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First House Party in 2 1/2 Years!!


We really hunkered down and stayed in and away from people since March of 2019 over this Covid thing. With distancing and mask use, it has been the healthiest we may have ever been with no colds or flu either. We actually stopped all “activities” with others! Our 6-month physical checkups and lab work the past 2 1/2 years are good and we seem to have avoided HPV problems like some of our friends have. We are now completely exhibitionist/nudist in the right venue, not even soft swing... completely no touch with regular checkups!


Robb’s friends Geoff and Marti, the ones owning several small-town bar grills in the area, a nice steakhouse and of all things, a nude stripper club, the L and L, in a small town 40 miles away, invited friends, business associates, and some key employees to an end of summer house party on the bluff overlooking the river. The party theme was Bathing Suites, Lingerie and Less. Their home is fairly new, really large and modern, with an in-ground dozen people or more spa/pool, walk out patio, etc. The party location is very rural, gated and very private.


We understood they had invited about 50 guests (hoping for 30 or so to accept). They arranged to have one of their younger bartenders and his wife take care of drinks. They had their restaurant assistant manager and her husband handle snacks and food. Their restaurant assistant manager, Haley, had started working for Geoff as a fill-in house dancer a the L&L when needed, working as a floating fill-in worker at their other business before being promoted. Robb and I had seen and visited with her several times at the L&L in the past few years. One of their maintenance men and his wife were there to keep everything working, clean towel piles replenished, sheets changed, etc.


Since it was end of summer, our tans were starting to fade, and an end of summer party after so long sounded good since the Omicron Wave of Covid was about over, masks were not being required, and a new wave had not started yet... For lingerie, I had a new red bra and pantie set with red heels that went with them. Robb was sticking with his surfer swimsuit and a Tommy B. shirt and sandals.


I picked a tight, very short, grey-colored skirt and short shrug/vest to cover my shoulders but not even close to closing in the front to leave my back, breasts and stomach exposed. The Saturday afternoon of the party, I went to the salon and had toe and finger nails all done, a bit of air brushing to even skin tones, hair done, etc. Robb and I had a light dinner at home, I finished my makeup, heavy on eye shadow, we left on the hour drive to the party house.


We found the house about 9 PM, and it was beginning to be twilight already. We had to park quite a ways down the curving gravel drive. I slipped on red sandals and put my heels and misc. supplies into a small beach bag for Robb to carry. He reached under his cowboy Cadillac front left fender and put his money clip and key fob on top of the tire. Hand in hand we walked up the drive.


It is quite a house. Entering the front foyer, I stopped and put my sandals in the bag and put my red heels on. It’s painful sometimes to be beautiful, LOL.. The stairs straight ahead lead up to the second floor and a pair of stairs to either side lead to the lower-level walkout party room. The whole south side of the party room opens to the patio strung with LED light strands. Tables and chairs straight out on the patio, with the spa/pool to the left and a king-sized sheeted mattress to the left under a ballroom light ball (LOL). Two bedrooms down a hallway were available for private play activity. Bump, bump music was playing! Very tacky and hot, LOL.


Robb got an iced tea in a rocks glass and I got a sprite in a Collins glass. We placed our beach bag under a table and staked out chairs before circulating. We very casually knew only a few people present, so we were not uncomfortable at all. Geoff and Marti greeted us and walked us around introducing us to their banker, real estate man, liquor distributor, lawyers and friends. Quite a group! Four couples were in the spa, some nude. A couple dozen other people were around in small groups visiting. Some people were dressy casual like for a county club patio party, several were in swimsuits, 4 or 5 women were in very revealing party dresses and 8 or 9 women were in lingerie. The men were all in shorts or swimsuits except for the guys in the spa pool. Every class of body type, weight and height were represented, so things were comfortable and very normal people-wise. In minutes, I had my skirt and shrug/vest off and hanging on our chairs. Lingerie and heels were good!


By about 10 PM, patio lights had been turned down to mood lighting levels. There were people feeling each other up here and there. Couples were going to the private bedrooms in the house. At the spa/pool a couple of women were sucking a couple of guys' cocks. I had ditched the heels for my comfortable sandals. Robb and I were still drinking iced tea and sprite, standing to the side with others and watching a young athletic couple go at it on the mattress. It was quite the show with lots of changing of positions as guests on loungers and guests standing watched. It’s all in the lighting!


When Robb went to get another glass of iced tea, I stopped by our table and removed my bra. It was definitely a hard nipple night.


