a tux for this shindig. What do you think? If this guy is looking for a pilot, I want to make a favorable first impression.” “You won’t need a tux.” “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t want to overdo it. A new Italian suit will work.” “I think a sports coat and slacks will be fine.” “No tie?” “I don’t think you’ll find a tie in the house, being worn anyway.” “Will there be a theme?” Celia places her shopping bags on the coffee table. “Honey, I think we need to discuss something.” Bret’s brow furrows. “Sure, Honey, what’s on your mind.” “The theme for the party.” Celia waits for Bret’s nod before continuing. “This is one of those parties you tried to convince me to attend.” “I’m not following you. What kind of party have I tried to convince you to attend.” Celia takes a deep breath to calm her nerves. “Helen took us shopping today.” Bret holds up his hand to stop her. “Whose Helen, and whose us.” “Helen is Mark’s wife, and she took Xillia and me shopping for something to wear to the party.” “Didn’t she think we could afford clothes?” “She wants us to be dressed for the theme.” “You’re confusing me. What kind of party requires you to be dressed theme-appropriate.” “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” Bret is reading the paper when Celia returns. She’s clad in a long, flowing dress split on one side to the hip. The back scoops to the flair of her ass, and the front is open to the naval. A pair of five-inch spike stilettos complete the ensemble. Celia clears her throat to gain Bret’s attention. Then enters the room with each step, revealing thigh-high stockings. Finally, she does a slow pirouette and says, “Every lady will wear something of this nature, or less. What do you think.” “I think I want to fuck you, right now, right here.” Celia nods with a sly smile. “But, of course, most of the guys at the party will think the same thing, and a few will get the chance to do just that.” “And what am I supposed to be doing while all this is going on.” “Fucking one of the trophy wives striking your fancy, silly,” Celia giggles. “Xillia will be there. Maybe she’s more to your taste,” Celia says with a broad smile. “Are you saying this is a high-end swingers party?” “Swinger is quaint but appropriate, I guess.” Bret’s eyes sweep over her body, then lock with hers. Then he does it again before slowly standing and scooping Celia up in his arms. She gives him a loving kiss and says, “Let me take this off first. I want to at least build some sexual tension Saturday night before having it covered with cum stains.” Bret is taking the steps two at a time when he says, “Then you had better hurry.”
  2. Just an observation and thought. But aren’t you precisely what we fear most in this, the judgmental public. What makes you think this lady and her husband would be embarrassed or ashamed of their activity? Maybe they are, maybe not. That, however, isn’t the question at hand. You’re skating on thin ice to even discuss sexual matters with a coworker. It’s even worse if you are in a supervisory position. Don’t overthink this. In the OP, you said this couple merely glanced at your profile. You’re not interested in them, and they didn’t express any interest in you. This is a case of two ships passing in the night. She doesn’t know it was your profile, so you have nothing to explain.
  3. Confucius say, happy wife make for happy husband. I wouldn’t say it’s all about the wife, I tend to think of it as focused on the wife. As much as guys like to pride themselves on their prowess, the fact is women, if properly stimulated, can outlast any man. If you’ve never been with a woman being tag-teamed with the attention of two men, where one man drives her to the heights of sexual bliss, only to reach his limits and have another man come in and take her higher, you’ve missed the essence of sexual pleasure. Plus, if you’re anything like me, you can’t watch your wife being fucked into ecstasy and not get turned-on by the experience. We’ve had experiences where I’ve shot my wad twice, only to get hard and ready for another go just watching her. I may not get there, but I’m going for all I’m worth. If your wife gets to the place after however many orgasms in a row where she gives up and says, “no more, I just can’t take anymore,” you’re missing a real treat. That woman will do anything for you to make it happen again. So no, I don’t think it’s all about the woman.
  4. If I understood your question, you’re concerned about what to talk about when both setting up something like this, as well as how to discuss it afterward. There are so many variations in the games played that no one answer would be right for every circumstance. For us, what we settled on is that we were in this to have fun together. As somebody mentioned earlier in this thread, too many rules tend to get in the way of having fun. That said something took place in this threesome of yours that upset you. You kind of beat around the bush about it but it sounded to me like the fact that the other man took the assertive role in this upset you. If he did, that’s neither right nor wrong, it’s something you and your wife allowed him to do. What you have to remember in this is that you’re both adults and in charge of what takes place. Neither of you should worry about signals, if something is going on either of you don’t like, put an end to it. You two are the host and hostess, tell him he’s worn out his welcome and it’s time to go. Your primary role in bringing another man to your bed is to keep your wife safe, let her enjoy what she wants to, but don’t let this go in a direction she, or you don’t want to take it. Now with that being said, there was an undertone to your post, which indicated you were upset with what took place, but she enjoyed what happened. If so, there is something else you need to keep in mind about this. In all cases in the lifestyle, whatever the woman desires is usually the right way to go. If you want to have fun in a threesome, you need to allow your wife to enjoy herself. And if you need to ask if she enjoyed herself either you, him, or both of you didn’t do your job right. As a side note, the hardest aspect of this for most men is to release their wives to enjoy themselves and not be intimidated by another man rocking their world. Don’t look at it as a competition for whose the best, look at it as a learning experience. Personally, we’ve never played with another man who rocked my wife's world in which I didn’t learn something from the experience. When you discover some trick which will blow her mind, add it to your lovemaking repertoire to allow her to experience this with you. The best of anything will get boring in time, keep it fresh with new things and you’ll both have more fun. As far as the communication between the two of you, there are several levels of communication, and by far the most honest is the non-verbal side. If your wife gets in the car for the ride home and she has that smile, she’s all cuddly, and has that far away look in her eye, she loved what took place. On the other hand, if she gets in the car, slams the door and screams, “Take Me Home, NOW!” She probably wasn’t thrilled with it. You're going to want to know what she thought about what took place, and she’s not going to want to tell you if it was great, so don’t ask. If she liked it, and she can trust you, she might at some point tell you what she liked most about what happened. Put yourself in her position, if you just had the best sex of your life with another woman you’re not going to tell her that. Let her actions tell you what you want to know. Remember, women are all subliminal communicators, and if men are going to understand them, we have to learn to communicate on that level. Oh one more thing before I end this rant, you were more than a little vague about what it was specifically that upset you. If you have something in particular which upset you, or you didn’t like in your playtime, articulate that concern. I’m sure whatever it was has been experienced at one time or another by somebody on this site.
