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two4youinswva last won the day on April 15 2023

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3,068 Excellent

About two4youinswva

  • Rank
    Better than Ice Cream
  • Birthday 06/13/1966

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  • Relationship Status
    Couple. He posts, She reads
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  • Swinging Experience
    15 years

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  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alienation_of_affections North Carolina members definitely want to take notice.
  2. Without digging around, I believe we have some threads close to or at 18 years old now. We've been here since late 2004 and I occasionally see threads older than that.
  3. That is an above average flamingo. Not one of those dollar store specials.
  4. They usually get bored and move on if they don't get too many bites. Sometimes they are promoted to "former member". Your comments are appreciated.
  5. For me, if I look at it from a detached and purely intellectual angle, I can't see an issue with mutually consenting adults doing what they want to do. When I personalize it and allow emotion into my thinking, I immediately go to "Oh hell no. Why would you even???" I guess the Westermarck Effect had no effect on the two in the OP.
  6. The BBC article on the shutdown: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-49809449
  7. Kik seems to be the way most are going these days. I've used it off and on and it does seem to fit the swing scene fairly well. Ability to make groups, anonymity, etc. If I recall when you first sign on it does ask if it can use your contact list to find connections. I told it "Um, hell no".
  8. Welcome to the board. You might find something out there if you are closer to a major metropolitan area, but this is one of those cases of looking for a subset within an already small subset, so finding a group with this specific and exclusive focus would be challenging.
  9. I think it depends on the individual. Mrs two4you is really close to, and grew up around some of her 2nd cousins. For her and those specific ones it would be in the icky zone. I didn't meet any of my 2nd cousins until adulthood, so I don't have that Westermarck Effect concerning them. 2nd cousins have a set of great-grandparents in common. That's getting some distance in most cases. We're talking what, 3% common DNA? If you're OK with it and they're OK with it, then have a good time.
  10. I remember reading about this a week or two ago and my takeaway was that it was probably due to the stress of space travel and not space itself that caused the problem.
  11. It's been, what, six or seven years since we've been there? But I imagine little has changed in the operation. They're a little more upscale than most clubs. The facility is an old brick building (think historic and not run-down) right on the edge of the heart of downtown. I believe valet parking is available and I'd use it if you're not taking a cab or Uber. Single men are limited to the bar and one side of the club unless specifically invited to a table by a couple. I think this is a nice balance as it gives access to all and helps facilitate those looking for a second male without falling into the sausage fest trap like some clubs. I wonder how long they can hold out at this location as downtown Nashville continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Every time we visit the area it seems two more blocks have been converted to hotels and nightlife. Eventually a developer is going to make a multi-million dollar offer they can't refuse. Anyway, go with no expectation other than to have fun, take the first-timer's tour and enjoy the night!
  12. We don't mind a thread necro around here. A good conversation is still good even if it's a dozen years old. Besides, as an old timer around here I saw some old member names from the early part of this thread that gave me a smile.
  13. Ya see, that's the challenge; saying what you're using it for without saying what you're using it for, so you can see how long it stands.
  14. "Slut" is not a pejorative around here.
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