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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2016 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I've attended and really enjoyed three gangbangs in my years in the lifestyle. Two of which were with the same couple and one of those was the first time I had met them. Even under those circumstances it went off pretty flawlessly. The secret was that the wife of the couple spent a lot of time talking to the guys before hand so it was less of an anonymous encounter. They invited five guys and got five to show up so it was six men altogether including the husband of the couple. By the time everyone actually showed up they all felt very comfortable with the couple. It didn't hurt that the wife of the couple is the wildest kinkiest woman I've ever met and we're still great friends. I was coming in from out of town so I was the first to show up and even though we hadn't met in person, I arrived at their house and it felt like I was a family friend. The wife's mother stopped by to pick up the kids and I met them all, lol. After they left it was a mfm almost immediately after a couple drinks. We hung out, they smoked a bowl, I had another drink and then the other guys started showing up. Jenn was amazing and into dp while sucking so at any given time, she was keeping three guys occupied. There were some performance issues so it was mainly left to three of us to do the fucking but it was a blast. All six did end up cumming on her and she was a mess but a happy mess. I showered and stayed the night for another impromptu mfm in the morning before the kids were dropped off. We're still friends to this day and that was at least 6 years ago.
  2. 2 points
    Not only are pictures a must, it has to be a g rated picture of them together. How many times do you see the female in some crazy position in one or more pics and his cock in another. If you can have those I am sure you can have a normal couple picture
  3. 2 points
    I almost did one once but one guy couldn't perform and was just a little too fem for my taste. It'd be even more fun with several guys and a girl, where she gets mfm and I get mmm and I get to clean her up after!
  4. 2 points
    Since I'm making myself at home on this board, I might as well post my experience here. With a couple one is normal, two is a nice bonus. However, I once had six orgasms in a 24 hour period at a house party in NC. The whole experience was a lesson in debauchery though and I was 25 so go figure.
  5. 2 points
    Well your post is full of so much stuff it is pretty overwhelming. Still I think additional therapy may be in order, but honestly only you know what's best. I pretty long break would be in order. The whole trauma thing is not a good thing for anybody to revisit, so I wish you the best in dealing with that.
  6. 2 points
    I delivered a paper at a technical conference and it was eventually published. But that makes me famous to a very small circle of people -- people who frankly would not care if it was discovered that I was Jack the Ripper. My wife and I know people who are recognizable and who move in social circles of very recognizable people. But there is a tacit and natural understanding that nothing will be mentioned.
  7. 1 point
    I just had one of my fantasies fullfilled. A gang bang with 6 guys. I'm still a little tired but it was wonderful.
  8. 1 point
    When I told you about how my wife and I got into sharing, I told you that I was transferred to another state in the middle of the Bible belt in a middle size town that knows everyone. Our house was new in a high income neighborhood with a swimming pool. Everyone there was a member of some church. We joined one and we settled down to a normal life. On weekends in the summer we would go to a nudist resort about 45 minutes away. Rita and I got laid there often. We swam nude in our pool. Then one Saturday after we had lived there for a year, one of our 34 year old female married neighbors and fellow church member named Doris, came over and no one answered the door because we were naked in the back yard swimming. She walks around to the backyard gate and heard us talking and just walked in. We are not sure how long she was there before we saw her. She had a smile on her face and her fists on her hips. She walks over to us and said well, being very naughty today aren't you? I had an empty bottle of beer on a stand. She pointed at it and asked if there were more where that one came from. I said yes and went into the house to get her, Rita and I fresh ones. When I came out Doris was topless laying in my lounger. I gave her a bottle of beer. She was telling my wife how she and her first husband were swingers and nudist but all that stopped when she remarried into a religious family. She thought that was the life she wanted but she is so unhappy. She misses her old life style. She reached for my cock and began to play with it. I began to grow. I bet you two are swingers as well as nudists. My wife took a drink and said happily yes we are. Doris smiled at my wife as she stroked me and said she would of never thought we were in the life style. We look so nice and churchy. She asked if she could borrow me for awhile. Rita giggled sure. Doris pulled off her shorts wearing no panties and spread open and I mounted her. We had a several very satisfying intense orgasms till I was completely drained. She was waiting on me to recuperate for one more session when she noticed the time. Her husband was due to be home from a Saturday of golf. She grabbed her clothes, gave me a tight hug and french kiss before she ran to the gate putting on her clothes. Her husband never missed a Saturday of golf. Doris never missed a Saturday at our house. Some Saturdays Doris got a double or more treat when Rita's lovers from the Nudist resort was over having a naked BBQ. Doris' husband was 14 years older than her. He died when he was 64 of cancer. Doris never remarried. She sold the house and moved to live in an adult nudist housing community in Florida. There was a woman relater who had a reality TV show where she showed herself selling them with naked people around but they fuzzed out the private parts. We visit Doris often when we vacation in Florida. She has three live in male lovers. Doris is a very happy woman. When I get time I will tell you another swinger adventure. The older couple.
