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Adventures of a Unicorn

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I've decided to start jotting down my thoughts on my adventures. Mostly for me to look back on, but if it helps or provides insight for others that's great too!


So the adventure started with my sis account created on 6/3. I think the next morning I had about 60 emails :) that was very flattering! Although most were not what I am looking for, it was an ego boost. Over the next week or so I changed and updated my profile, trying to weed out so many emails.


I replied to a couple of single guys who had sent well thought out emails. And started to chat via text.


I was most excited about a couple that IM'd me, their profile & pics were perfect! Exactly what i wanted, he told me right away that it was hubby talking, i gave him my # and we continued to text all day. We made plans for drinks on Fri, 6 days away, they need a babysitter. He added his wife in the eve and we chatted briefly, I had plans to go out to a pool party. She says send us pics! I sent her 2 when out with my friends. Never heard from them again. I didn't want to be pushy, waited 3 days and asked, still on for Fri, got a reply, so sorry going to phx so no.


Wow I couldn't believe I got stood up! And by my first couple! Was pretty bummed about that, but kept looking.


After chatting for almost a week & drinks with a single guy made plans to meet at a hotel. Met in the bar, spent time in the pool, went upstairs and had a great time!


I wasn't sure how much fun it was going to be, a single girl & single guy, isn't really very swingerish, but the no strings just fun fucking was great!


It was a weeknight, so I took the next day off. Thursday, I wake up horny & bored, start chatting more with another guy I hadn't met yet. He says let's get coffee...off I go! He was so hot within an hour I was at his house hanging out by the pool, with a drink in my hand! Way better than working! No worries, my best friend knew where I was :) we spent the afternoon together, it was memorable!


2 guys, in 2 days, was feeling pretty slutty & loving it!


Emailing, texting, exchanging pics, there was a lot of time & effort put into getting to know these guys. After the sex, haven't seen them since and very little contact. I've made it clear I'm not looking for a relationship but I don't get the one & done. It would be nice to have fun with somebody again without all the build up work!


Week 2 coming soon!

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Heaven should smile on those who appreciate this blogs section of this Web site. I too believe that sex can be casual but do not understand one-and-done. It makes a person wonder. What's wrong with me? Am I so distasteful?

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