  5. It’s a party house. I’ve never been to one of they’re events, but I’ve read some favorable reviews. They used to list their events on the SLS site, but I haven’t checked them out in some time now, so I’m not sure if they still do.
  6. Steven King says his writing style is to find an extraordinary character, put him in an exciting or dangerous situation, and start writing to see what happens. After twenty-eight years of marriage, a husband gives his wife his blessings to start dating other men. Her choice is a suicidal ex-con with anger issues and panic attacks. I’m no Steven King, but I have a hell of an idea for a book, thanks. As for my advice to you, some things go beyond sexual excitement. The foremost is safety. Your wife going out with a suicidal ex-con is bad enough. But why would you invite this man into your home? I’ll give you some advice, take your wife off your life insurance policy, and increase hers. Because if she’s willing to throw you to the curb for this guy your life isn’t worth a plug nickel. I hope you two wise up before one, or both of you make the front page of the local paper.
  7. Years ago we had much the same experience. I can’t remember the name of the place. It was located in Oakland Ca., an adult motel where they held social dances. It was interesting, they had a bar, occasionally had entertainment, and music for dancing. Outside the pool and hot tub area’s were clothing optional. We had been corresponding with a couple and decided to meet them there one night. Everything was going nicely, we were just getting to know one another. Somewhere another couple joined us inside the dance. One thing led to another, and the six of us end up in the couple we came to meet’s room. The six of us were getting acquainted, and things were about to get interesting when there was a knock on the door. This was a cute looking couple, and evidently, they had been invited up by one of the other couples. In no time the male half of the new couple starts hitting on every other woman in the room. One of the other guys starts coming on to the woman this guy’s with. She laugh’s and in no uncertain terms tells him she’s not into this and is here just to keep this guy company. It was a couple only dance, and this guy comes out with, “yea, she’s just the couple half to allow me to get into the dance.” We were young and naïve, I hadn’t even considered something like that happening. The male half of the couple we were there to meet politely asked them to leave, I believe his exact words were, “get your fucking ass out of here before I put a boot in it.” This was a lesson well learned. From then on I wasn’t afraid or hesitant in asking the personal questions before things went to the play stage. I’ll sit at the bar and talk to anybody, on any subject, and not delve into their history. If they are coming back to our room, or we’re going to theirs, I’m finding out who we’re dealing with. As friendly as most people you meet in this lifestyle are, they are still strangers if you’re meeting them for the first time. I’m not talking about a life history, but at the least find out what they are interested in. I don’t think there was any threat from this guy. I don’t know who the woman was, most likely the whole thing came down to him wanting to get laid, and she was there to allow it to happen. Being this wasn’t what we were interested in, if we had known this beforehand they wouldn’t have killed the mood in the room with their appearance.
  8. You’re an amazing writer!


    I’ve been married for 30 years, she was a virgin when I met her and my cock is the only one she has ever had!


    Our sex life sucks, she Zero sex drive!


    We got married at 24/26,. We got pregnant 6 months after we got married and didn’t have sex after for 18 months, because of her fear of getting pregnant again...to be honest I have no idea why I stay married. We had a second child and the same thing happened even tho I had a vasectomy the moth my second child was born. We had sex abou 4-5 a year for the first 15 years until I asked her for a divorce, she asked who I was having an affair with and I told her that no one, that I just can’t live in a marriage that is sexless!


    My children are older and now I find myself wondering why we stay together, I feel I don’t do it for her no matter how many hundreds of different ways I try, but she said I do, she has multiple orgasms evey tine we have sex but she just has zero desire for sex.

  9. The truth is you’re in control of your own body. In command of what you do, when you do it, and what you do. There may come a time when you enjoy surrendering that control for some time to your husband. But that’s your choice at the time. It’s also up to you if you want to regain control of your body again. Never let yourself be bullied, persuaded, or intimidated into doing something you don’t want to do. From the sounds of your post, you don’t like the direction the pastime you and your husband are engaged in is going. If that’s the case, you need to put your big girl pants on and take charge of your body. If you don’t want to engage in this any longer, then don’t suggest that he changes. Tell him up front you won’t be participating in the things that are upsetting you. I’m not talking about arguing, fighting, or yelling at each other. I’m talking about laying down the law. Leave no question as to the things you are no longer willing to engage in. Don’t be drawn into a debate on the subject until the subject of discussion is focused on what you’re ready to do from this point. Your husband has dictated what he wants from you, and now you need to express what you need from him if this is going to continue. Before you bring this up to your husband, you need to answer in your own mind what you will and will not do. Be respectful, calm, and straight forward. You're not asking him to change, you’re sitting your own limitations. And those limitations shouldn’t be open for debate.
  10. Hi,


    I’m Marc, I love your stories, truly hot and amazing. The sexual insight is incredible.


    When will you publish Road Trip llll

  11. Hi JennyB, and welcome. Your feelings are normal is this activity. I have just posted a story on this site relating to a first encounter. (It should be up in a day or so.) I tend to get a little detailed into feelings and emotions in my stories so you might find areas striking a cord. If you get the chance give it a read, and let me know what you think. I don’t know if it will answer any questions or result in even more. But in your stage of the game, you might find it interesting.
