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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2023 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Petra, I didn’t resent my then girlfriend positioning my cock so my semen went straight down her throat, I’d just misperceived what was going on, and that she just found her comparison of my semen to snot off-putting. She was still "mechanically" great at sucking cock. To your point, in another recent thread I wrote about my FWB relationship with a woman who gave me my first really great blowjobs and helped me learn to give a woman proper head. She found intercourse painful (which I attributed to abuse she’d suffered by her father) and preferred giving and receiving oral. Her favorite was 69 and like you, she savored her partner’s semen. She told me that the taste of each of her regular partners’ semen was different, which was something that had never even occurred to me — I wasn’t familiar at that point with even the aroma of anyone’s semen but my own.
  2. 2 points
    I have had Ladies come up and ask me to Fuck them but honestly I would rather get acquainted with some pussy play including oral, cuddling and kissing and chatting first. Not to say going to a direct fuck isn't nice at times!
  3. 2 points
    The first night I spent with the woman who eventually became my second wife when we went to bed she kept her panties on. I recall she let me finger her, but the panties weren’t coming off. She asked if I would like to cum in her mouth, which sounded pretty good to me. She gave good head and I ejaculated in her mouth. In the middle of the night we started kissing and fondling and she got me off orally again. On our second date she stripped her panties off right away and my cock was in her pussy in a flash. After we’d been dating for maybe a month she asked for anal — one of her girlfriends preferred it and she was curious. It turned out she liked it too. So, we had a nice, well-rounded sex life. A couple of months later I was going to have some clinical supervision (I was- a doctoral student in clinical psychology and we had met when I was one of her supervisees) and she said there was something she needed to tell me about the guy (and I’m paraphrasing here after 40 years). "I gave him a blowjob once. I didn’t fuck him, but I did suck him off. He knows you and I are involved and I didn’t want you to be the odd person out, the only one who didn’t know the score." For my first wife and a lot of women I’d dated, a blowjob was a much bigger deal than intercourse, and a lot of them didn’t want the guy to cum in their mouth. Those women, who would suck but not take the semen, would pull their mouth away and then finish their partner (that would be me…) of with a couple of strokes with their hand. Thinking back to our first date I told my relatively new girlfriend that I was surprised that she would suck a guy and swallow but not fuck him. "Oh, I will blow a guy when I don’t want to have sex with him. And it’s really easy. I can tell when a guy is just about to cum and I make sure the head of his cock is all the way in the back of my mouth. The semen just goes right down my throat. It’s like swallowing snot." I suppose it shouldn’t have, but I found that last sentence a bit deflating. It took the specialness out of a good blow and swallow. She could reach orgasm through intercourse, but she really liked getting eaten. I don’t think I ever solicited oral from her again during the seven years we were together, but in addition to vaginal and anal intercourse I licked her pussy a lot.
  4. 1 point
    I know what you mean, but believe things are changing. During the time I have been nonmonogamous, my situation has gone from totally hiding it to (while not being totally open about my poly family) not denying what has become common knowledge. People ask about my family and I'll discuss our children, etc. but no one probes our sex life. The short of it is that people (co-workers, running partners, coffee shop friends, teachers) both men and women, especially the young, want to discuss their intimate relationships, as if my family arrangement gives me particularly deep insight. A few men have asked for emotional advice, not sexual. The women, however, have been all over the place, crying about their love interest, asking about birth control, disappointed by or bragging about sex. As my posts show, I have an opinion on just about everything and I give it along with a variety of options and alternatives.
  5. 1 point
    This makes me sad. Although my preference is for a guy to cum in my vagina, when he does ejaculate in my mouth, I like to keep it, roll it around and make a big deal of swallowing. Savor the event for both of us. As a bi woman, I understand.