When Robb got back, I was standing behind an empty lounger at the mattress. The maintenance man and his wife were changing the fitted sheet. Robb sat and pulled me down on his lap. Playing with my right nipple he moved to my panties and I stopped him. I didn’t want them stretched, so I stood up and slid them down and stepped out of them and sat back down. He gently stroked my trimmed little tuft landing strip and flicked my slippery wet clit. I had my hand gripping his cock tented up swimsuit. He whispered in my ear, “Should we?” We both stood up, he dropped his suit and we moved to the mattress. He held my hands and lowered me back on to the mattress, and we crawled to the center of the king-sized mattress. The ballroom ball above the mattress was rotating and throwing small beams out. This was seriously tacky, or was it kinky?


Knowing Robb, I knew he could pop fast when he’s on top, so I pulled and pushed him back and moved on to him cowgirl style. His cock slipped right in. I bounced and pumped on him, and when I opened my eyes, I was facing a watching couple on a lounger 6 feet away.


Glancing right and left as I rode Robb, there were at least 4 other couples watching. The man gave me a thumbs up… Oh Wow…


Keeping my eyed mostly closed, I slid back down a bit so I could work my clit against Robb’s cock. This was probably the fastest intercourse orgasm I ever had. After laying on Robb a bit, I then rolled off and he rolled on top and started pumping away... he was smarter than I was, he was facing 90 degrees away from the watching audience. He didn’t last a couple minutes, before shooting a two-spurt load and was done.This definitely was sex, not making love….or was it making lust? LOL


We crawled off the mattress, trying not to make eye contact with others or a mess, got our beach bag and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Robb pulled his swimsuit back on and put his TB shirt on using one button. I slipped into my tight short skirt and pulled the shrug/vest on without underwear with my boobs on full display. Did I mention hard nipples! We headed back out to the party and circulated to say goodbye and thank you as it was almost midnight, and we had almost an hour’s drive home.


Back to the pickup, Robb reached under and got his money clip and key fob. I spread a towel on my seat and hiked the skirt up.We rode home with my boobs and puss on display for Robb. We were home a little after 1 AM and in bed sound asleep by 2 AM… It had been a good, long, enjoyable and fun day!



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Yep, since COVID, we really cut back "fun".... The thing of concern were problems with HPV that friends developed.  I (Julie) am a bit younger and had Gardasil shots in 2007.   During 2022, both Robb and I did the 3 shot regime of Gardasil 9.   Insurance didn't cover the shots but our Dermatologist recommended and prescribed the shots after we both had some skin cancer spots worked on.  We are certainly, when appropriate, nudists, voyeurs and exhibitionists!!  J&R

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5 hours ago, robaval said:

Yep, since COVID, we really cut back "fun".... The thing of concern were problems with HPV that friends developed.  I (Julie) am a bit younger and had Gardasil shots in 2007.   During 2022, both Robb and I did the 3 shot regime of Gardasil 9.   Insurance didn't cover the shots but our Dermatologist recommended and prescribed the shots after we both had some skin cancer spots worked on.  We are certainly, when appropriate, nudists, voyeurs and exhibitionists!!  J&R

So not to tell what you should do.  Protection to your body it’s a must.  As a nudist I can tell you the best cream you can put on is the highest protection and you have to put it absolutely everywhere because the places you don’t think of or the ones still get sunburned ouch.  

And any other protection you feel you need that makes you calm satisfying to live your life.




Edited by Billygoat

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I know this thread is 1 year old, but I wanted to chime in on your first house party in over 2 years! It sounds like you and Robb had a blast at Geoff and Marti's end-of-summer party. That's awesome that they went all out with snacks, drinks, and even a maintenance crew to keep everything clean and tidy. And your outfit sounds super cute! That red bra and pantie set with matching heels - love it!
Speaking of parties, have you heard about the hidden things to do in Charleston Bachelorette Party? I found this website that has some great ideas for fun activities and attractions in Charleston. Maybe it could be helpful if you or a friend are planning a bachelorette party soon.