  12. Linda, my twenty-six-year-old wife of eight years, lays naked on our bed. She is monitoring me as I undress with a great deal of interest. The moment my pants hit the floor, her lush thighs twitched together at the sight of my tented boxers. She gained a mischievous glint before asking, “Did you read any of the stories yet?” With a shake of my head. “No, I bought it on my way home tonight and haven’t even opened it yet.” Linda rolled on her side before saying, “give me the magazine, and I’ll find us a good story.” Tossing the copy of Penthouse Variations on the bed, Linda thumbed through the magazine to the forum section. Turning the pages, she said, “I think none of these stories are true. Do you? Or like me do you think they’re the fantasies of some horny old man?” With a lack of interest in where the stories originated, I said, “Linda, you know as much about those stories as I do. Readers write the stories, not staff members. So they are all from real people. Which would mean at the least, they’re stories about things real people are thinking about. Besides, when did you become so knowledgeable about the writings of horny old men?” Linda ignores my comment as she stopped turning the pages to adjust her pillow before indulging in a story she found appealing. My boxers hit the floor, and I ask, “What are you doing, getting a head start on me?” “No silly, I’m checking to find out if this is a story worth reading.” Climbing on the bed, I snuggle up next to my wife. From over her shoulder, I read along. “What a shock,” I said, “you picked a story related to a threesome, just like you do every time we read these stories.” With an air of annoyance, “For your information, this happens to be the first story I came to, and I didn’t even notice the subject.” “Oh, the first one you came to,” I smiled. “I suppose the thought of two men ravishing you at the same time is something you find repulsive?” “Well, maybe not repulsive. But something I would never engage in. These stories are nothing more than the works of a vivid imagination. You know as well as I do real people don‘t engage in this type of activity.” With Linda holding the magazine the two of us snuggled up to read together. The story told of a couple who invites the best friend of the husband over for burgers and beer. They consume alcohol, flirting takes place, and in no time the wife is being ravished by both the husband and his best friend. At the end of the story, I reach between Linda’s thighs and run my fingertips over her labia. I found her not only moist, but my straight-laced young wife was flowing. “Well, it appears you enjoyed the story. So tell me about this fascination of yours concerning two men fucking you at the same time?” “Honey you’re as sick as the people who wrote these stories.” Letting out a long breath as she gave my dick a squeeze, Linda said, “the story’s not what turned me on, your hard cock rubbing against me is what did the trick.” Linda continued to turn the pages until she found a title in which she found interest. I guess it’s a coincidence that this story was also one about a threesome. After reading the first two paragraphs, she rolls over on her side, facing away from me. “Quit talking and put your dick in me, I love the realism your being inside me adds to the stories.” Customary for my wife, her mouth said one thing while her body revealed something altogether different. Outside of our bedroom, Linda professes disdain for the subject in these stories. Yet while reading these stories, she becomes excited enough to demand I fuck her to add realism to her readings. In a leisurely pace, I slide in and out of her while reading along. From the interval she turned the pages I followed along with where she was in the story. By this point, the details are being revealed of a woman, who with her husband pick up a stranger in a bar. In their motel room, the husband has his dick in her mouth, while the massive cock of the stranger slammed into her pussy. In no time my wife’s eyes are closed, and she’s banging back against me screaming out her orgasm. Ten minutes later we are laying in each other’s arms in a beautiful afterglow. Stroking my fingers along Linda’s arm, I said, “Honey, would you mind if I asked you a question.” “Not at all, what is it?” she said With a knowing smile, “In your imagination, who was the man fucking you when you orgasmed tonight?” Her body gave an almost feline-like twitch, a smile spread, and then her eyes shot open, replacing the previous euphoric expression with one of fear. “You honey. You’re the only man who turns me on, you know that.” While stroking her, I said, “Honey, I love you. With that in mind, I think there’s something you should know.” Linda’s expression flashed with concern as she rolled over to face me. “What?” With a chuckle, I said, “don’t give up your day job for that of a poker player!” Linda sat up and faced me in a state of confusion. “What are you talking about honey, being a poker player isn’t something I have any desire for? What brought this up?” “Don’t worry about it,” I said. “However, if you’re curious, you might ask the man fucking you in your fantasy tonight. He knows all there is to know about how to please you.” Linda’s expression turned somber, “You’re only saying those things because you want to fuck another woman. You want me to say the things we’re reading about turns me on to give you an excuse.” With a sheepish smile. I said, “Well, that too I guess. The fantasy that turns me on though is watching you being satisfied by myself and another man.” Linda stared at me appearing conflicted. Four times she opened her mouth to say something only to think better of it and remain silent. When Linda spoke, she said, “being you’re the one who gives this so much thought you go first. Who are the women you fantasize about?” I thought about her question, giving the subject serious consideration. “There are several, with no particular one I focus on. Bill’s wife Gloria would be one I find enticing, and there’s your cousin Mia. I’m sure I could come up with a few others, but those two come to mind.” “You want to fuck Mia? Are you kidding me why Mia?” “I didn’t say I would consider a relationship with Mia, or I would even want to take her out,” I paused, then with a mischievous smile added. “But the thought of bending her over and driving her home has an appeal to it.” “Oh, you’re so perverted.” “Maybe so,” I admitted, “but now it’s your turn. Who would you like to fuck if you had a one night pass to be with anybody other than me you wanted to be with?” Linda tried to divert the subject of conversation by saying, “No, I’m tired of this game let’s play something else.” “Oh no you don’t, not this time. I told you my fantasy, and now you will tell me who turns you on, so who is it?” Linda and I bickered back and forth for ten minutes before she blurted out. “Bill. Ok, are you happy now? I was fantasizing about Bill fucking me.” No sooner had Linda said the words than she realized she had revealed her deepest secret. She held her breath as she waited for my reply. My