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50 Shades of Grey?

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Mistral Wind


In UK most of my vanilla girl friends have/are reading the triology 50 Shades of Grey. It seems that their men folk seem to be kept away from the books and if any vanilla husband asks about reading one he gets brushed aside with comments like "It's a woman's book you won't like it!"


What these stories seem to drive is the young woman's experience in the hands of an older experienced lover who takes her from simple missionary sex into the wonderful world of real hot horny sexual fucking and fulfillment .Even crossing into a bit of S&M including some anal, things all real women thrive on. That is great and I subscribe to all women (yes and men) being sexually active and able to enjoy everything. If it don't harm you and you enjoy it that is fine.


So do the vanilla women feel unable to say we love sex we love rude naughty sex even more and the hotter hornier it gets all the better, I do and I am sure most of the swingers do.


Over Christmas I was talking to a person who works at Anne Summers one of UK's leading sex shops who are on most city high streets and she told me that the 50 Shades triology plus a rampant rabbit was one of their best selling lines being bought by women and often gift wrapped for another women.


My question is this;

If the vanilla's enjoyed the stories got off with their rabbit reading them ( great for all women) why don't they allow their men to explore it with them or are they afraid they will cross over and want to explore sex into swinging and with other partners? You can tell from my stories I have an itch that needs scratching and I love swinging and am glad I stepped across into this wonderful world. Why don't / can't the vanillas if 50 Shades has been such a hot number? Come all let me know your thoughts.

Mistral x

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Hi Mistral, just reading your thoughts......I like what you are saying and think that most women and men hide behind walls and refuse to open themselves to the other, no matter how much 'in love' they are. It takes a very special kind of relationship to allow that to happen and these relationships don't come along everyday sometimes never. In my experience, the more open my husband and I get the better the sex we have. And - I or should say we - do 'love rude naughty sex and the hotter hornier it gets all the better' as you nicely put it :) - would love to read your reaction

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I totally agree with your thoughts!

The hardest part is allowing yourself to open up and be so honest about how you feel what turns you on etc. One big step for wonamkind. We always feel a little like if I am too honest he might feel I am too easy and too willing and so share it around. Infact the opposite happens with swinging you give each other permission and then can be honest, maybe all wives should be allowed to swing without getting punished...that would cause a stir in our menfolk?

M x x

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yessssssssssss to wives swinging without punishment and yesssssssssssssssss it would cause a serious stir in our menfolk :) xo

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