Edited by gerargliuchnaglaz

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      "Oh yes," she said in her little girl's voice, "I will love watching you; maybe I can do a 69 with her and lick her pussy while you thrust in and out and feel your balls contract when you come inside her."
      "Mmmmmm, I wonder if all the girls will be bi? I wonder if I could do a girly threesome? Mmmmmm, I wonder if I can get two men to come at the same time inside me. That would be fun too."
      "Can I be your vixen tonight and play dirty?" John smiled and spoke softly, the care showing in his voice.
      "Babe, we will have a fabulous time together and with other couples or whatever, don't be shy to try what you want, and feel able to say NO if you don't want. Above all, enjoy yourself, and pleasure comes first," she reminded him.
      So back to the party! They gathered around a pool table, with the group laughing and joking about the action starting all around. Wendy looked at the two girls on the pool table with their legs over the shoulders of four guys who were licking and sucking nipples, pussies, and one man had her toes in his mouth, sucking them like a breastfeeding baby. Wendy started to pant. She could not get her breath. Her heart was racing, her knees buckled, and she began to shake. Tears flooded down her face. John cried, "What's up! What's up!"
      Wendy sank against the woman beside her shaking uncontrollably. The girl instinctively put her arms around Wendy and held her close, supporting Wendy against herself.
      "Sushhhhh baby, you are all right!" the woman cooed, "What is worrying you? You don't have to do any of this if you are afraid."
      Wendy snuggled against the comforting figure, put her face against the warm, feminine neck, and nuzzled her cheek, kissing it gently. Her hand moved without command to the woman's breast, and she felt the nipple harden as she caressed it gently. The shaking was easing now, and Wendy felt a little bolder. She turned the woman's face towards her, looked into her eyes, and moved forward slowly, anticipating a gentle and subtle kiss. The tongue was not stiff and probing like a man's but gentle, enticing, and exciting. Wendy's free hand moved down to the woman's belly and softly caressed the feminine rounded shape moving slowly downwards to find that sweetly perfumed garden where a secret lotus stem was waiting to be stroked.
      Hands caressed breasts and pussy. Now both girls turned on to each other. John watched, fascinated. He had never seen Wendy with another woman, and his cock raged hard inside his pants. As if in a dream, Wendy pushed the girl gently onto the pool table so her bottom was on edge. She bent down, opened her legs, put them on her shoulders, and snuggled her face between them, savoring the beautiful feminine smells and tastes. Gently opening up the inner lips with her tongue, finding her clit and teasing, teasing just off the edge, making her wait for the full pleasure. Female wetness was seeping all over Wendy's face as the girl was getting nearer and nearer to release.

      A few minutes passed, and the girl pushed Wendy off, got onto the table, and said, "Get up here with me. We can pleasure each other now!"

      Wendy climbed up, the shakes all gone now. Her pussy was soaking wet, and her breasts were tender with erect nipples and very sensitive. She lifted her skirt, revealing the stockings and suspenders without anything else. The two girls turned head to toe and started a frantic licking expedition to cunt heaven.

      Wendy felt a body get up behind her and present a long stiff penis to her backside. The man tried gently to insert it in her cunt where the girl was licking hard; it slipped in and thrust a few times. The girl firmly grassed it and slid it up the crack between her buttocks, tickling her anus with the end. Wendy's whole valley was wet and slippery. The long thin cock nudged open her arse and gently snaked into her bottom.

      Wendy's heart raced again; this was what she had dreamed of for months! What surprised her was that the cock inside her was giving almost more pleasure than having her pussy sucked. The combination was too great. A massive climax took over, and she nearly fainted with joy.

      As she fell over the edge into an abyss of pleasure, the man behind speeded up, grunted, and sank deep inside her, flooding her back passage with his fluids. Wendy opened her eyes and looked up at John, who stood open-mouthed, watching her antics. He had a girl on her knees sucking his rigid cock, but his eyes were transfixed on Wendy. She smiled, blew him a kiss, and licked her lips covered in pussy juice from the girl beneath her. John shuddered and spent down the girl's throat pumping his hips in time with his spurts.

      He gently pushed the girl to one side, staggered to Wendy with his pants down by his feet, and said, "Well, you are hot; I could not believe how sexy you are. I am so proud of you; better than my wildest dreams was that fantastic to watch."

      Wendy thought to herself, "Why did I panic? This is fantastic, better than the fantasies we have. This is real sex."
      A couple came up to them. The man smiled. "I am Tommy. This is Raquel, my wife. We just watched you and nearly came with you. Would you join us at the table for a foursome?"
      Wendy reached down and felt his cock inside his pants. It was semi-hard and big. She turned to John and Raquel, "Let's get together. We can play here or in one of the smaller rooms with a nice bed?"

      They entered the room together. Wendy pushed down her long skirt and flipped off her top. She was naked except for her stockings and suspenders. Raquel slipped out of her long ball gown, revealing a very firm 36's and a sweet little tight arse on top of a pair of legs to die for. She was near perfect. Tommy was muscular with a flat hard six-pack stomach and an erection starting to grow to full size as he gently stroked himself. John was naked in a flash, only half erect after his escapade down the other girl's throat. Wendy turned to Tommy, who scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to the king-sized bed, his erect cock bouncing up and down as he stepped forward. Raquel reached out for John, smiled softly, and whispered, "Come and play with me and let me get you hard again. We will watch them while I regenerate your erection."

      John looked down at her fair perfection, those soft curves all running down into the valley between her legs. A golden pussy fuzz glinted in the soft lights. He reached for her and pulled her towards him. A first gentle kiss, lips opened up, and tongues tenderly searched each other out, exploring each other. His hands held her back, then softly slid down over her buttocks, caressing that incredible apple shape of her bottom. She pulled him harder into her body.