wife's admission drew a smile from me. “You are aware he has those same feelings toward you, aren’t you.” “He does not!” Then as an afterthought, Linda said. “Gloria would kill him if he ever expressed a desire to be with me in this way.” The naïve reply from my wife generated a chuckle. “Not if I’m fucking her while he’s fucking you.” “Oh, I can’t believe you said that. Gloria would never go for something like that, and you know it.” “Do you remember last month at their barbeque?” Waiting for her reply, I said, “Bill couldn’t keep his eyes off you, and when he suggested we play strip poker, the idea excited Gloria.” Linda’s eye’s flashed as she continued to make her point. “That was only the alcohol talking, he wasn’t serious, and neither was she.” With a shake of my head. “It wasn’t her who stopped anything, it was you honey. If you hadn’t made such a scene, I’m sure you would be of a different opinion tonight.” Linda remained silent for several minutes before she turned to face me. “You don’t think they would be receptive to something like this do you?” “I’m not sure,” I admitted. “What I am sure of is we can find out if you’re interested.” With a disapproving scowl, Linda said, “are you serious? Not only am I not interested, but I’m also not about to ask them if they are. Get your mind out of the gutter!” With a shrug of my shoulders, “you brought their names up, not me. You do know of there being ways of finding out without coming right out and asking them, aren’t you?” With a scoff, Linda said, “I’m not the least bit interested. But if I were, how could we discover their thoughts on this without asking them?” “The same way they tried to discover our thoughts about this. We’ll invite the two over and at some point suggest playing strip poker.” “That has to be the stupidest idea ever! Neither Gloria nor Bill would ever agree to anything which would end up with the four of us naked.” With a mischievous smile, I said, “my bad. I was unaware of you already asking Bill.” Linda stared at me with an indignant look, and said, “I did no such thing. This is your idea, not mine.” “So you’re saying you don’t know what their reply would be? Linda, being you put a stop to their attempt at this, I think it only fair we find out for sure.” “I don’t know.” After a moment of thought, Linda looked at me with a puzzled expression. “Besides, how did our discussion about threesomes morph into talking about getting our friends naked?” “Linda, as Confucius said, the longest journey begins with a single step.” After several moments of thought, Linda weakened to my suggestions. “Honey, I don’t care. We can do whatever you want. I’m sure neither Bill nor Gloria would be the least bit interested, but we can ask if you would like.” This being the closest thing to an agreement I would receive from Linda, I gave Linda a nod. “OK, I’ll call them tomorrow.” “Why wait?” Linda asked. “They should still be up, call them tonight.” *** Linda followed me into the den watching me as I picked up the phone. After the phone rang several times, a voice on the other end grumbled, “Hello.” “Hey Bill, DB here, did I wake you?” “No, we’re up,” Bill said. “Gloria and I put the kids down for the night and were watching a little TV before we hit the sack. What’s on your mind?” “Linda and I were talking about what we would like to do this weekend. What we settled on was inviting you two over for burgers Saturday if you’re free.” “Hold on for a sec.” I overheard Bill talking to Gloria. “Hey hon, DB, and Linda are on the phone, they invited us over Saturday, do we have any plans?” A few moments later Bill came back on the line."No, nothing planned. What time should we show up?" “I don’t care, being it will only be the four of us. How about around six or seven? We’ll throw burgers on any time you guys make it over, so whenever you two can make it is fine.” “Sounds great,” Bill said, “are you two celebrating anything or looking for some company?” With a nervous laugh, “Well, something came up, but we can discuss it Saturday.” “Now I’m curious, what was it that came up?” Bill inquired. In for a penny in for a pound, I thought. “Bill, do you remember the barbecue we had at your place last month?” “Yeah, what about it?” “Remember the suggestion about the four of us playing a game of strip poker?” I asked. “Yeah!” Bill now sounded a little hesitant. “Well, Linda’s been giving the idea a lot of thought. She now thinks it might be fun to play a little strip poker with you two.” After controlling his laughter, “Bud, are you saying what I think you’re saying?” “I’m not sure, but I think so. Is this going to be a problem with either of you?” “Oh hell no!” Bill said. “My only question now is six sounds kind of late, how about we show up around five?” “Bill, you two will be welcome anytime you make it, so show up whenever you would like. The kids will be at their grandparents, and only the two of us here.” “We’ll see you Saturday then,” Bill said, “thanks for the invitation.” “OK, we’re looking forward to it. We’ll see the two of you Saturday Bill.” After hanging up the phone, Linda glared at me. “I can’t believe you told him that. What in the hell were you thinking? Do you have any idea what he must now think of me? Oh my gawd, he thinks all of this is my idea, that it’s me who wants to get naked with them. I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life. And it’s all your fault.” After acquiring the most innocent expression, I was capable of I said, “I thought you wanted me to call them about your desire to play poker with them? It was your idea to call them tonight, did you forget about that?” Linda’s eyes were flashing when she said, “my only idea was to call them tonight. The strip poker and the rest of it was your idea Mr., and you know it. Oh, I’m so mortified I just want to die.” “Honey, why would you want to do something so selfish. If you die now, there’s no way I could find anybody to replace you with before this weekend.” “Big boy that’s the first thing you’ve said all night making any sense. Me dying because of something you did makes little sense. But my killing you would make all the sense in the world.” “OK, my bad. Would you like for me to call Bill back to tell him to forget about the strip poker part of the invitation?” I said, unable to control my laughter. “You’re such an ass! No, I don’t want you to call them back. You’ve already done enough damage for one night.” Linda ended our conversation by attempting to focus on the TV. The longer she watched, the more her scowl turned to a smile. The more my wife contemplated, the more she squirmed. Twenty minutes later she got up and sauntered over. After using a lot of tongue for a goodnight kiss,, she asked, “Honey, are you up for a little more reading?” *** Saturday morning, as I was settling in to watch a college football game, Linda came into the room. With her purse hooked over her arm as she bent down to give me a quick peck. “Honey, I need to run to town to pick up a few things, do you need anything while I’m there?” “No, I can’t think of anything, What do you need from town?” “Oh