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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    It's not even an average. It's a number pulled out of thin air to sell books. I am hardly an alarmist, but I think the most positive thing I can say about the "statistics" (I use the term generously here), on that site, is that if he ever took a statistics course, he is owed a refund.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    If your biggest 'problem' is worrying about changing condoms when you change women...you worry too much.
  4. 1 point
    Update, update, update So went on my trip to see the concert with my FWB. We had a great time, stayed in touch with my wife while away as did my FWB with her husband. My wife welcomed me back with open arms and was happy that I had a good time. In fact last night, wife and I went to dinner and a show and had amazing sex when we got home. All is good in my world. For those wondering, I don’t think being away on an overnight, actually 2 nights, added any type of increased intimacy between us. It was like travelling with a good friend with the added benefit of sex. We enjoyed hanging out together and we enjoyed fucking. We didn’t cuddle or fall asleep in each other’s arms. There were definite boundaries and we kept to them. We both would have loved if our spouses were with us so we are hopefully going to figure something out for all 4 of us to get away.
  5. 1 point
    Both swinging and open relationships are based on honesty; if I couldn't trust my partner I would sit down with her and come to agreements. One agreement we might reach would be to stop the swinging, another would be that if she wasn't willing to be honest I'd break up with her. This person is being unfair with you. The decision you come to about this will be difficult. I wish you luck.
  6. 1 point
    Its not OK to impose your constraints on someone else. Your "friends" expressed an opinion, one that we find both limiting and controlling. I think it depends upon your refraction period. Maybe your "friend" can only get up and off once a night. If you can do better than that, why not? This is sex as recreation, if you can go more than once, you can have even MORE recreation. I fail to see why you would not.
  7. 1 point
    Use the time needed to switch condoms for the girls to put on a show for you. Or have one of the girls do the putting on. Nothing says it has to be his job. Get creative!
  8. 1 point
    Vaccines will HELP prevent HPV, but it's not a surefire way not to contract it. There is testing to see if vaccines will help those who have already contracted it, but there's no cure for HPV, and nothing stops wart growth yet. If there is an article out there to prove me wrong, I'd love to see it.
  9. 1 point
    I like it when my wife does it when we 69.
  10. 1 point
    My wife and other women have done it to me. Nice, but not necessary. I'll do it with a guy too, but his finger has to be straight.
  11. 1 point
    YOU risk child support?? Can you be any more freakin selfish?? You can afford child support so you're looking for the opportunity to create a child. WTF is wrong with you? You've apparently thought no further about the child than your bank account. Have you ever heard that its important to have a 2 parent household to raise a kid? No? Not important to you? We have whole neighborhoods of our cities where the results of absentee fathers are boldly displayed every single day. You can start your own trend in the UK. WDYT?? My advice to you is to get clipped. Once you've healed, you can spray your boy juice anywhere you want and it won't end up producing a potentially abused or neglected child. BTW…usually by age 25, the male brain has completed its development and higher reasoning skills have appeared. Your's seems a bit behind the curve.
  12. 1 point
    I was 27 and dated a woman that was 32 and very sexually skilled. I was very straight and conservative and never thought about eating my own come. I had just come off her divorce and was very horny and this sexy blonde wanted to take me to bed. She let me screw her missionary style under the sheets but then when I came she didn’t have an orgasm so I pulled out. Before I could rollover she pushed my shoulders forcibly making me get under the sheets and go down on her. I could actually smell and see my semen all over her labia lips and dripping from her dilated vagina. She grabbed the back of my head forcing my mouth into her crotch. I not only cleaned up the mess getting a taste of my own come for the first time but she insisted on me giving an orgasm with my mouth. I had a mustache which was soaked with semen and when I came up to give her a kiss she was actually turned on and got a taste of my own come and her juices in my mouth. I quickly got over any homophobic thoughts about swallowing come since it was my own and definitely turned on my new girlfriend so from then on I had to go down on her after screwing. She taught me to respect a woman’s body and if I’m going to use her for sex she deserves to have an orgasm whether it be from my cock or from my mouth.