      As Raquel responded to the stimuli, her hand slid down to feel his penis, which was gently growing back to a man-size stiffness. Their kisses became more ardent, and deeper tongues were now demanding, not exploring. Hands moved over her body.

      John broke off the long kiss and searched her neck with his lips and tongue. She shuddered, and he felt her open her legs and move into his body. She thrust her pubis against his leg and started to move up and down. He could feel the wetness spreading along his thigh. John had now reached her breast with his lips and was attacking her nipple, which was bone hard. Raquel started to pant and squirm harder against his leg.

      Suddenly Raquel broke away and fell back onto the bed beside Tommy and Wendy's entwined bodies. Raquel reached up, and John dived onto her, gently landing without his weight on her. Raquel squirmed around so she was head-to-toe with him, with her on her back. Raquel reached up and grasped his nearly hard cock. She slipped her mouth over the head as she pulled back his tight foreskin and started to suck him to total hardness.

      John's head was between her legs. His mouth opened up her secret garden exploring the sides and little creases. He could tell her clit was begging for attention, and he made her wait. He felt careful with his tongue and could feel the hardness and swelling around her clit, which was now erect like a mini penis. His tongue explored her depths and penetrated her cunt, where he would follow with his cock shortly. Raquel was getting agitated and frustrated. She wanted attention on her clit, so John moved his tongue down the crease between her legs out of her cunt and down to her anus. As it reached the little rosebud, she shuddered and thrust her hips against his face.

      Raquel was working hard on making his cock whole again and hard enough to get inside her to ease that burning desire. She threw him over onto his back, climbed on top, grasped his penis in her hand, aimed for her inner lips, and squatted down with a satisfied sigh. John tried to thrust up against her downstrokes, and they found a comfortable rhythm that would gently build to a glorious climax.

      Tommy knelt beside John and Raquel with Wendy's legs over his shoulders, thrusting energetically into her pussy. Wendy's bottom hardly touched the bed as his cock shuttled in and out of her dripping pussy. Raquel leaned over and kissed him hard on his mouth while her fingers searched for Wendy's cunt. Wendy pushed her hand out to John, grasped his face, and pulled it over for a kiss. As the four fucked into each other's partners, the respective partners smiled and kissed each other. Raquel started to whimper like a small cat. Her eyes rolled up as she reached her first climax, and her face distorted. A moan escaped her lips. "Fuck it harder! Fuck it, my cunt is exploding. Ohhhhhhhhh!"

      Raquel collapsed in a heap on top of John. He rolled her off and crawled around to the other two. Tommy rolled Wendy off him, and she got onto all fours. John hit her from the rear straight into her cunt, deep and hard. She thrust back to meet him harder and faster. Tommy went for the face and slid his cock deep into her mouth, making her gag a little, setting a fast pace that could never last. Tommy grunted and exploded semen down her throat, pumping and pumping till he was spurting on empty. Wendy cried out and shuddered and shuddered as she lost it in a huge one. John followed a few thrusts later. With a sigh and a deep thrust, he unloaded inside Wendy.

      The three untangled themselves. John lay on his side facing Tommy, and Raquel rested against him, her head using his hips as a pillow. Tommy and Wendy took up a similar position facing them. Wendy was fascinated with Tommy's penis, which had shrunk to a little wrinkled sausage. She played with it tenderly, remembering how hard and energetic it had just been. John was exploring Raquel's inner sanctuary in a lazy, tender way.

      Raquel got up, poured four glasses of wine from a bottle on the side table, and brought them to the bed. They all sipped and chatted quietly, enjoying the aftermath of the passion. Wendy could feel a slippery liquid seeping out between her legs. She reflected on how wonderful the party had started and how much better real sex in a group was than watching and fantasizing.

      Wendy said, "John, I need to use the bathroom. I will be back shortly. Will you wait here for me?"

      "Of course, darling," he smiled and added. "Come back when you are ready!" She laughed and left the room.

      Three girls and two men burst in a few minutes later, laughing and jostling each other. "Can we use the bed or join you if you haven't finished?" one girl asked. "Sure, get on and join us," John replied with a smile.

      Each girl selected a mate and sidled up to him as bodies entwined and hands were everywhere. The scene changed from relaxed, easy caresses to hot passion. John was having trouble getting hard again so soon after the last session. One of the two guys noticed and put his head in his lap, sucking gently on his cock. The girls watched with rapt interest. John froze for a second. This had never happened before. Then he relaxed as he thought to himself Wendy does this to me all the time. I go down on her. She won't mind, so what's the problem? John laid back and started enjoying a new experience.