just a few things for tonight,” Linda replied with a curious smile. Not caring what necessitated Linda’s need to go shopping, I relaxed with the knowledge of being able to watch the game uninterrupted. “OK, honey I’ll see you later,” I said. “Oh, I almost forgot, would you mind picking up beer and a nice bottle of wine for tonight?” “I’ll get the beer, Gloria and Bill will bring the wine.” “How in the hell do you know they’ll bring the wine?” I asked. “Gloria told me when I talked to her yesterday,” Linda said with an arch of her eyebrows. “Honey, did I mention she’s going shopping with me this morning? Got to run honey, see you in an hour or two.” “Hey, before you go, what did you two talk about...” My question went unanswered as Linda was already out the front door and on her way before I could finish getting the words out. *** About half-way through the second game, my chair threw me in a sleeper hold, and I missed the end of the game. I woke up about four when Linda gave me a kiss on the forehead. “Wake up sleepy head. Jump in the shower because I need one too. We need to get ready, they’ll be here in about an hour.” “Are you just getting home?” I inquired with Linda standing in front of me with her arms full of shopping bags and her car keys hooked on her finger. Linda did her best to control her laughter. “Honey, someday you will have to tell me how you got that MBA of yours.” Linda led the way to our bedroom as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes trying to brush away the cobwebs. She shook the contents of the shopping bags out on the bed. The one from Victoria Secret contained, amongst other things, an almost matching bra and panty set. Her choice of a bra was one of those shelf bras just supporting from underneath and leaving the top of the breasts and nipples exposed. Holding the bra up to examine it I said, “Honey, they didn’t charge you for this damn thing, did they? Hell, half of it’s missing.” “Don’t concern yourself with my things,” Linda scolded. “Get your ass in the shower and hurry, we don’t have much time.” With a mischievous smile, “Honey I’ve got a hell of an idea. If you join me in the shower, we can save time and water.” With an arch of her eyebrows and a cock of her head, Linda said, “we would do neither. What would happen is the two of us would still be in the shower playing when Bill and Gloria show up, so get it in gear.” After a quick shower and putting on a pair of jeans and a polo I went to the den to catch the scores on today’s games. About an hour later Linda entered the room and asked, “How do I look honey, do you think this will be all right for tonight?” Linda had done her hair, and her make-up was impeccable. The lipstick was a new shade for her, a little darker than usual. She wore designer jeans, skin tight. Along with what looked like a silk blouse. The blouse seemed to hug her body like body paint. Her breasts were visible beneath. The nipples and areola were not only visible, but they also accented the garment. My being born at night, but not last night resulted in my reply to her question being the same tonight as to every other time she asks me this. “Honey you look perfect.” *** An hour later the doorbell rang. On our front steps, I found Bill smiling while holding two bottles of wine, and his wife Gloria dressed sexier than ever. “Welcome you two, come on in.” With a brief greeting, Bill darted past me into the house. Behind him, Gloria sauntered in and asked, “Don’t I get a welcoming kiss?” Bending down to give her a peck on the cheek, Gloria grabbed my head and brought my mouth to hers. After standing in the entryway with our tongues exploring each other’s mouths for what seemed like several minutes, I said, “Gloria, it pleases me to see you so happy at being here.” “Not as pleased as you will be I hope,” she said with a seductive little smile. With Linda’s choice of attire and Gloria seeming as if she wanted to jump my bones before getting inside the house, my mind raced. Open for anything, I didn’t care, but my anticipation for tonight led me to only hope for a peek of Gloria’s sexy body. Now it appeared as if I might be the one getting the surprise. Linda and I had talked about bringing other people to our bed. The fact of her continual rejection of the idea led me to believe it would never happen. The way it appeared now, I considered that I might be wrong about that. Walking into the den, I glanced into the kitchen. Linda stood at the sink with her back to Bill. From behind he held her by the hips as he ground himself into her ass. Bill dry fucked my straight-laced wife as she rotated her ass into him. Before being able to say or do anything, I felt Gloria’s fingers wrap around my now hard cock through my slacks. In a whisper, Gloria said, “Linda tells me the two of you have talked about this, but it hasn’t gone past the talking stage. Are you all right with what might happen tonight?” My only response was a nod of my head. With her hand gripping my cock, Gloria led the way to the couch. Sitting next to this beautiful woman with my wife in the other room, boggled my mind. The only thing to come to mind was to ask. “So, you and my wife discussed this?” Gloria nodded. “Yep. She tells me you’re turned on by the thought of her with another man.” I nodded. “Yeah, during pillow talk we find it a turn-on. What were Linda’s opinions on this subject?” Gloria giggled. “She said the idea turns her on, but when it gets right down to it, she thinks you’ll get jealous seeing her fucking another man.” “I don’t think so, but who knows about something like this until it happens?” I admitted. “She said the same thing about seeing you with another woman,” Gloria shared. “We decided we’d just take it slow tonight and see where things lead if you’re all right with that.” “That sounds like a fantastic idea.” After a moment of thought, I asked, “Gloria, would you mind if I asked you a personal question?” “Not at all, what’s on your mind?” “The way this evening started is nothing like I had imagined,” I explained. “Are you and Bill, I’m sorry about the correct wording of this, are you two involved with having sex with people outside your marriage?” “Are you asking if we’re swingers? If so, the answer is yes.” In shock, I mumbled, “I would have never guessed.” “How would you? This isn’t a subject we advertise in neon,” Gloria said. “You’ll find if you explore this past-time most people involved with it are ordinary everyday people living a double life. These are the same people you meet in the supermarket or department store by day. The only difference is they have a different view of what’s an acceptable sexual habit.” “How long has this been going on?” As the words came off my tongue they’re unacceptable nature struck me. “No, wait, that’s not what I meant to say, it sounds too crass. Gloria, why haven’t you two approached us about this before I guess would be what I’m trying to say.” With a playful giggle, Gloria replied, “We have, or at least we’ve tried to. The night we suggested strip poker was one of those times. This is a touchy subject