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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2008 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    My husband had this idea a couple of months back when we were pondering the idea, "what would we ever do if..." If the couple is showing up at events, notify the event runner/club owner that you are aware a couple has this std. You don't even have to name names. The club owner could then make a general announcement or send a mass email or what have you, advising everyone to be tested. Everyone's awareness is heightened; hopefully everyone is tested; and such an announcement would make the couple think twice before sharing cooties.
  2. 1 point
    I have kids (they are 7 and 8 now)....but even when they were toddlers, I would not have considered having playmates over at the house. And as swingers now, we as a couple are not comfortable with the idea of playing with children in the house, no matter what their age. I'm sure there are some potential playmates out there that would have absolutely no problem coming over. Now, the question I am most curious about...many parents try to find a reliable/trustworthy baby sitter in pretty short order just for having an evening out now and again. Have you had problems with past babysitters or is there just some preconceived notion that wanting to have a night out to yourselves to do adult things makes you horrible parents? (Hey, I used to be married to one of those...and at best we went out 2-4 times per year...Valentines Day, anniversary, and a company christmas party were guaranteed 'date nights'.) And as far as the video monitor in the barn. Handy if you are out there just doing work or puttering around...probably not so ideal during a playtime. To effectively monitor the monitor, it means one of you is probably not paying attention to your play partner. Good luck!
  3. 1 point
    The answer of course is to find a babysitter that you are comfortable with. Many couples will not be comfortable playing with a child in the house and not everyone has sex quietly. Kids notice EVERYTHING. He also will only be 16 months old until next month so you need to look at the long term aspect of this. What are you going to do when he is 2 or 3 years old? If you use the barn does that mean that the child is left alone in the house? That doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
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