      Wendy walked naked through the large room towards the lady's bathroom, passing groups and couples in all types of contortions. One threesome had a man on all fours, the girl on his back legs wrapped around the guy on top as he fucked vigorously. Her head was bobbing about like a broken rag doll. The whimpers coming from her showed she was in fuck heaven. Wendy passed them and smiled. She could not believe how many different positions were being displayed.

      In the bathroom, a girl was sitting on the side where the washbasins were, legs wide open, washing out the fluids that had been pumped into her. She licked her fingers and said, "Yummy, don't you just love that salty taste? I just got too full after a big gangbang. I had eight inside me, one after the other. Some of the greedy buggers came back for seconds and thirds." Wendy asked, "How long did you do it for?" The girl said, "About an hour and a half. I am a bit sore now and need a rest to recover after coming so many times."

      Wendy left the bathroom and wandered down a corridor from the large room. She heard sounds from a room; she stopped and looked in through the open door. Nine men were around this one girl who was being fucked from behind by one with another in her mouth, and a few were by her head. She had a cock in each hand, and the others were masturbating around her. The guy in her pussy speeded up and pulled out, rubbing himself furiously. He spurted all over her bottom. Another took his place and speared her without ceremony pushing in and out of her sweet little pussy. He inserted a finger up her bottom, and she wriggled and cried out, "Fuck my arse as well!"

      The men pulled out and rolled her over. One climbed underneath. She sat on his cock and lay on his chest. Another pulled her cheeks apart, stretching her anus slightly open. He rubbed semen that had seeped from her pussy around her dark hole to ease his passage and penetrated her slowly. The other guys were in her mouth, between her breasts, anywhere they could get.

      Wendy watched the action, fascinated. This was what she had dreamed of in every fantasy. One of the guys with nowhere to fuck noticed her standing by the door and came over and said, "Join us, lovely. We would love to satisfy your desires and fuck you senseless."

      Wendy entered the room as if in a dream; her fantasy had finally come true. Three guys remained with the girl. The other six moved over to Wendy. She lay on her back, waiting for it to happen. A man's body leaned over her, his cock hard and erect, probing her face as he bent over her and probed her cunt with his tongue. She grasped that beautiful cock and sucked it to absolute hardness. Hands over her breasts, tongues in ears and around her neck, hands now everywhere. Her body had become one large erogenous zone. The tongue in her pussy was replaced with a very large cock which started slowly and stepped up as the rhythm became one for both.

      For the next hour, Wendy felt cocks in all her parts, fluids being pumped and splashed. Each orgasm she experienced lifted her higher and higher until she lapsed into oblivion and was gently laid to rest, covered in semen and a little sore from the multiple entries. One vague recollection towards the end was of two cocks inside her pussy together, stretching her and giving her a final massive orgasm. Wendy drifted on the edge of exhaustion, languishing in the euphoria of her greatest fantasy, a gangbang. She lay there with semen dripping from her pussy, running down the crease between her legs. She fingered her anus softly, rubbing in the slippery cream to ease the soreness. She felt wonderful.

      After half an hour, she got up and returned to the room where she had left John. She passed Mistral, Tim, Greg, and Susan on the way, heading upstairs. As they passed her, they smiled at her sticky legs and body, and one said, "You sure have had some fun, huh, Wendy?"

      She arrived at the room and stepped inside. John was entwined with another girl, and a guy gently probed him while the girl tried to get him hard again. Wendy watched her man and smiled to herself. "Now he knows what it feels like to be fucked up the arse. Once used to the stretching, it is yummy."

      Wendy called him, "Honey, will you shower and sauna with me? I need to clean up a bit?"

      "OK, babe, let's get showered and find where Tim and Mistral are," John replied. "They did promise us a special time together, but I haven't seen them tonight."

      Mistral took John to one side the next day at work and said, "I know you both enjoyed your first swinging party; sorry we never got together. Would you both like to join Susan, Greg, Tim, and me the weekend after next at our place for just a casual dinner and some fun?"