DB, we didn’t want to lose you and Linda as friends, so that’s the motivation for us taking this slow with you guys.” Gloria didn’t probe as I contemplated everything. Linda and I have discussed this scenario a few hundred times. In those talks, I had taken the lead and acted as the expert on the subject. Now I have set the scene, and the people are present, I find myself scared to death and unsure how to proceed. Not wanting to do anything which would bring forth the wrath of my wife meant I needed to be sure of the results before making any move. Never in my life had I had so many rapid-fire questions passing through my mind. The failure of knowing the answer to any of them compounded the issue. Questions like what is acceptable in my advancement toward Gloria? How would I know if Linda was on board with what took place? What would Bill say if he saw me making a move on his wife? What would I experience seeing him seducing Linda? Is there any part of Gloria’s body I can’t touch? How do I know when the time’s right with everybody to take what we’re doing to the next level? Question after question and no answer in sight. Our spouses joined us before Gloria, and I had the chance to continue our conversation. The moment I saw them a sense of dread rushed through me. It was much like being caught doing something wrong. I had forgotten the two of them during Gloria and my conversation, and somehow I felt guilty about that. Linda came by on her way in and gave me a peck of a kiss. In doing so, I made two discoveries. My First was to notice my wife‘s jeans unzipped about halfway down, and second, her blouse had a wet spot over the left nipple. Neither upset me, but it answered the question of what they had been up to. Rendered to the condition of a mute, I only observed as the three of them joked together as they laughed and enjoyed themselves. Between the three, the mood was lite and festive, and all seemed comfortable with the implications. They enjoyed themselves while I found myself about to lose my mind. Contrary to how I expected the evening would unfold, this evening progressed as an ordinary get-together between the four of us. We cooked up burgers, laughed and joked together. And other than the sexual overtones there was nothing unusual going on. That is until Gloria glanced at Linda and asked, “Where’s the cards Girlfriend? I think it’s about time we teach these guys how to play poker.” Linda sprang off the sofa and grabbed a deck of cards off the end table from behind the lamp. “I have them right here. Bought a new deck today just for this occasion.” With no idea when she placed them there, or how she did it without me seeing her do it, surprised me. My shy reserved wife seemed to have another side she’s kept hidden from me. Gloria took the cards from Linda and addressed the group. “OK, here are the rules, to start the game every player must make an ante bet. For a player to make a bet, the article of clothing bet must be removed and placed in the pot. The winner of the hand can use their reclaimed clothes for betting in future hands. None of the other player's clothes won can be used to make a bet. Any player who loses all their clothes can bet a task acceptable by the other players in the hand. The game is five-card draw poker, are there questions before we start?” Linda asked, “I’m confused, just what kind of task are you talking about?” “It could be anything acceptable to the other player,” Gloria explained. “If you’re playing the hand against Bill, he’ll most likely want you to suck his dick.” Bill nodded his head, “You can bet on that.” The cards are dealt, and the game progressed. With every bet requiring the removal of an article of clothing, it didn’t take long before everybody was naked, or close to it. In one particular hand, in which only Linda and Bill are playing. Linda is down to her panties, and Bill to his boxers. “OK young lady, I bet my boxers,” Bill said. “Raise, I’ll see your boxers and raise you five minutes of oral sex,” Linda replied with a confident smile. “I’ll call your bet with my performing oral sex on you until you’re screaming your orgasm out to the world,” Bill replied in a growl. The hand came down to Bill holding three aces and Linda holding a flush. “OK big boy, time to pay up,” Linda said as she scooted over and spread her legs. “OK, I guess a bet’s a bet,” he said with a broad smile as he moved between her legs. With my mind numb, my eyes darted between my wife and the man eating her pussy. I watched in fascination as her complexion flushed, her breathing quickened, and the moans escaped her lips. Within a matter of only a few minutes, Linda had her legs draped over Bill’s shoulders as she held his head in both hands guiding him to the spot she most wanted him to focus his attention. Moments later I realized a hand gripped my cock. Looking around, Gloria is beside me. With Gloria‘s attention focused on our spouses she stroked me. With a sexy smile, she whispered, “I think the game has served its purpose.” Then with a dart of her tongue over her lips, she lowered her mouth to my throbbing cock. Linda gives fantastic head; but with Gloria, I received pleasure never experienced. As enjoyable as her mouth was, I wanted more. I wanted to explore the lush body I had only fantasized about to this point. Separating myself from Gloria’s pleasurable lips, I scooted her around to where I had access to her body. No sooner did I do so when I heard a whimper from Linda followed by a loud moan of pleasure. Looking in her direction, I found her on her hands and knees in front of Bill, at the exact moment he slid his dick into her. The image of Linda’s wet pussy gorged with his fat cock had to be one of the most exciting scenes ever experienced. I diverted my attention back to Gloria, I wanted nothing more than to savor the taste of her cunt on my tongue. But as I approached her, she looked up at me and whispered, “You can do that next time baby, right now I want that nice big dick of yours inside me while you watch Bill fuck your wife.” The macho man in me would like to expound on the hours of pleasure I provided Gloria. What we had together was great, being able to enjoy her while watching my wife and Bill doing their thing is a memory I’ll never forget. But the truth is I lasted maybe five minutes before exploding deep in Gloria’s pussy. *** Twenty minutes later as I held Gloria on my lap toying with her breast, the four of us lounged in a relaxed, happy afterglow. As I did Gloria glanced toward our spouses, “Well Girlfriend, how are you doing with all of this?” Linda smiled as she took a deep breath. “It is nothing like I expected. While I’m not sure what I thought would take place, this was far better. I imagined I would feel at the least some pangs of jealousy at seeing you and my husband having sex. But instead of jealousy, the sight of you two turned me on and added to my experience with Bill.” “Linda you do not understand how glad I am to hear you say this, While Bill and I enjoy this activity, it isn’t for everybody,” Gloria explained. “And as anxious as we were