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Busting ass

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This is the first time I have been here in a couple weeks.

My wife and I just started really exploring the dark,hidden corners of our minds with each other and I go and take an offer for a job that requires "reeducation".

I have nothing but 6 day weeks EVERY week until July and 2 of those days each week are mandatory 14 hrs! (with an hour lunch in the middle) 16 hours a week are mandatory volunteer time. Thoughts of being able to meet another couple or go to the exceptional club we joined seem impossible.

As much as it seem to be, I am not whining as this is my dream job and I have worked a long time just to get to this phase. Some times "bustin ass" gets in the way of "bustin ass".


Mr. Oly

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This reminds me of a comment Billy said "Sometimes the lifestyle, gets in the way of the lifestyle" In this case I hope you feel proud of your accomplishments and goals :cool:.


As for me I have reached my summit, carrier wise. My motto now is. "Just let me do my thing" to who ever will pay me the most :lol:.

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Damn. Thoughts of being able to do much of anything but work and sleep seem pretty much out of the question in my mind. I feel for you, best of luck.

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Wow Sweet, I had all but forgotten about this post until yesterday when it hit our "swinger" email account inbox. Two years seems like a blink of an eye. But, all of the activity in it make it appear like a lifetime when I look back.


I completed the "reeducation" which qualified me for an unpaid internship which I presently serve. And, I still work at the career I possessed prior to starting the whole shenanigans (mortgages must be paid). I am still waiting because positions opening in this field are very few in my area. Sometime in 2009 I also decided it would be a grand idea to try and finish my degree, which I did.


But time costs, and time is one of those "steal from Peter to pay Paul" deals when you don't have enough of it. We have not been to the club we enjoyed so much and there has been zero action as of late because we have no time to actively look and meet people from Swing Lifestyle or otherwise. We have a couple who have become good friends with that have even noticed. They keep asking to join them at the club and we have kept declining, but hopefully not for much longer as we both think they're hot and we like playing with them!


I cannot blame it all on a hectic schedule, a HUGE, VAST, COPIOUS majority yes, and with our friends the schedule is to blame, but the whole seeking out new people cannot be blamed on time, only some of it.


In many ways we have changed in how we approach the "lifestyle" as a couple and what we as a couple as well as two individuals want out of it.


Enough for tonight I now have a tiny bit of free time to update these blogs and to expound upon the how and why of our maturation in the lifestyle. Hopefully there will be some free time to "do more" than just update a blog.


Mr. Oly

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Ah . . . My bad for not checking the date on your blog entry! I'm glad you completed the reeducation, but sorry to hear you're still slogging it out with the internship. Hopefully you'll be able to figure out what works for you in regard to your approach to the lifestyle.


As for finding time to read/write blog entries, I hear you! I only just started blogging on here . . .



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