      "Sure, we would not miss it!" John quickly replied. Mistral said, "Greg told me he saw Wendy walking past him in stockings and suspenders. He said she has a fabulous body, her cunt dripping down her legs, and he wants to fuck her after dinner. You can have Susan and me together if you fancy. It will be a hot night!" With a wide grin, John quickly shot back, "How about six all together in the sauna then?"
    • By Mistral Wind
      Today is the date of Greg and Susan's party. After that fabulous swinging weekend we spent with them, I could not wait for tonight. I recalled Greg, that lean, tall, fit man, and his energy and sense of humor. He could look into my eyes and show his lust and wanting to fuck me there and then. Susan had a thing for Tim, who always loved bubbly red-blondes. They gravitated to each other, and I never felt threatened since I knew it was just sex and passion that was the draw.
      Susan and I are bi; we enjoyed getting together. There is nothing finer for an aroused woman than to go down on a beautiful pussy belonging to a girlfriend you fancy. Susan has a distinct scent, smell, and taste that I adore. I loved how the wetness spread so quickly, and her clit became a hard lump just above the inner lips.
      Anticipating tonight was making me wet. My slit was sensitive and needy, so I felt between my legs while working on my PC. Clitty was jumpy; she wanted to have some attention right away. It was lunchtime, and I was alone in an empty office, so I slid my thong to one side and slowly worked a finger around my love button. My bottom slid around the chair while I got hotter and hotter. I closed my eyes to imagine Greg had just slid that wonderful cock deep inside me and was starting to move in and out slowly. Two fingers, then three fingers, then four fingers. I was crashing about on the seat, nearly ready to explode.
      Just then, I heard a commotion up front. Damnit, I had let time slip away from me! The guys were coming back from lunch now, so there was no finishing what I had started. My pussy cried tears at that. This I knew because when I went for my mid-afternoon wee, my poor panties were so wet I just took them off and stuffed them in my purse.
      I finished work early and sped home for a shower and a shave. I was hot to trot tonight, and Tim said he would follow later, and we would leave at 5:00 to get there about 7:00 p.m.
      In the shower, I shaved my pussy bare. Rubbing some moisturizer in afterward, my lovely kitty started to tingle again. I gently fingered myself and twisted my nipple when I heard the bathroom door open. Tim walked in all smiles and shed his clothes as fast as he could. That cock was semi-hard, and he was still sweaty from the day. I knelt, sucked the strong-tasting male penis into my mouth, and worked him hard. He grabbed my hair a little roughly, pulling me up. I jumped and locked my legs around his waist, and that gorgeous cock slid in. My weight drove it deep, pushing hard against my cervix. In my state of mind, the pain reminded me I was a woman and had what all women wanted, a hard cock filling her pussy deep.  
      Tim came quite quickly. The surprise of finding me in the shower playing with myself must have got him horny. To make up for leaving me high and dry, he knelt before me and licked me silly. Another orgasm crashed through me when he used his fingers to spread my lips, opening my hole and dumping his freshly-deposited semen right onto his tongue. We finished the shower and dived into bed for a rest before the fun started.
      The theme for the party was "An Officer or a Gentleman." Tim had borrowed his friend's old uniform. He looked stunning. I sorted through the shortlist of clothes and chose a long floaty blue silk summer dress I bought in India. It was the color of a fine Ceylon Sapphire, that deep rich blue. I thought to wear absolutely nothing underneath this time as we were planning serious sex tonight. The only drawback is if I get very wet and sit down, you can tell from behind. I had been in a high state of arousal all day, so I put on a micro thong to keep me tidy until we shed all at the party.
      In the car, we were quiet, savoring the expectation of a wild and sexy night together with our friends. Tim turned into the drive and slowly approached the house. It looked magnificent, all the outside lights on and music booming from inside. This is going to be some party!
      Greg and Susan welcomed us with a drink and a big kiss. As Greg swept me into his arms, a hand gently probed the crack of my bottom through the dress. Susan laughed and said, "Greg has had a hard-on all day thinking about you, Mistral." I broke free and moved to one side to hug Susan and discretely slid my hand down her waistband to a bare pussy, which was very wet with anticipation. "You have been thinking about Tim inside you! You randy cow!" We laughed and joined the men.
      Jon, Greg's son, was standing in the foyer with Penny, his girlfriend. They came up to greet us, and it was kisses all around again. I looked into the main reception room. Standing in the center was a man about 6' 5" inches wearing a Hussars uniform complete with his saber. I loved the tight white trousers with a good bulge. What a fit stud. Mmmmm, I will have him tonight. Men in various uniforms were all around the room, making me horny. Jon whisked me into another room, where a young rock band was playing. I cuddled up to Jon, and we danced at about one-tenth the pace the music was running.
      The party had started with a strange expectant air about it. The elegantly dressed were flirting and dancing, but nothing was kicking off. An hour passed, more champagne was drunk, and the noise level rose but still no wild sex party. What was happening? By now, we must have had 25 to 30 couples arrive and were mingling politely. Susan and Greg stood at the top of their beautiful winding staircase and called down to all. "Tonight, we have an "Officer and a Gentleman" as our theme. The ladies will be their treasures and must be won by a wager or being lucky in cards or on the upstairs casino tables! Follow us and be ready to play!"