  9. 1 point
    You'll need to follow your instinct in a situation like this. And other factors might influence a decision to meet or not to meet. My wife and I have agreed on more than one occasion to meet people whose pictures we have not seen and who will agree to meet us at a place that is near to where we live -- i.e. no big investment in time or motor fuel. This small investment has more than once returned a big dividend.
  10. 1 point
    Not a chance for us! If they don't at least have body pics of both of them on their profile we won't even start a conversation with them. The face pic exchange also must come fast or we just are not going to bother. It isn't all about looks, but if we can't see who we are talking to we don't want to be talking. We have tons of pictures of both of us on our profile including face pics that all our friends can see! We expect to see them back from people that contact us. We get messages daily from people with no pics or just junk shots saying they want to meet. We all want to be discreet in this lifestyle, but nobody is that special that they should think it is okay to see the other people without giving them something to see back. People like this are a joke and not someone we take serious at all. Often when they send us a message saying love your pics and we would like to meet you we just reply thanks, but we have no idea what you look like so why would we want to meet? If they respond that they are not comfortable giving pics out till they get to know people then the conversation is over. They can already see us so we need to be on equal terms and see them as well to continue.
  11. 1 point
    Recently met a lady who not only likes to participate in mm action, but has a 8" strap-on to participate with. I am certainly hoping to develop that friendship further : )
  12. 1 point
    Soft swapping / your husband's foreplay was making you uncomfortable, slightly jealous? Pissed off enough because your husband was just rubbing the other lady's leg during a smoke break to send you to your signal of being upset by leaving the room? And he missed the signal(s)? (If he was balls deep in the other woman at that moment, maybe he should get a pass on not noticing, if not then maybe he should have seen your signal.) And you curled up into a ball feeling hurt? (Were you crying?) Whoa up theeeere, Nelly! Stop, do not pass the "Go" square! NO! NO! NO! No matter how much you want to say "I overcame" you've seem like you have some shit to sort out around your backgound/ history and your and your husband's relationship. And your discomfort might not even be because of your prior trauma, you might be someone who just can't be able to swing, accept swinging, to enjoy swinging. Look, 98% of most people DON'T swing. Maybe your "I am survivor" attiude is pushing you to do attempt swinging (along with your husband)? If that is the case, then why don't you allow yourself to be gangbanged by 4 or more vetted guys while your husband watches? Wouldn't that prove that you are a survivor, to show that you have overcome? I wrote this extremely crude example of a gangbang get you to think about what you're REALLY comfortable with doing or NOT doing. To figuratively throw cold water in your face. As much as you respond and write about being survivor, it comes off as a hard shell protecting your inner hurt self. And I, as an open minded, caring person who happens to be involved with swinging activities, doesn't want you to suffer any more stress or trauma trying to prove to yourself that you've survived. You have survived. No level of swapping partners for kissing to fucking is needed to prove that. Take my words for what you want; consider me as either, neither, or both combined an angel and/or an asshole. But know that I care... econo of econo and Red
  13. 1 point
    I would love to do it. She would love to watch
  14. 1 point
    You say this, you say you don't let it dictate your life, but clearly it does. Just reading you OP I can tell that there are things affecting you that likely no one here is qualified to help you with. You are clearly seeking help and guidance, just by coming here. Your actions are proving what you are saying wrong. Sorry, that's how I see it. Also, I do not say this because that is what society thinks. In my experience, therapy is actually looked down on by most of society. When I was seeing a therapist, and friends and co-workers found out about it, they immediately treated me differently, distancing themselves from me. Co-workers and friends and family could not even understand why I needed help and why I could not sort things out on my own or with them. Society told me NOT to see a therapist. So no, I am not saying this because it is what society dictates. I am saying this because it seems like you really need it. You describe your actions, then your thoughts, and they contradict each other. That's something that needs to get sorted out and it's not the type of thing you can do by yourself. Trust me, I am no rape victim, but I have dealt with some pretty serious shit in my life.
