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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2009 in Posts

  1. 0 points
    Whoo-hoo! Next time why not deal with the topic (IvoryTowers' error)? Just a thought. OK -- "blimped out mommies" - sorry if this offended. It was used (as a cliche) to clarify in a question. So yeah, different strokes - some guys even have a fetish for pregnant women. "Not all sex starved men have only their wives to blame." Of course not - why would anyone think so? "why would anyone WANT to swing with someone that was cheating, when there are so many opportunities to swing with people who AREN'T?" For the same reasons. This question highlights the matter - that while stigmatizing and rejecting a cheater may well be a suitable reaction, it really isn't justified or fair-minded to do so automatically. You went on to discuss how people will automatically assume swingers are evil or dangerous - the same reaction in a different context, and equally unjustified. "Pardon my simplicity...but two wrongs make it right?" The heart of the matter is whether the second 'wrong' is really wrong or whether the first wrong voids the agreement which makes it wrong. Like, if your gardener stops working, it's not wrong to stop paying him - the agreement was voided by the gardener's actions.
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