      Everyone trooped elegantly up the stairs into the large casino, where roulette, poker, dice, pool, and blackjack tables were waiting. The women accompanied their men, sitting demurely beside them. I looked at one of the roulette tables, then realized that it was at least three times the size of a typical roulette wheel without a center pillar. A blonde with enormous tits falling out of her low front scrambled up onto the table onto her back and spread herself wide open. Her man sporting a naval uniform, called out, "Last bets, please, whoever ends up opposite her cunt wins her!"
      She spun around a few laps, giggling, allowing her legs to open, exposing a delicious unshaven pussy. The wheel stopped opposite a Colonel. He was dark, almost Greek or Spanish, slim as a rake, and tall. His partner was dark, velvety skin and plump but shapely. He approached the girl on the wheel and gently pulled her to the table's edge. He nuzzled his mouth between her open legs, and his tongue started working instantly, flicking at her clit. She pulled her nipples and moaned gently, then sank back onto the table, abandoning herself to the pleasure. He opened her up and rested her legs on his shoulders, making her arch her back. A finger slid into the crease of her bottom and fingered her rosebud anus. His tongue followed, and she jerked in shock and pleasure when he licked her anus hard. "Rude basted, like it dirty, do you?" she sighed, "make me cum, then fuck me up my arse!"
      Colonel's partner watched intently, one hand inside her waistband, feeling a wet pussy heat up quickly. She started pulling open her man's uniform, exposing a hard chest. Then, out came 9 inches of circumcised heaven, which was getting harder by the second. Colonel's partner, Mandy, pushed the front of her dress down, exposing two magnificent breasts with the biggest nipples I had ever seen. They must have been a 42 DD but were firm and bouncy, natural, not a silicon job; I was dying to get my hands on them!
      The naval man was round in a flash and scooped her into his arms. She smiled and threw her head back, laughing as he was diving into her breasts, slurping around those incredible nipples, making them very wet and slippery. A hand scooped up her skirt, exposing a naked rear end that was shapely but buxom. Mandy was a size 16, very firm and voluptuous, with fantastic velvet cream skin. Her pussy was framed in the most beautiful carrot-red hair, matching her head.
      Naval manhandled her pussy, pulling apart the outer lips and exposing a wet slit that was deep red from her arousal. The clit was like a mini penis standing up tall and proud. A thumb brushed the knob, and she shuddered, thrusting hard against his hand. The busty blonde was now on her yummy bottom over the edge of the roulette table with Colonel fucking hard into her arse. She moaned and thrashed into her second orgasm as he pushed in deep, shuddering as he pumped her full of his fluid, and they collapsed onto the floor together. As he pulled out, she bent over and sucked him clean, licking off her pussy juice and spunk with relish.
      The naval man (Colin) was now getting Mandy's full attention as she was on her knees, sucking hard on his penis. At the same time, she fingered herself, blatantly masturbating in front of the horny men around the table. Tim looked again and said, "What an arse she has. I will fuck her senseless right now, bet or no bet!"
      He came up behind her, dropped his pants, and, stroking his rock-hard cock, slid it into a squelching dripping cunt. Mandy giggled and thrust back, unaware of who was inside her. Lust had taken over, and sexual gratification was needed.
      I watched and walked over to Colin and pushed him back quite hard. He fell back with Mandy still attached to his cock and Tim inside Mandy. I squatted down onto his face, and he licked frantically at my slit. I opened the outer lips and slid my crack up and down his face in time to the licking. His tongue was murdering my clit, driving me over the edge.
      Strong hands lifted me off Colin and turned me around so I faced his feet. He plopped me back down onto Colin's face and bent forward, exposing my cunt. A huge cock probed my crack a second later, trying to negotiate the opening, and I reached behind and pushed it inside me. He thrust hard and slammed into my cervix. I gasped with the stab of pain, and then it slid deep into my body. I loved the penetration, hard and rough, demanding and desiring me.
      We rocked together, speeding up. After about 30 seconds, he clutched my breasts, pulled me back into him, and emptied a tremendous amount of semen into my rampant pussy. He pulled out before he had finished pumping me full, and the dribbling end was into Colin's open mouth. Colin sucked him clean. I was lying almost on Mandy's back, and Tim was still thrusting into her. With a grimace, he pulled out and leaned over her, splashing semen all over her back. I reached forward and scooped it up, rubbing it into my face and tongue. I love the salty taste of a good man!
      We all laughingly untangled ourselves. Tim and I shed all our clothes and left them in a bundle by the table. By now, the gambling had stopped, and couples were fucking frantically in groups. I looked down at Tim's cock, which was quite red from its exertions.
      "She was surprisingly tight for such a big bouncy arse and really could use her pelvic floor to wank me off inside her. Delicious!" an enthused Tim exclaimed.