  15. 1 point
    So basically everyone, but cplnuswing believes that I should be in therapy because that is what society sets as the standard. I posted about my past because I am comfortable with others knowing about my past. For everyone's information, there are other ways to deal with trauma. I chose to use my experiences to help others and learn from/teach others. Society has this belief that people who have been raped are victims, and that the act of being raped should ruin a person and their life. I chose to go against that and be a survivor and learn from my past and respect my past, but not let it dictate how I live my life. I learned a lot from my second therapist. And she learned from me. We taught each other. She set me up as an advocate for other SURVIVORS and had me help those women and men learn that they are not the victims that society believes they should be. We are survivors. We can and do overcome our past. Some of us take longer than others, but eventually we get there. I still to this day advocate for others when needed and that makes me so proud. The only way to change society's view of rape is to stand up and change it yourself. Honestly compare this and how you all are pushing me to therapy to the lifestyle. Society tells us that we shouldn't do it and that monogamy is the only way...but you don't listen to that because it is not for you. The same applies to me. I go against it because it isn't for me. I have my own ways, please respect that as I respect you. Thank you.
  16. 1 point
    Having known other people who have gone through similar things and having been through difficult issues (nowhere near as bad) myself, it really does sound like you should see a therapist. It sucks that the ones you have seen so far were so horrid, it sounds like that has turned you off the whole idea. It took a friend of mine years to find the right therapist, because there are a whole lot of really shitty ones out there. She had been through the same types of things and even had sworn off therapists and said she did not need them as you are. Then, she met a guy in a bar, who happened to be a very good therapist. They ended up not dating, and she ended up seeing him professionally and he really helped her a lot. Just like bad mechanics, bad therapists are all over the place. It can take a while to find the right one, but it really sounds like what you need.
  17. 1 point
    I don't think it is unusual at all. I think we all have experienced times in life where something hit us in a different way than we expected...assuming we had even thought of it at all to have formed any expectations. Those really are the hardest, because like you say, they just leave you feeling like you don't know what to think, what to do, what to say, what to feel, and how to handle all of those other emotions that go swirling around inside you. I think you've hit upon the right solution though, and that is to put things on hold until you have had an opportunity to together work through what happened and why. That might take more than one conversation about it. Talk about it, give what you each said some time to sink in, then go back and use that to talk about it again, and so on...keep peeling back the layers and you will eventually get to the heart of the problem.
  18. 1 point
    My late wife, Laura, and I called our activities "swapping" for the most part because we did it with one other couple. We did both same-room and separate-rooms but didn't differentiate between the two. It was all "swapping." Later, when the term "swinging" became popular, we used that. As those of you who have read our book are aware, we had another adventure wherein Laura experimented with playing with a single man. We didn't label it at the time but later retroactively tagged the experience "Hot Wifing" and used that term in the book. We were never happy with that label. Whatever you call our hobby, it sure is fun!
  19. 1 point
    Totally not famous in any way.
  20. 1 point
    All male threesomes are hott! I now enjoy having a cock in my mouth with another guy is fucking me, while my girlfriend is enjoying the view
  21. 1 point
    Reading this topic again, I'm now horny for another MMM :-) Three masculine guys sucking, jacking, and fucking is the best.
  22. 1 point
    I would love to be part of a spit-roast once...the guy in the middle.
  23. 1 point
    I've had several MMM experiences and probably wouldn't do another. One thing that happened each time was one guy was always a quick shot. We all know that after that, more sex doesn't sound as good as a sandwich. The experiences were mostly just an MM with a MMM appetizer. Literally lol
  24. 1 point
    And dangerous as hell. Some fantasies are best left as fantasies.