to engage in this with you and DB, we had our reservations. Our friendship means a lot to us, and I would have died if this came between us.” Linda rose and came to Gloria, giving her a hug as she revealed, “the same fear bothered me too. I can tell you that my feelings right now are that this will bring us closer together.” *** For the next hour, we laughed together, snacked, and had a drink or two. With Gloria and myself lost in conversation, we heard Linda giggle followed by a low pleasurable moan. Glancing in their direction, we found Bill sitting on the couch while Linda sat on his lap. Something drew Linda’s attention to us, and she inquired in a low sultry voice, “Gloria, are seconds permissible in this arrangement?” “Not only permissible, but they’re also recommended, why?” Gloria replied good-naturedly. “Because your husband’s got his dick in me again,” Linda replied with a giggle as she spread her legs as if to prove the point. My reserved wife sat in a reverse cowgirl position on Bill’s lap. With a hand on each of his thighs, she raised and lowered herself on his cock. From our vantage point, it treated both Gloria and me to the sight of his dick appearing and disappearing inside her. The unobstructed view of Linda’s pussy while the two of them fucked soon had my cock back to a diamond cutter status demanding attention. With my hands groping her breasts, it diverts Gloria’s attention from our spouses. Soon I had Gloria on her back as I slid between her widespread legs, positioning my erection at her entrance. In one slow, steady stroke, I embedded myself in the confines of her wet warm pussy. While enjoying the erotic sensation of her breasts mashing against my chest, I fucked her with urgency. With our heads beside each other’s, Gloria panted as she whispered in my ear. “Slow down for a second, I have an idea.” While I continued banging my cock into her, I gasped, “What?” In a sultry whisper, Gloria said, “We should make Linda the center of attention. If she’s fantasizing about a threesome, fulfill that fantasy for her. Go to her and allow her to suck your dick while Bill is fucking her.” The thought of Linda sucking my cock while she’s being fucked by another man caused my dick to twitch with excitement. There was a problem with this scenario though. Linda’s disdain for the taste of semen. In our lovemaking sessions she either insists I clean up, or she will bring a washcloth to our bed to wash me before giving me head to get me going again. Tonight the copious amounts of both my cum and feminine juices from Gloria’s pussy would be coating my cock. Gloria gave me a smile, and my cock received a squeeze from her pussy as I removed it. My wet cock glimmered as I rose and approached my wife. With Linda’s hands on Bill’s thighs, she continued to lift and lower herself on Bill’s cock while staring at me through hooded and questioning eyes. Placing one hand on Linda‘s shoulder, and with the other, I offered her my dick. Holding my cock in front of my wife‘s face, I awaited her rejection. To my surprise my prudish wife offered no resistance, nor did she hesitate. She grabbed my cock and brought her mouth to it. Her tongue swirled around the wet head before licking the length of the underside of the shaft. Then appearing to be devouring the tastiest of delicacies, she embedded my cock into her throat to the point her lips are touching my pubic bone. Gloria was standing in front of us watching as Linda dealt with two men. Gloria reached out and twirled Linda’s nipples between her thumb and forefinger. Linda’s eyes closed, and she gave my cock a hard suck as a pleasurable moan reverberated from deep inside. As Linda becomes lost in the multitude of pleasurable sensations, Gloria traces her fingers over Linda’s abdomen. Soon Gloria is stroking Linda’s clit. Her motions start with a slow tracing of her finger, building in speed until her hand is a blur. Linda’s hips convulse in continual vibrating thrusts with Bill embedded inside her pussy. Gloria’s finger doesn’t leave her clit as Linda’s mouth opens, and a long orgasmic scream escapes her lips. In sensory overload Linda opens her mouth as she gasps for air, releasing my cock as she does. Linda’s eye’s remained closed as I slipped away. Gloria removed her finger from Linda’s clit. We left Linda to enjoy Bill’s cock thrusting into her. Moments later I had Gloria in my favorite position. On all fours in front of me while I pounded my cock in her from behind. This time before I filled her with my cum, she screamed her orgasm to the world. *** Much later neither Linda nor I bothered to get dressed as our friends dressed and prepared to leave. We each gave a parting kiss to our playmate as they walked out the door with the promise to do this again soon. When alone we cuddled in the den for several minutes lost in our own thoughts. Linda looked at me with a concerned expression, “Honey, are you all right with everything taking place tonight?” “Honey, I love you, and you’re the only woman I’d ever consider making love to. But to be honest, this was one of, if not the most, exciting thing I think we’ve ever done together. I’m better than okay with it, I’m ecstatic about it.” Linda snaked an arm around me and gave me a hug. In reply I reached between her legs, running a finger over her labia. I couldn‘t describe the pleasure I experienced from finding her so wet and slick. Between Bill‘s two deposits and her juices flowing all night, I had never experienced her so well lubrcated. “Honey, I sure hope you’re up for one more tonight. Your wet freshly fucked pussy has built a massive desire to experience the pleasure of my cock pounding into you.” Even after the great sex shared between Gloria and me, the feel of my wife’s cum-filled cunt produced an instant erection. Linda and I engaged in a slow-building, multiple-position fuck fest for the next hour. Neither of us prepared to give in until every last drop of sexual energy is extinguished. After adding my deposit to the collection in my wife’s pussy, we both fell in a loving embrace on the floor. Both of us exhausted, smiling and pleased more than any time in recent memory. *** The next morning I awoke to find Linda in the kitchen preparing breakfast for us. She stood in the same position in front of the sink she had been in when I observed Bill dry fucking her the night before. Wrapping my arms around her, I experienced the same pleasurable feeling Bill had. Giving her neck a nibble I asked, “Did you have fun last night honey?” Linda continued with the task she was engaged in without looking in my direction. In a detached tone, she said, “Last night was all right. But the truth is I only did those things because I knew how much you wanted to engage in this kind of thing.” Stunned, I said, “What do you mean, only all right? I watched as you have half-a-dozen orgasms with two different men. You were out of your mind in pleasure all night. Linda, last night you had more fun than any single night of your life. Now you sound like you’re describing having a root canal, what’s going on?” Linda fixed me a