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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    This^^^^^ Seems to me the OP wants to fuck other women but isn’t happy with the wife getting hers. The whole you can suck a dick so long as it doesn’t get more than a few inches in is silly.
  2. 2 points
  3. 1 point
    Hello to ViSexual and Pete C. and thank you for your insights an advice. I spoke to Greg and was open and transparent in what I am my hubby are looking for. Greg is truly into being a male friend with benefits and activity partner with me. My hubby is 6'4' very muscular at 220 pounds and as hubby describes himself a typical standard issue 6 inch penis, Greg is 6 foot even and a lean 190 pounds with a long 9 inch and super thick penis. Um how to word this politely if Greg is having sex with me on a regular basis with his very large penis with time would I become loose for my hubby's average sex penis ?
  4. 1 point
    Actually, hell no. Swinging is based on love trust and communication. Cheating is the opposite of trust and love. Just because she doesn't want to 'see' it right now, doesn't mean that she won't eventually see it. When that happens, here comes the drama and we do our best to avoid drama. So, once again, our answer is absolutely not.
  5. 1 point
    Are you saying then, that he is a cheater for certain, pure and simple? If so, how can you trust him anywhere near your wife? He will say what he needs to in order to get what he wants.
  6. 1 point
    Well, let's say you skip the whole swinging thing, fall in love and get married. 15 years down the road, her frustrations boil to the surface and she leaves you. Now, let's suppose you swing. You will see her riding a huge dick and possibly having the sexual adventure of her life. My opinion is that if she is super horny and a possible size queen, wouldn't it be better to find out now, rather than after you have 2 kids and a retirement account? This was probably my biggest concern. My wife has a pretty roomy vagina and I just can't fill the room. I assumed that once she got a hold of a big dick at the hands of someone who has experience, our sex life would change. And it did, for the better. Come to find out, dick size is just one of myriad things going through her mind concerning attraction. Size isn't as big a deal for women as men. Variety though, I can't say enough about.
  7. 1 point
    If I ever do enter the LS, I think that every woman out there should experience a half Italian, slightly overweight, very average dicked 55 year old.
  8. 1 point
    There was your missed opportunity. You should have said that you don't need anyone else and wouldn't do it, BUT that you're not jealous and think it would be fine if she played with someone else. That's the way we got into fully swinging - first my husband (boyfriend at the time) let me have sex with my ex, then we did threesomes with him, then after about two years I set him up to screw a woman of MY choice. It has to be all about her and she has to be in control.
  9. 1 point
    UPDATE our friends invited us to the beach today. We went and had a great time! Our initial plan was to go to the nude beach but it was completely taken over by stupid zebra muscles, those cock blockers. So we went and just had a normal beach day, hanging out in the sun. When it was time to go we said our good byes and parted ways. Halfway home Ms sent us a picture of her playing with her pussy. I was driving and got so excited! We were kind of bummed out about not being able to get naked. When we got back to the city they sent us a text saying come over! By this time they had sent us multiple pictures of them playing. My husband and I were going crazy. We were so excited when they invited us over. Mr answered the door with no pants on and the biggest boner, it was so fucking hot. These are good friends that we’ve known forever and I feel like we may have something really awesome on our hands. We didn’t swap, but we did lots of oral and it was soo much fun. We’re going to their cabin next weekend and I could not be more excited!!
  10. 1 point
    I am in respectful disagreement with what most most here on the 'Board say about your proposal. My personal experience is that I was very jealous of the thought that my boyfriend (who later became my husband) would have sex with another woman despite he allowing me to continue having sex with my ex-fiance (to this day) and others. Eventually, I did indeed "stare the demon in the face" and arranged for one of my girlfriends who thought hubby attractive to have sex with him. It continued for a while and was as I've described elsewhere like the burn one feels after a hard run, or getting off a scary roller coaster and wanting to ride again. I became hooked on the very thing I dreaded. It got amped up even more as I found women who would let me watch, then participate. It also brought out my Lesbian side, which I now enjoy as much as hetero sex. As for how to start - the bit about her sex life before you is the gentle path to take. Ask her about her youth in a nonsexual way, pleasant memories of where she went, who she was with, what she did. Some of them will be past lovers and sex partners. Let her talk, do not judge or press her, and eventually after months or years she will open up to you about who she had sex with, what they did, what she enjoyed. Make it a cause for celebration and an opportunity to open up sex between you - what you do together, her fantasies. From there it is a short step to talking about her desires for real people, atheletes, movie stars; then people you know, friends, neighbors. Let it start the way my husband did, letting her do what she wants first. Make her happy, then possibly she will share as well. Good luck on your journey.
  11. 1 point
    As a data guy, I just briefly want to take issue with this statistic. While it may be true of the general population, it is well worth remembering that swingers represent a high risk subgroup. While I do not have the statistic on hand, and frankly would be surprised if anyone has actually done a representative study, it is a reasonable supposition that because swingers have more sex partners than members of the general population, there is a greater likelihood of swingers contracting such diseases... and because swingers are a relative small and self-contained subgroup, it is therefore likely that the diseases - once introduced into the subgroup would have a higher relative rate of infection. Also the population of swingers in general, while it skews toward the 40-50 age range, is not exclusive to that age range. With younger partners being both desirably and statistically more likely to be carriers, the likelihood that they will introduce the infection into the subgroup can also be supposed to higher than average. Or, in the words of Mark Twain - "Lies, damn lies and statistics."
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