  25. 1 point
    In my field I am known nationally and even some internationally. I've been on the front page of the local papers (not yet doing the perp walk thankfully a couple dozen times in the last couple decades, was the subject of a Popular Mechanics article, been on state and local TV more times than I can remember, and on CNN nationally twice. And up until quite recently if I googled my name I was the first four or five pages on my full name. Now I'm only the first page or so I'm a published author as well, though nothing full length yet. So, yeah, in some circles I'm pretty famous. Edited to add: Oh yeah, I'm on several billboards around town, though you can't see it's me
  26. 1 point
    Update... I used to work in the entertainment industry (post production) and got to meet quite a few famous people. I'm also listed (with a single credit) on IMDB
  27. 1 point
    Lets see, I've met and waited on Patrick Swaze (he takes his salad with honey mustard). I can count the late Henry Gibson as a friend (great guy, he and his wife were just genuinlly good people, I did some work on thier home in Malibu and got to know them that way) and a handfull of other moderatlly famous people. All in all I'm unimpressed with the lot of em. As for personal fame, my biggest claim is that I've pissed off literally thousands, if not millions of people. First as a tech writer for Price Pfister (muhahaha, want top know who's responsible for those horrible installation instructions? That'd be me), and then as a telephone survey taker. Between the two I'm pretty sure I have ruined ,ore days then any one really has a right too.
  28. 1 point
    Ummm, is there an option for infamous? I am known throughout the telecom industry globally. I think the term is asshole. Other than that, I pretty much try not to be noticed by the general population, unless she is really hot or has a dynamic personality.
  29. 1 point
    I've been on a couple TV shows (crowd shots, one-time contestant on a one-shot tv show) ... and in my circles (RenFaire) - I'm a known entity (I'm the other asian-guy) But as far as general public celebrity... I have none.
  30. 1 point
    As Robert Heinlein once said, Mrs. Grundy is always watching, and we have to live publically by her standards not ours. (Heinlein got it, and if you don't believe it try reading "Time Enough for Love, or I Will Fear No Evil. His early stuff was for kids, he was a randy old goat in his later writing) While we are not currently in the lifestyle, I have been in the past, and we have flirted with it in our current "life". Given that I now have a web identity due to work, it is even harder for me to believe in the "anonimity of the internet". As for what God thinks, i don't feel qualified to speak for him, and don't know anyone that really is. Perhaps he'll tell me personally one day, but I find it hard to believe he spends his enternity worrying about who everyone is haing sex with.
  31. 1 point
    There's been a few threads on here about gang bangs, but it seems they were mostly folks trying to set them up, and asking about how to make it happen. While it's not something we're necessarily interested in doing, I am interested in how you went about dealing with the logistics of making this happen. You said there were 6 guys. How many did you have to invite in order to get 6 to show up? I've heard there is a large percentage that commit but then don't show. Did any of the guys bail out after it started, or have performance issues? This is a common problem in couples swinging, and I would imagine it would be much the same for a gang bang situation. Glad you had a great time, and looking forward to hearing your suggestions to others that are wanting to try this.
  32. 1 point
    We are very much not famous, but Mr. Pervgeek's grandfather was was quite famous in the 40's and 50's. His father was a "Hollywood brat" (who essentially blew the inheritance from his dad). My mom's family wasn't not famous though somewhat well-off with a large local family business in another state, but my mom's in the process of blowing her inheritance now too. We continue to work our butts off for everything (which isn't exactly a bad thing) as being kids of of the "entitled" who didn't see much in the way of benefits from what our our grandparents did. Mr Pervgeeks also ran for office once (something local) in another state, but not so famous around where we live together now. We do know lots of people and have run into vanilla acquaintances at LS events.
  33. 1 point
    I'm not famous in the general public household name sense-although I have been on the evening news here many times, but within the federal and local law enforcement community here in Chicago I am extremely well known. I don't think anything bad could officially be done if I was outed, but politics are a bitch...
  34. 1 point
    I'm just famous to my children and my SO. For them I will always be a superstar.