      We settled down on the floor. Tim turned me around to stroke my back and gently ran his tongue down my tummy. I pushed my head into his lap by turning into a head-to-toe position. His hands were gentle and caring, the love flowed through his fingers, and he started to work his cock into my mouth. I could taste Mandy's female juices mixed with salty semen. He was less than half-hard, but I felt his cock perk up with pleasure. Tim opened my legs and probed gently into the perfumed garden with his tongue. The gentle, loving way was turning me on more than ever. We worked together gently, savoring the feelings and taking time to pleasure each other. Like a couple of teenagers in a parked automobile, we smooched, cuddled, and 69'd.
      Tim was returning to full hardness and was thrusting into my face with passion while rubbing my clit silly with his tongue and fingering my anus. A finger up my cunt, tongue on my clit, then another finger pushed deep inside my bottom. A thought flashed into my head. Could I take two cocks up my arse and one in my pussy? Maybe tonight is the night to try! I have often had one in each hole, which is yummy!
      I felt Tim about to unload again and squeezed firmly on his testicles to stop the ejaculation. He winced a bit as I was too rough, making him wilt just a little. To make it up to him, I slid my fingers between the crack of his bottom and penetrated his anus. Feeling deep inside, I found his prostate. Massaging gently, his penis stiffened and pumped my mouth full again. I followed him over the edge a second later. My cunt gushed a mixture of pussy juice and semen into his face as I orgasmed.
      "Fancy a sauna?" Tim asked kindly. "Yes, and a swim," I replied. "I am refreshing my body so I can really get the night on!"
      We strolled into a very crowded sauna. I don't know how couples have the energy to fuck hard in these temperatures. They were spread all over on towels as the floor was far too hot, and all the benches were full. We found a small corner away from the groups and chilled out for a while, savoring the frantic hot action around us. Greg and Susan appeared from a corner dripping with sweat. Greg called, "Let's get a swim and cool down. You two coming?"
      I was over there in a flash. Susan had small bite marks on her breasts and thighs, and she saw me looking and smiled. "I tried some S&M tonight, yummy. The pain made for a wonderful hard fuck and a massive cum. The only problem is I can't swim naked with the family when they come next week without answering a load of questions!"
      "Was it a couple of men that did that?" I asked. "Two girls," Susan replied. "One had an enormous strap-on with a vibrator inside, so my cunt is as sore as my arse. I need Tim's sweet cock to spunk inside and cool me down."
      The four of us slipped into the cool pool and glided naked through the water, splashing and laughing as we played like seals - no heavy sex this time, just playing fun between friends. I grabbed Tim's wrist and squinted at his Rolex; 1:55 a.m. It had been a heavy night. I glided over to Greg and cuddled onto his lap in the cool water, straddling him, wrapping my legs around his waist, and facing him. Greg turned to face Tim and Susan, who were mingling, entwining arms, legs, and bodies. Greg said softly into my ear, "Watch them. They are very close and have an affinity together. Do you think we should worry?"
      "Jealousy, Greg?" I scolded. "That's not like you. I know Tim fancies Susan like mad and lusts after her. Yes, they are in lust, but not in love. I know Susan loves you to bits and Tim likewise to me. I don't ever worry about Tim. Sex is fun. Swinging is fun sex with your friends fulfilling all your fantasies."
      "So I am worrying for nothing as Susan went hell for leather tonight?" Greg came back.
      "Yes, you lovely man, I explained. "Her soul and her pussy belong to you and you alone. She loves to fuck Tim but loves you totally. Now, take me upstairs to bed and fuck me to sleep. Bring Susan and Tim with us so we can all sleep together in that marvelous massive bed, wake up in the middle of the night, fuck again, then sleep again. That is what I want now."
      During the night, I remember waking with a tongue on my pussy, a cock in my mouth, a cock inside my pussy, and female hands all over my body. Paradise does not come any better! Breakfast was postponed until 12:30 the next day. We all ate with lusty appetites while chattering about what next weekend's swinger party would be like!
    • By LovelyLynn
      I have a question for the experienced couples on the board. For quite a while I have had the desire to be in a more sexually charged environment while having sex with my husband. Now, I have been hanging around this board and learned a lot about the maturity required to swing and I must say I am impressed by a lot of you. The reason I bring this up is because I would like your opinions. I am wanting to find some couples or groups that are open and mature like yourselves to watch while each couple has sex.
      I am in my 20's and find that a lot of couples around my age lack maturity when it is called for. Of course for a lot of couples at any age it seems can barely keep their own relationships together. On the other hand it seems that a lot of you put respect and your relationships above all else. Other than the fact that I am not technically a swinger (yet ), I feel you people share more in common with my ideals than most groups of people.
      I would love to try new things but I'm not near ready for a 4some or swapping. However, I feel that being in and getting comfortable as a couple around swingers would open the door to a lot of new experiences for me.
      So I was curious how the couples on here would feel about having a non swapping couple around having sex in the same room as them? Does it make a difference to you if there are just 2 couples, more than 2, group sex, or swapping going on in the room? What do you think the best way to go about it would be? Is this something that Swingers in general accept?
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