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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2009 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I'm a more enthusiastic kisser than PB- he tends to be more slow on bringing the tongue into the action, whereas I jump right in there. I do get a lot of positive comments on my kissing, but he does just fine too. and it's not that we don't enjoy kissing each other, just we adapt our paces to come up with an in-between that makes us both happy. The first couple we played with- he loooved kissing me, and no wonder, because his wife seemed unable to open her mouth to kiss properly, which made kissing her a very unsatisfying experience (both PB and I agreed on that) Which was odd, because she had no trouble opening her mouth sufficiently for other purposes.
  2. 1 point
    As a married male and also in the eyes of Ray's grandmother, a male of "Older Denomination"; I will say that my life’s experiences lend me to agree with Ray's initial analogy and continued debate. I'm not going to attempt to substantiate my position by citing specific references to my personal background, including issues I've dealt with as a "male of need" within our social welfare system, but I will say that not only is our perception as a society biased, it is that way within our legal system, our welfare system and our individual personal values and morals. However, even as some others have posted with replies and references that have not been completely on topic target, those points of view have been for the most part, equally correct. So anyway, I think it's a great POV discussion about a great subject, cheating. Is there really any situation that exists which would condone "cheating"? Whether it be "Breach of contract by withholding of sex or abstinence" (Prove that one), or any other justification? I think not. I think the law provides remedy thru other means. But I have a question. Say for example, one spouse is purposely withholding sex from the other spouse and that the deprived spouse informs the withholding spouse that if the current situation concerning sex in the relationship continues beyond a specified date and time, that the deprived spouse will begin a search in an attempt to find a partner or another means of sexual release. I know some will say, "If your at that point, just get a divorce", but sometimes, as stated in a previous post, that may be the lesser of the two evils for reasons beyond our scope and understanding. I know some will say, "Doesn't matter, I still wouldn't have sex with him/her", but that's not my question and I'm hoping my question borders the OP's original POV with this related POV possibility. If the deprived spouse informs the withholding spouse of their intent and the withholding spouse apparently holds the means by which to prevent the deprived spouse from pursuing a quest for sexual release and the withholding spouse elects to continue withholding sex, is any sexual contact by the deprived spouse outside of the marriage considered "Cheating"? We talk about being open and honest, I believe the deprived spouse qualifies by making the statement and the withholding spouse makes a decision to continue their abstinence.
  3. 1 point
    I would like to share this with you all, not in support of the OP (I have 0 tolerance for cheating, period) but to supply you all with a truly different POV. Progress always follows trauma. That being said: I am a casualty of an unfaithful relationship. My wife of two years had met a customer at her job, developed a relationship with him over a period of time, and, eventually, fell in love with him. When I found out, I packed up and left her to her own devices. As time went on, we mended the relationship we had together (we are soulmates, after all) and we talk openly, honestly, and frequently. It's become a wonderful relationship on a lot of levels. This is the point where things get slightly twisted. Aforementioned customer had previously been involved in the lifestyle, and ex-wife has since eagerly and thoroughly explored the lifestyle herself. She even introduced the lifestyle to yours truly. Cheating is always a terribly shitty act, regardless, but, like all of the adversity people face during their time on this rock, growth and change tend to come out of the experience.
  4. 1 point
    It has been nearly two weeks now since running into our daughter at the party. She finally called me last night late. I could hear the tention in her voice. I said nothing and let her ask first which she did. I told her that her Mom and I had been playing for a year now and just because we were enjoying sexual pleasures from others, didn't mean any loss in our love for each other. I never asked her why she was there. I didn't have to. She began explaining to me why and I interupted her. I told her it was her freedome to do as she wished and she didn't have to explain. She reminded me of how protective I was as she was growing up and I told her because I loved her and didn't want her to get hurt by some young boy who only had one thing on his mind. Her perfect little body. She does have a perfect little body and unlike me, is very cute. I told her not to embarressed by the situation and not to let this ruin her feelings of sharing with others as long as she plays safely. I guess hearing this coming from her Dad, made things a little easier, I think! She then asked me something I wasn't expecting. Would I be able to hug her and hold her in my arms like I always have in the past. I asked her why I wouldn't be able to. I told her I had always held her and hugged her with love from my heart. She said yes, but now I had seen her naked and seen her exploring her sexual side. I asured her I was not upset and would never judge her for enjoying life. So we are taking it from here.
  5. 1 point
    I mean no disrespect, but you are completely factually incorrect. The legal system identifies deprivation of sex as loss of consortion. Twenty-two years ago, I served on a civil jury in which exactly that complaint was made. Sex (along with children -- I can cite resource upon resource in which infertility [on either part] is grounds for annulment) is indeed at the heart of the expectation of marriage. Where exactly did the OP make a categorical, universal claim of "every man," as you cite twice in just this paragraph? I've got no interest in cheaters of either sex myself. But any critique offered has to be kept in context of the scenario offered.
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