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coastalcpl last won the day on December 26 2020

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84 Excellent


About coastalcpl

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/04/1974

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  • Relationship Status
  • Location
    Upstate New York
  • Swinging Experience
    On and off for a few years.
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  1. Thanks everyone for the bleak outlook. Lol very familiar with the area as it is where the male half grew up. SPAC and the track in the summer along with the lake. Winter tubing and skiing at West Mountain. We do need to pick up the cold weather gear though. We don’t think the shorts and flip flops will hold up through winter...ha ha We will try SLS and maybe some of the places that replaced online adds like Craigslist.
  2. We will be around the lake George area and as far south as Albany.
  3. Thank you. We were kind of thinking the same.
  4. We are heading up to upstate New York (north of Albany) and would like to know what adult dating site people use in that area. We use SDC here in FL and know most of the dating sites seem to be regional. Thanks in advance.
  5. We go to lifestyle clubs, meet & greets, and local events to meet people. We also look online so I would say I rule out in both situations. We have been in the ls for several years before we met and have had a few but not a lot of mixed experiences between the two of us. We have yet to explore playing with a couple together, but have had fun with mmf, group soft play, and girl/girl fun. Family and job make it difficult to get out more than what we do. I think with the mmf selections may have spoiled me to prefer younger guys. Generally in our area the couples are older and the men are typically around 50ish. I find it difficult to find many that I am attracted to.
  6. Good morning all, we are trying to figure out how to move forward with choosing couples. I (female half) am extremely picky and so our major issue is finding couples we both agree on. Is this a common problem and if so how do you move past it?
  7. Thank you! Yes, I have told him how I feel about it. Some of the people on there are very inside out lol. That is just not my thing. I would rather get to know people in person rather than be flirtatious with ppl I haven't met at all online. It would be awkward seeing them at an event and feel I was interested in doing more than just flirting online in person.
  8. I haven't seen any posts on here on this so I thought I would ask some opinions on it. My husband and I have been married only three years, and have one young son. Since we have been married his career takes him away from home nine months out of the year so we haven't explored much in the LS. We made a couples page a couple years ago but only recently have made local contacts on there. Since then a few swingers have found both our personal pages and added us on there as well. We do most things together so that isn't an issue. They made a group where people post nude pics and such on there and that doesn't bother me either. My husband has suggested being more interactive on there, post some pics, and flirt around with others. I have concerns...I am the slower paced on here! We do have accounts on SLS and SDC and are listed as soft on there. We have never full swapped only a few girl/girl experiences, that is about it. We both have had some experiences in the LS before our relationship, he more than I. I have had problems with pushy people in the past so I feel flirting around can lead others on. Also, I am more on the timid side of sharing nude pics of myself. I really would rather wait until we can meet some of the them in person before interacting that way online. Thoughts on any of this would be appreciated! TIA
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