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About susanandsteve

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  • Birthday 04/05/1981

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  1. I just plowed through this year long thread. You're a psychologist and she's a social worker? Really? Whoa, I mean wow, I mean whoa. That's simply too crazy. Okay, glad you're having fun, but things seem to have been the same for about a year. Yes, she had sex in a hotel while you waited in the lobby and you got some girl one time, but nothing too surprising has occurred. So, does this mean you've found a neutral point where she's content and you're accepting that status quo ? Just asking. Lastly, glad that whatever you are doing that you are enjoying it.
  2. Susan here-- When I began dating my husband he was well aware that I was non-monogamous. I Played in the Lifestyle as a single woman. When he asked me to marry him it was to be in monogamy and I was fine with that. After a month of marriage he asked if I missed it. I said that I didn't, yet if he ever wanted to try it, we would. He asked to try it, we did (with some of my friends), and never looked back. So, yes I gave it up when he asked and got back into it when he asked . I think since we started we've been with about twenty different couples, some short term, some long term
  3. How about just saying wonderful things to her and focus on showing her a great time. How about asking her what she'd like. You wrote that you want to say: "Hey, you didn't seem really into this the last couple of times. If it still isn't working for you next time, I don't want to do this anymore." Oh yeah, that'll motivate her. Why not say with a big smile,"I want you have a great night, tell me what you love to do ?" If you argue for your limitations, they are yours. I have a strong sense that while she's telegraphing nervousness you may be telegraphing contempt, even mildly.
  4. We started at a club and it was perfect for us. I think we truly 'lucked out' because the people we met were amazingly great. The men treated me well and respectfully and the women were nice to my hubby. We simply went very committed to having the experience with a 'no crime,no foul' attitude if the next day we decided not to pursue things further. We liked it so much we even played with more than one couple that night. Pretty crazy and pretty darn fun. Yet, I think we had the right point of view: Have the best experience possible and not have regrets even if we never did it again.
  5. Have you considered you're thinking so much about this that you cannot have fun because of all the trouble you're determined to find.
  6. Hi, I'm Steve. From what you wrote I consider you an essentially a selfish person with no real considerations of how your short term choices effect others long term. You rationalize your choices as being other than what they really are, selfish acts. If your sexual choices really were okay, you'd have no problems telling you husband about them. Did he know your sexual needs when he married you ? If so, why did he propose ? Or, did you tell him you could give it all up, or something. Or, have you been hiding your true sexual self from him your entire relationship ? Just saying.... About the whole God thing: With billions of galaxies, does God really care who you fuck ? And if He does, God needs to get a life.
  7. The advice is to run ! None of this ends well. People say 'love' a lot... deeds not words.
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