  13. 1 point
    I'm sure this is a topic that has been covered before and there are probably some people who might roll their eyes about my dilemma....please bear with me I'm new to all this. I'm a early 20s bisexual female who has been in serious long term relationships basically since high school. After my last one ended I sort of realized in a panic that I wasn't living the way I wanted. I'm a very driven and goal oriented person and relationships make me too complacent and compromising towards my work ethic. Also I realized that while I'm young I don't want to miss out on the opportunity to explore and fuck and have fun with life. Being attracted to women my whole life but not getting a chance to explore it more has also been killing me, and ever since my last breakup I have been almost exclusively focused my attraction on women due to missing out on this. However I'm not interested in dating either gender or finding a relationship, and so after really thinking about what I wanted I realized I would like to explore with couples. That way I could get in my fix for romantic/sexual interaction as well as both genders, without having all the high pressure that comes from dealing with single people. However, despite the fact that I'm in my early 20s I feel like I'm lost when it comes to this because being in serious relationships for the past 7 years I haven't really ever had to navigate the hookup scene. People might say that a young bisexual female should have an easy time finding couples but I barely know how to find other singles (having been pursued by all my ex's) let alone people into less vanilla stuff. Plus I live in a smaller town so there's no real swinger clubs where I live, though I'm sure there are some ones I could travel too. If anyone can give me advice on where to start that would be great. I get this is basic stuff but I'm finally breaking free from my monogamous, secluded shell into exploring all the stuff I've been dying too my whole life without having to sign on for another long term relationship commitment. I also want to note as a young student, I'm more interested in finding an older stable couple to be with. Not only do I want low drama, but I somewhat crave a mentorship role since my whole life I've dated younger and felt like I've never been able to really have that great sexually developing relationship with those who are more explored and satisfied than me (all my boyfriends were virgins when we met if that gives any indication....). Also as someone who is graduating with top honors, applying to a top 5 grad school for my degree, and a total type A workaholic I would like a couple compatible on that level and all the in person people I know who want to experience swinging are not really my type there. I'm not looking for a relationship but I do want chemistry. Any help is appreciated :)
  14. 1 point
    Much of what is said in a group like yours is based on upbringing, not true feelings. Assuming a guy would have to be gay to be naked with another man reeks of church and homophobic influence and how he wishes to be perceived. We would actively look for bi men for mmf. They are kinda rare. Plenty of straight guys willing to team up but few wanting to play for both sides. I think you'll see this attitude shift as you age. It's a bummer that our best sex years are usually wasted with jealousy, insecurity and homophobia.
  15. 1 point
    I came aboard the lifestyle because of my older sister, who was already a seasoned pro. We are very close, and it wasn't a secret that she and her husband are swingers. It was early on in my swinging days so I didn't know a lot. They were among the first people I swapped with. We have done soft swaps, full swaps, and also group sex setting like in a club. The nudity didn't bother me because we had all seen each other naked on trips to nude beaches and resorts. I have also seen my sister having sex from my teenage days (we shared a tiny room) that it wasn't that big of a jump. At the time it really felt like a learning experience, sort of a no pressure situation with them as the experienced swingers showing us how it's done. Sure, there was possibility of ruining the relationship, but my sister and I already had a very strong bond that I was comfortable nothing would come between us. I had turned down swapping requests from good vanilla friends for fear of ruining the friendship but now that i think about, the thought didn't cross my mind when my sister and I swapped. Your situation seems to be reversed from mine, since you are the experienced couple and your sister and her boyfriend are new to the scene. I think a lot depends on your relationship with your sister. You probably know her better than most people. Does she have a jealous streak? Does she form emotional bond easily with sexual partners? What are her concerns being new to the lifestyle? I think you can get a decent idea if this will work or have some negative consequences. Also how well do you know her boyfriend? Problems usually come up when there is jealousy or when one partner becomes more than sexually interested in the play partner. One big question I have from reading the OP is that with your sister recently divorced, will she be jealous if she sees her boyfriend act out his sexual attraction to you? In my situation that wasn't happening because my sister and I have completely different taste in men when it comes to relationships. If it's something you and your husband want to explore, I'd say try soft swap first. You can always go further if everyone is comfortable, and even then there are many baby steps you can take without going full swap. You may want to check out the archive on this board for discussion on Swinging and Family Issues. Some of the posts are pretty old but you can see some long-time members have encounters like what you described.
  16. 1 point
    Sex is sex. Don't make it so complicated.
  17. 1 point
    A lot of "straight" guys are lying on their profile. I'm listed straight and I still get "straight" guys asking if I'm into guys, so it's going to be worse for you. Also I think some guys are so hard up for sex they would have sex with you if it meant sex with your wife too. I was once offered directly "I will suck your dick if I can fuck your wife".
  18. 1 point
    update: I showed my Honey my threads and he showed me some pictures of other women and it turns out that mine is not as big as I imagined! Not that mine is tiny, but not above average! Cool...I feel better...thanks for the encouraging comments!
  19. 1 point
    Personally I loooove big lips! More to suck and lick IMO. Quit worrying about it!
  20. 1 point
    how can I not feel better after that!!! Thanks which by the way, I get to answer no to all aforementioned.
  21. 1 point
    1) Does it obscure your navel or knees? 2) Has it ever been trimmed for "Locks for Love"? 3) Does oral sex echo? 4) Have you lost any sex toys larger than 8" in there? 5) Will a penis touch two sides at once? (not to put too fine a point on it, but will mine) 6) Has anyone ever suggested sheers and a valance to go along with your meat curtains? 7) Has anyone ever damaged an eye ear or tooth on your clit? 8) Do you have to roll anything up to fit it in granny panties? 9) Does the tattoo on your labia minoria say "Welcome to Jamaica, Have a Nice Day."? 10) Have you had anyone actually come to bed with a board tied across their butt? If you can answer yes to six or more of these questions, maybe your pussy is too big; otherwise, fuggeddaboudit. Mr FC4L
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