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Date with a Bull



I had an experience last night that will definitely be my memoir if I ever sit still long enough to write one. Fox was out of town for an extended period of time, and this happens to be the first and only time that we have spent a significant amount of time away from each other since we have been together. I honestly enjoy spending as much time with him as possible. This is the first time in my life that I can say that I thoroughly enjoy my partner. Man, if I knew then what I know now, but c’est la vie.


I digress. Due to a crazy work schedule in my private practice during the day, Fox running all of our marketing and SEO (he tries to explain all that to me and I hear the teacher from Charlie Brown) throughout his work day then both of us spending our evenings working on the show, we are pulling 12-14 hour days, six day a week. Oh, and I failed to mention that we are in a global pandemic! Needless to say, we have not been feeling as sexual as we were and want to be in the very near future; adulting has absolutely put a damper on our sex life. Don’t get me wrong, it is still amazing but we are so tired at the end of the day we both pass out from shear exhaustion.  Being an essential worker (read that again using an entitled voice with a hair flip for dramatics) if extremely draining!  


Again, I digress. Fox feeling extremely flirty and adventurous while on his trip sends me a challenge/request to be extremely naughty. As the day progresses I send naughty pictures and flirty messages, remember I am at work. Then I get THE message. This message implied that I would be getting a visitor at home and had a list of directions for me to follow. I want to remind everyone that I have never played without Fox so I was extremely nervous and unsure about this whole situation, but being the good girl that I am, I obliged.


My instructions were to go home, get ready for a sexy evening (meaning make sure my legs were shaved) and to put a note on the door saying “Come In.” Can anyone else feel the anxiety rising? Only me, yeah, freaking out! I was told to adjust the security camera to point towards the couch so he could watch this adventure live, be naked on the couch playing with myself with my favorite toy and to be ready for a sexy single man to come play with me. I was also instructed to be extra slutty and to have fun. Granted, I know this particular single man but I have never met him. Before you ask, yes I took a few shots to calm my nerves!


So here I am freshly shaved, slathered in lotion, naked, playing with my favorite toy on the couch waiting for a sexy man to walk through my door and do naughty things to me. No pressure! He arrives and immediately wastes no time! There were minimal pleasantries exchanged before he plunged his face between my legs enjoying all that my vagina had to offer.  It might have been that I knew Fox was watching, or the extra shot I took right before he got there but I threw myself into the experience fully and didn’t look back.


I woke up this morning feeling sexier than I have in a long time. This man, whom I have never met, only chatted with, made me feel like a goddess. He told me how sexy my curves were, how good I felt in various positions, I moaned, I made sex faces according to Fox, and I got fucked! He finished about 45 minutes later (we were on a shorter time schedule) by squirting his manliness all over by belly, which was only fair because I had squirted all over him a few times, put on his clothes, thanked me for a great time and left. Fox frequently tells me all the same things, and in my mind that is normal, but hearing a stranger say it was empowering. This was definitely a confidence booster that I didn’t even realize I needed.

Knowing that I am prone to getting scared and not following through, Fox made this spontaneous and gave me just enough information to keep me intrigued and adventurous. I feel so much closer to Fox right now, a deep connection that had been buried by the strains of life. I cannot wait for him to get home so I can properly thank him for orchestrating this amazing adventure.

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