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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    What about it? No. Why should it? I would find it insulting to have someone think I needed comforting for that. I don't need anyone's approval for being who I am. Where sex is concerned. I work my ass off to figure out what my partner wants me to do and to do it. If I need any feedback on anything, it would be to tell how I could have done something better. Look at it this way. Women have preferences. Some might be size queens and those women may want exactly what you don't have. There are other women who find a big dick uncomfortable. Other women may like different sizes for variety. Use what you have to do the very best you can do. Guys with big dicks have to do the same thing. The main difference is that if their wives want variety, the don't automatically assume their wives want a smaller dick and get all depressed abut it, even though what their wives want is no different that what your wife wants with a bigger dick - variety. Sex isn't just about fucking with the biggest dick. It's about using what you have to the best you can use it, it's about being great giving oral sex, it's about being a great kisser, it's about reading your partner to anticipate what she wants, etc. It's about a whole lot of things and what matters is all of it. Be creative. Incorporate toys. Here's something you can do if you don't have a huge dick. Insert your fingers while you are having sex. That will provide a feeling of girth while having the ability to use your dexterity to do something girth alone can't do and may not make that possible to do.
  2. 1 point
    Your husband must not have dated much. Rejection is part of taking the lead and going after anything. Welcome to the real world. If you never get rejected, you aren't aiming high enough. I'd rather get rejected 100 times to get one that I want, than just wait to see who likes me and roll with that.
  3. 1 point
    Your wife is rationalizing her interest in this guy at the expense of your marriage. It's really worse. She is trying to manipulate you. If she won't agree to put things on hold until you straighten out your marriage, I think things will get worse. This doesn't work if one of you prioritizes a play partner over one's spouse.
  4. 1 point
    In order to be successful with swinging, you first must have a rock solid relationship with an abundance of love, trust and communication...newsflash: you don't have this. If possible (is say possible because it doesn't sound like she will be interested) you need to stop all interactions NOW and work on fixing your relationship. With Ms. Gold and myself, if either of us were to say that we wanted to stop, we (as a couple) would be done with no regrets and no looking back. This doesn't sound like your wife. Pandora's box has been opened for her and it sounds like she doesn't want to look back. Talk with her asap and let her know that this needs to be put on pause, at least for now. It will be interesting to hear what her response will be...
  5. 1 point
    My wife and I thought it was funny that we had more sexual partners while we were married in our fifties than we did when we were single in our twenties. If you told us that would be the case when we were in our twenties, we would not have understood it.
  6. 1 point
    My eyes glazed over scrolling by it. Geezus.
  7. 1 point
    Cliff Claven is back!! Happy New Year Cliffy!
  8. 1 point
    Blocked once: we met another couple for dinner, there wasn't a match, and for whatever reason they blocked us. We were not interested in them either, but blocking us just seemed rude...but we got over it. Probably blocked us so we didn't keep coming up in their searches.
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