  35. 1 point
    This is what I love about this lifestyle. Where else can all walks of life talk to each other and communicate on a human level? I must agree with an earlier post. I'm not famous in the least. My only claim to fame is that I'm related to the Hatfields of the famous Hatfield/McCoy feud. Otherwise, we're just your everyday average married couple. Even with that, we still have to put effort into being discreet because of people we know... With that said, I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to do this knowing that you could be recognized by anyone. As much as "religious people" think we are all going to hell, boy, they sure love stories about us. Remember Rep. Jack Ryan? Hats off to those of you who do have claim to fame. We are glad to have you with us. I hope that the rest of us will be considerate and sensible, and respect your much higher need for discretion. Let's keep our business on the inside of the club, and keep the judgemental public out of it.
  36. 1 point
    Mrs. LFM is not famous and neither am I. We are plain hard working folk who just live and make the most of each day as it comes. In the summertime, we live near a heavily touristy area that many celebrities have houses in and entertain, and even though we've seen a couple, we don't rub elbows with any. We're very happy that way. No paparazzi follows us!!
  37. 1 point
    I've been on national television...twice. D's been featured in 2 magainze articles. D's won a Webby Award My great-great grandfather founded Rutgers University. I have a Backstreet Boy's phone number on speed dial and he answers if I call to say hello so it's not just a stalker thing.
  38. 1 point
    I can't answer, I'm afraid. There were no choices that fit me If there were, it would have been "not famous, but working on it"
  39. 1 point
    Ok...well we all know we have a huge celeb on this board! Me I mean come on...who doesn't know Stifler?!?....see I knew I would go unnoticed. In all seriousness though I am in a country video of the one and only Tim McGraw. MrsVan and I were at a concert of his and then about a month later we were watching tv and I swore I saw myself in his video. MrsVan of course said no way! So I had to record the video and stop it for her and sure enough I am there full face shot and all. Talk about being in the dog house! Here she is the biggest Tim fan I know and I am the one that is in the video and I am completely blocking her out. For those wondering, the video is Cowboy in Me.
  40. 1 point
    I live in a town of 2500 people in the winter and about a bizillion in the summer (give or take a few). I am very famous...around here. In the winter I am at the gym often teaching, working out, chatting, you know, the usual. In the summer I am a "local" and local people in what is considered a "party town" are really quite famous. I know and hang out with the important people around here. It does help to be a local. I have met several famous people. Actually chickened out of having sex with two of them (not at the same time, I was too chicken to do it separately). But looking back, I could kick myself. Oh well as far as fame goes. My elbow is in the picture of a few snap shots around this town.
  41. 1 point
    Oops! I answered the poll before I read the question. Had I read the question first I probably would have rated us higher than 3. While we aren't celebrities in the movie star sense of the word, in some circles we are well known by a lot of people, most of whom we don't know and have never met. We have both been on the cover and in feature articles of internationally circulated magazines on a few occasions, and I have even been quoted in the New York Times. If one does a Google search of my name you get 16 pages of results. We do have to be very careful not to be associated with the lifestyle within those circles in which we are well known. So, how famous does that make us on this scale? For the record, I don't consider myself to be any kind celebrity our famous person, but we have been referred to by others as such. Since we started swinging we have discovered that while discretion is important to everybody, it is especially so for those that have more to lose than most. While we do use our real names with our swinging friends (because we aren't usually recognized as anyone of note amongst the general population), we have found it prudent to be very vague about our vanilla life until we get to know someone real well. We have been recognized because of our notoriety while swinging by people we didn't know before though, and while it was a bit uncomfortable and worrisome when this has happened, so far it has always worked out ok. The saying that, "they are there for the same reason you are" has held true so far in our case.
  42. 1 point
    We only get one vote? Actually, one of us is currently an elected official, the other is an appointed official, and we own a small business. I know of several others who are in the lifestyle who are government officials here in wisconsin. Maybe it is because of the closeness of careers, or who knows, that we know of these people, but can not seem to find "regular" preople in the area. We really do not want to get involved in an "officials only" swing group (one falls they all fall deal) and we just want to go have a good time. "Fame" or in my (Male) case notoriety is not all it is cracked up to be.
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