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Tybee Swing

Hysterectomy, instant menopause, and sex life?

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Tybee, the Mr. and I are so glad to hear you are doing well. Thanks so much for taking the time to come here and let us know while you are still recovering. And just think, that new drawer you just cleaned out, now you have room to fill, so go shopping for sexy naughty lingerie as soon as you are back on your feet. Every woman deserves a huge treat after surgery. :D



I am glad your healing and doing well. Just to give you some of the other side, my sister had one years ago, said it was the best thing she ever did. I have also heard that from other women! Best thing about it hon, no more periods!! Keep a positive frame of mind and you are going to breeze through this!



Mrs PL


This is so true Mrs. PL. My mother is breezing through menopause right now. Her mother, (my grandmother) suffered the seven layers of hell going through hers. My mother says its because of her frame of mind that she is breezing through it where her mother didn't. My mom just keeps reminding herself daily of no more cramps, bleeding, emergency runs to the drug store for supplies, no tampons or pads to have laying around the house, no having to spend extra time in the bathroom every time you go. She keeps focusing on what she is gaining instead of what she is losing. So when she does have a hot flash or other symptom she is happy instead of uncomfortable. So I am following in her footsteps and looking forward to menopause. Frame of mind really does affect how your body reacts to certain changes.

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Actually, I am going through menopause. The only problem I have encountered is that instead of my periods stopping, some months it doubles up :wtf3: .


I have always had problems freezing, so I quite enjoy the hot flashes :lol: . Last winter, it was 17 degrees out and I stepped out for a breath of air.


But other than having my own special summers, hehehe, I am not having any other problems. Just wish the damn periods would go away. My sex drive is higher than ever (very good thing), I have a concern of wearing out my hubby :rolleyes: Frame of mind has a lot to do with how you go into this, mine is going to be fabulous!!!!!



Mrs. PL

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Tybee I meant to reply to this a few days ago, just wanted to share some anecdotal evidence with you from our own personal life. The female half of our best friends in the lifestyle has been through what you just had done and it really doesn't seem to have fazed her much from our perspective. She is one of the sexiest and sexual people we know. She's the only one we know that's had the surgery, but it sure doesn't seem to have slowed her down at all. She has mentioned to us that her sex drive actually increased after she started the HRT. So don't get too down... especially by reading about people who are having a bad time of it. That can quickly turn into a hypochondriatic situation if you're not careful! ;)

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Nice to hear all went well and you are recovering very well. And that your sex drive came out intact I know that was a big worry. :cheer::cheer::thumbsup::grouphug:

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Mrs.PaganLovers said:
Actually, I am going through menopause. The only problem I have encountered is that instead of my periods stopping, some months it doubles up :wtf3:


This happened to me as well when I was perimenopausal. It's perfectly normal. After about three years it evolved to the point where I was having them once every six months and then, finally, none at all.

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I have an update...a happy one. :)


My biggest fear is that I wouldn't be able to function sexually the same way I did before. I've read so much about how many women are physically unable to have orgasms or at least the same kind of orgasms they had before. I read about vaginal atrophy due to lack of hormones -- women drying up to the point that they must have lube at all times, it must be done carefully and very gradually, etc. (To me, that sounded like the vagina would have to be treated like an anus! :confused: )


Anyhow, I've had all these things going through my head, worried and anxious to find out if I'd be my old self, or different now, without the hormones. Since I woke up with my cervix and uterus intact (not a total hysterectomy), I had hopes. But I still feared about this sudden menopause and loss of my hormones (except for the artificial ones I'm on now). Whew...a lot on my mind.


Even though I haven't been feeling very sexual these past days (still healing and using pain meds off and on), I've tried masturbating a few times to see if things were still working. I was glad that I was able to have an orgasm, but it took a long time for me (like over 30 minutes), the orgasm was mild to me, and I didn't seem to get very wet at all. But, I wasn't really in the mood that much, and masturbation has never really done it that much for me, anyway. LOL So, I was going to have to wait to really know.


Last night, Mr. Tybee and I started making love. We intended to just do a lot of kissing, touching, and oral. It was our first try at anything since the surgery. I got very turned-on from the beginning. I had a few clitoral orgasms, and they were much better than the solo ones I'd had. I missed making love so much, and I missed my husband so much...I don't know how to explain it but I was just full of joy at being with him like that again. I think a lot of it was how afraid I've been that we might lose this, and how happy I was that with each step, we were getting it back. It just felt great to be making love. After I went down on him for awhile, I just had to have him in me, and I just had to know. I slid him in me very cautiously, but it felt so good. Nothing hurt, so I saw no reason for us to not go forward. We made love with me on top, going nice and slow and easy. I came, reeaallllllllly deep, over and over. I was able to get really wet (no lube needed). Sex was every bit as good for me as it ever was. In my mind it was even better, but maybe that's because it's been so long and I've been so worried. :lol:


So, only 9 days out, but the sex was fantastic. I feel like a weight has been lifted from me. I'm feeling very grateful and happy!


The swelling on my belly around the incision is going down, too. It looks like my belly will be flat and I'll be back in all my clothes within a week or so. I've been completely off pain meds for a few days. My regular energy level is getting a little better each day. I still get more tired than normal, but post-op this is very normal. I'm feeling good about everything, though. :)

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I'm happy for you! And only nine days from surgery - that's fantastic. Are you hurting just a bit today from the exertion last night? I know I always hurt a bit when I 'over did it' a little.


I'm really happy that things are working as usual (if not better??) for you!



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I'm happy for you! And only nine days from surgery - that's fantastic. Are you hurting just a bit today from the exertion last night? I know I always hurt a bit when I 'over did it' a little.


I'm really happy that things are working as usual (if not better??) for you!




Sarah, no pain at all from last night. Everything feels wonderful today. :) While I was on top and moved one leg to a slightly different position, I had a momentary abdominal twinge (where the muscle is still healing), but that is it...just one little twinge. I was very careful. We didn't thrust hard, we just kept it very slow and rythmic, with me on top and controlling the whole thing. It was just so...WOW. :D:D


The next thing I want to try soon is the spoon position, because it's gentle & easy, and no pressure to my abdomen. We really like that one. :)


In fact, for quite a few weeks because my tummy hurt so much with "Mortimer" in it (before we knew the huge cyst was even in there), we'd only been doing me on top, or spoon, or him behind me with me sitting back on him (I don't know what you call that position). It was like sex when you're pregnant. LOL!

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