  6. 1 point
    One way to look at this; if you went to a nudist camp with your whole family, you wouldn't think anything of your kids being naked around you. It's the 'normal'. I think the context throws this off. Your daughter probably thought of it along those lines; you two are comfortable being naked around your kids. She's 20 now. She can make her own decisions. If you can, why can't she? The social norms are that once kids reach a certain age, the parent of the opposite sex never sees them sans clothing again. That's the social norm. But, biologically, it isn't the norm. There was a study done years ago that showed there is a change inside the brain of family members with respect to sexual attraction. Our children, our parents, are unattractive to us; it just doesn't trigger anything. I wish I could find the study to link it here. Of course, that change does break down in some people which generates the stories of incest. But, it's very uncommon. I wouldn't worry too much about this. If your daughter is comfortable with it, there's no reason to be uncomfortable about it.
  7. 1 point
    Offering a thought I've shared elsewhere: Growing up in the evangelical-leaning midwest in a certain age bracket, women generally exchanged oral with men very casually. It's not quite fair to say it "didn't count", but it certainly wasn't intercourse and was often a polite gesture at the end of a nice night or something that could be done between friends. For a long time, I thought very little of it, even with attached or married women. (Possibly, some of this had to do with the very intense rhetoric we got about avoiding teen and unwed pregnancy.) Mrs. E, growing up in a Catholic school, in the northeast, a few years older, got a very different perception, that oral sex was much more intimate and to be reserved. Casual intercourse, also, was shunned, but it usually came first in intimate relationships. Regardless of ethnic background, that was pretty consistent, down to the Puerto Rican girl who would roll her eyes at oral sex but had three or four men in rotation to keep her fucked at any time. I'm not sure how much of that is cultural/geographic and age-specific, but there are differences there in social groups. Also, I've known a number of women who disclosed that they had very specific breeding kinks that involved being somewhat anonymously "used" for pregnancy, as well as women who would prefer to have intercourse with someone they didn't really like over oral, and while that's far from universal, I can see the logic of how intercourse is less intimate. Performing oral is usually deeply sensory beyond touch: tastes, smells, often a lot of eye contact. It's full of deliberate choices about how you'll use your lips and tongue to manipulate someone else's body. I don't think there a clear answers there. As I've gotten older, I've developed a more casual view of intercourse. As Mrs. E has evolved into this, she's developed a more performative and casual view of oral sex.
  8. 1 point
    You never know what is going to happen. That’s why it’s fun.
  9. 1 point
    Well put! That is me as well whenever I see the others in my poly family engaged in sexual activity of any kind. It still hurts after all these years, but I can't wait for it to happen again. (I particularly like it when I can suck him back up, then go down on her while he enters me for a second attempt.) To answer the question, "Why do guys like their women sucking on other men" my guess is because it leaves her pussy available for him to go into. Ultimately, that's what guys want.
  10. 1 point
    I think this one hits a several buttons, all at once, for me. I mean, right off the bat there is the "getting away with something naughty" part. All sorts of things push this button, but this is DEFINITELY one of them. Then, there is the voyeuristic button. I mean, watching is good, and watching someone I have a connection to is even better. Then there is the projection part. Since I know what he's feeling, I can imagine the sensations, and of course that's good. Then there is the vicarious part, of enjoying her enjoying herself (it would be no fun if she didn't). Then there is the anticipation part, because I'm going to definitely enjoy my part. Then there is the participation aspect, in that I get to be part of her kink too. Knowing that after sucking, she'll be dripping wet for me or whoever else is next is a huge turn on. Finally, although it doesn't get to control me, there is always that primal tingle of jealousy. Even if I'm thoroughly enjoying the entire spectacle, there's still that little burn at the base of the skull, where the lizard brain still whispers. So yeah, it hits all the buttons. I think the reason that oral does it more than plain old sex is that it's usually slower and more deliberate. By the time the fucking starts, everyone is purely in their moment (I hope), and so it's not so much shared or deliberate.
  11. 1 point
    Most definintly the best bi sex I've ever had. So many possibilites.
  12. 1 point
    We are a bi couple who plays with other couples & single straight males. I present myself as Bi & when we discuss it with the other folks I state that it is not a necessity and we only do what everyone is comfortable with.
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