cup of coffee, before saying, “Honey, as I’ve always told you, you are the only man I care anything about having sex with. I can understand your attraction to this, but it’s nothing I care anything about engaging in again.” Exasperated, I looked at my wife with a stunned expression. “Linda, in our conversations with Bill and Gloria last night you asked about this all night long. You inquired about their friends, the things they do together, and the desire to meet them. Talked about the things you wanted to do the next time we got together with Gloria and Bill. And gave no sign at all about being reluctant to any of this.” Linda didn’t flinch. “Honey, all I was doing is being a good hostess. We talked about the only subject the three of you had any interest in. Besides, I knew you wouldn’t leave me alone until I agreed to do this again with you, and I didn’t want them to think of you as an asshole who drug his unwilling wife into doing these things.” I stared at my wife in disbelief. Linda rolled her eyes before saying, “There‘s no need to pout, I know how little my feelings matter to you. I only want you to realize everything I do for you to make you happy. So I want you to do something special for me for attending Bill and Gloria’s party on the twenty-fifth.” As confused as I can ever remember being I asked, “What party?” Linda’s lips formed a sly smile, before she said, “The party they invited us to when Gloria called this morning. The one which all their friends will be attending.” *** That day established precedence which has continued for the past four decades. Linda and I would join friends and acquaintances in this activity. Doing so my wife would exhibit her wild vixen side by night, and like Cinderella would transform into a demure almost prudish wife with the rising sun the next morning. When the invitations would come in, she would express her disdain, and when the party started, she would be the first one naked and having fun. While there’s no way I can explain it, I’m destined to only enjoy it.
  13. We’ve been in this to one extent or another for more years than I care to remember. My most astounding discovery was the educational value it provided both of us. We’re all reluctant to critic the love making skills of our SO. We are also unable to conceal our reaction to somebody doing something new and very pleasurable to us for the first time. The course we adopted was to not look at it as somebody being better, but instead ask what it was they did that you found so pleasurable. Most often, that proved to be a simple technique easily learned and added to our repertoire of skills. Lovemaking skills aren’t inherited naturally. They are learned and perfected skills, taught through trial and error. The greatest lovers are those who took the time and effort to learn how to provide ecstasy to the person they’re with. With that in mind my suggestion is to not ask, “was he/she better than me.” Instead ask, “You really got off on whatever he/she was doing to you. What did they do to get that reaction from you?” Then work on whatever it was until you are better than they were.
  14. The thing that always amazes me is how other people are never psychic. You would think they knew your wishes the instant the thought crosses your mind, the way it should be. In case you’re also not psychic, I’m being facetious. You say he came over and everybody had a good idea of what was going to take place. (That’s a good start.) You also say that you turned your back on them to play a game, and damn them they didn’t throw their clothes off and start going at it right then. (hell that sounds like they were both so rude they were waiting for you to make the first move.) Then when you went to bed to give them some privacy they started doing what you invited him over to do in the first place, (I’ve never heard of anything so disrespectful.) Then after you gave them a few minutes to get into the swing of things, you came down and caught them giving oral to one another. (Just like you gave them some privacy for.) Then the shameless vixen starts giving you head while he bangs her from behind. (Just like you wanted to happen.) The humanity of it all. You go to all the trouble to talk your wife into a three-some. You invite a man over to the house to fuck her, and you even give them some privacy to get started. And what do they do, they get started. (I’m sorry, but even with an imagination as vivid as mine, I can’t see what the problem is.) They followed your lead my friend. If you wanted something different you should have put your big-boy pants on and mentioned what you had in mind. And if you have any plans in continuing with this type of fun, you really need to set-down and discuss with your wife what you have in mind. If I was you I would also tell her that you didn’t have any problem with what they did. Maybe outline some future changes, but you need to take responsibility for that night. If you don’t mind, allow me to suggest a thing or two. Your wife is new to this, she’s also more than a little anxious about doing something that will aggravate you. The guy you invited over is scared shitless about putting hands on your wife. Fear and apprehension aren’t conducive to sexual fun. You need to get your ass off the game and join the two of them. Start some casual petting with your wife and invite him to join in when the feeling gets right. Let her know before hand she is free to be spontaneous, so she can help him relax and enjoy what she’s offering him. Try something like, “Damn Joe, feel how wet that pussy is, I’m not sure the two of us will be able to take care of this little wildcat tonight.” This whole idea is about the three of you having fun with one another. While you all might have fantasies fulfilled, the chances are much better in that happening if those fantasies are known about beforehand. If the two of you enjoyed what took place with the third wheel, and feel like doing it again, I would go for it. If not, you might explore somebody new. Either way, this is the two of you, (both you and your wife,) exploring something new. You need to do it together, and you both need to be up front about what it is you want to happen, and how you want it to happen. That’s just my take and I might be wrong. After all, I was wrong that one time back in ’68. And ever since I’ve been on pins and needles thinking it might happen again.
  15. VanillaBeen I’m not sure what your point is. If you talk about some of the things coming out lately and you figure that maybe one in ten or twenty crimes are ever reported, and I think sexual assault of this nature is even higher. You’re talking about a higher percentage of abuse than most groups in this country. I think the honesty, the cordial nature, and the openness of the swinger community will be higher than about any group you could name. The driving nature of the swinging community is having fun with willing participants. There will be bad eggs in any group, I’ve found far less in swinging than in any other I’ve ran across.
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