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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2016 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    MrsZ was wearing out rabbits at a great rate of knots, worn out gears & motor nolonger driving it. All brand named & reasonably mid priced. We were getting 3 to 6 months at best. Totally frustrating after 4 in around 18 months. On a visit to a large sex store, the nice assistant ask if she could help & MrsZ, in her true upfront form spat out the problem with the attrition rates with rabbits. She showed us a common brand thrusting rabbit & commented these are difficult to kill. Track record has been good so far, just now on the 3rd one in almost 10 years. Cheers But yes, they are still wearing out.
  2. 2 points
    Yup. It was a bit of novelty that wore off quickly. We used the original Oyster at ButtonToy.com many years ago. Wove the event as it happened into an unfinished bit of erotica. At the link, if you're interested. It's in the section labelled Saturday morning.
  3. 2 points
    GoldCoCouple relayed a story in this post in a related thread. We've done something similar with vibrating panties. We attended the party portion of a rather upscale wedding reception one time for someone Mrs cplnuswing does some occasional contract work for. I had the remote of course and was having fun sitting at the bar as she worked the room saying hi to various people she knew from the industry. The looks she was shooting me from across the room were rather priceless We played the same game a few other times at other events, but the first time was the most fun.
  4. 1 point
    Having grown up with one of my Dad's best friends being in law enforcement, I knew most cops were good guys and I could trust them. However, I was also taught from a young age to not completely trust anyone, not even law enforcement. I was taught the same thing about teachers and staff at school. Never trust them completely. Listen to them, do what they say, don't talk back, but never completely trust and if I was unsure about anything they said or made me do, to talk to someone I did trust about it. I teach my daughter the same thing. Respect authority, but do not just blindly trust it. It's really the same for law enforcement as it is for everyone else in anything else. The vast majority of people are good and there a few idiots out there that give the rest a bad name. Just like these house parties that get busted. You have lots and lots more house parties that fly under the radar and nothing bad happens. Every once in a while you get some idiot who blows it out of proportion and makes the whole scene look bad. Does that mean you stop trusting all house parties and never go to one again?
  5. 1 point
    I WAS a cop, for nearly 3 decades in eastern Pennsylvania. In that time, I served with hundreds of officers and I know of exactly three who were bad cops. "Some good, some bad" is bullshit. Nearly ALL cops are dedicated, hard working, underpaid and risking their lives for a generally ungrateful public. Having done the job for that long, I knew that I could have made an issue over being detained and ID'd but I also knew that discretion was the better part of valor in that situation. Both Mrs Doc and I have jobs where the notoriety of that situation could have cost us. We trusted the host and he blew it. We were happy to get out of there without an indecent exposure or disorderly conduct arrest.
  6. 1 point
    Cover futon with zip up vinyl cover then cover that with a zip up futon cover. Orjust a cheap vinyl matress top cover and then fitted sheet. It's worked for our house parties some of which I was the recipiant of the squirting lady's spray!
  7. 1 point
    We have had a few cheap vibrators that died after a while. Last year I purchased a Magic wand for my wife. she loved it but on the 3rd or 4th use there was a sudden bright flash and spark then a burnt electrical smell. considering where it was a the time it was a little disconcerting to my wife. Fortunately it was replaced under warranty and the new one has been buzzing along just find.
  8. 1 point
    No problem. In all honesty though, I imagine they could likely hear it but was not that distracting, I guess it could be to some though. It really sounds more like some neighbors found out what was going on and are looking for any excuse they can to shove their morals down other people throats.
  9. 1 point
    As AskMeOK mentioned, your best chance for this type of activity is going to be a larger club with a group playroom. You'll still have to be prepared to say "No thanks" and smile frequently because others will ask to join you, but you'll get a bit of the vibe that you're interested in. If you start attending a smaller club regularly, here's what I see happening: You'll get a lot of attention the first time you attend. People will be nice and will respect your boundaries. As you continue attending, word will get around that you don't play with others, and while everyone will still be cordial and speak in passing, their attention will be elsewhere. People that swap tend to focus their time on other people that swap. Good luck to you!
  10. 1 point
    Recently, a coworker did a great job at a presentation with me. I sent a note of thanks, congratulating her on an especially lucid delivery of a very complicated set of ideas. She responded, "My pleasure partner!" It seems that the intended comma vanished...
  11. 1 point
    I don't know that I am siding with anyone, but rude is rude. Period. What I am reading more and more of, in this forum, is people not following what I was taught to be lifestyle etiquette. If the other wife wants some of your husband, she should be talking to you first. The exception is an orgy, but you know where that is going before the door opens. Likewise, the couples thinking of bringing the wife's girlfriend [or whatever girl] into a threesome, should let the girls arrange the tryst. Don't we still ask, first?
  12. 1 point
    Hmm... futons. I'm recalling the battered & suspect specimen that haunted the closets of the Marine Corps Reserve Center Joliet Ill. It seems the Sgts of the Inspector Instructor Staff, all full time regular Marines often entertained their bar room pickups late night in the reserve center back offices. I'll pass lightly over why that was preferable to other venues. Eventually after many years of service to Corps and Country the venerable futon was retired.
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