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Pics and Nudity

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I always wondered why when restrictions on websites for posting pictures that involve nudity why it's ok to show tits and not male genitalia? Another double standard? Even here when posting pics guys geet too oogle over tits easily. Women have to use their imagination. Strip clubs even. While alot of them don't technically allow full nudity. Pretty much on the women you see it all but a tiny bit of cloth to cover the actual labia. Why aren't breasts seen as just as much a sexual body part as the vagina or penis? Topless beach? LOL Well we know who mainly benefits from that!


It may sound like a rant but I think I just wouldn't worry about these things as much if they were more even.....

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Don't know to which Web sites you are referring but the one on-line hook-ups facility to which my wife and I belong does allow the posting of pictures having men's private parts. There are restrictions for non-paid members such as disallowing a picture showing an erect penis. But I have read at this same web site that this relieves the site's owners and operators from having to make out and submit certain governmental paperwork. That paperwork is not, apparently, needed when a paid member posts a picture of an erect penis an a private area where non-paid members are not able to see it. And I will point out that pictures of women having wide-open legs are handled similarly. This particular Web site is going about their business without a double standard.

Edited by SW_PA_Couple

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I see what you are saying there and I can see that with paid vs non paid. Can the non paid post pics of bare breasts??

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Because they are boobs. Its fashionable to leave them 1/2 hanging out as it is. Some places let you have them out in public. In the sexual exposure hierarchy we all learned from soft core porn it goes boobs<bush<penis.


Boobs are just fat with nipples, and men have nipples too, hell some have close to boobs.

Bush (when that used to be a thing) hides the female genitalia.

Penis is ALWAYS front and center. You can't disguise a penis.


Its not a double standard to boobs, its a different standard. Its close to the same standard for vagina vrs penis, only the "hiding" makes it seem its not.

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Well not much hiding these days when it comes to vaginas. But I will differ with you. Men's "boobs" and women's "boobs" are different when your talking bare ones. I still see it as double standard. And it's quite funny how you try to downgrade the sexual nature of bare breasts by describing them as fat with nipples. I just feel breast exposure should be treated the same as genital. If its ok for boobs then it should be ok for the rest.


I should have been born a guy. Way more to look forward too with the oposite sex and definitely more catered too when it comes to exposure.

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Well you feel they should be treated the same, culture and society doesn't and when it comes to sex thats all that matters ;)


Even "native" cultures will cover up genitalia to some extent, but boobs hang free. Being the internet has changed all the rules anyways, its not like you can't see all the penis you want.


Women are to "blame" if you want to for it too (not that I blame them myself). Women will flash their tits a lot easier than flashing the kitty. Some women have fought for the right to go topless in various cities and won.


If women insisted on covering up at the beach, and hiding their cleavage then I'm sure you would see your shift in opinion over time. They don't do this and a great many seem to enjoy showing off as much as they can.


Again though I don't see this as a bad thing at all, the alternative of say what you find in many Islamic countries where the men go nuts seeing even a hint of cleavage (and then blame the women when they are assaulted for it) doesn't seem a good alternative.

Edited by Chicup

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You are right with the age of the internet I can definitely find as many pics of it as I can stand. LOL But I guess it's the every day stuff that isn't part of an internet search the just seems in my face constantly. Heck even here on this board bare breasts can be shown in pictures in an open forum. Like you said, go to the beach, there they are, go out to dinner there they are. I am like OK I get it titties are great but shit just overwhelmed with titties everywhere. You don't even have to go somewhere specific to see them, heck maybe that would be better but yeah your right they are being flashed everywhere. Great for the men, I am just left rolling my eyes. Give me something nice to look at too!

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On the subject of showing everything a female has to offer vs. a male, I assume society in general is still homophobic, so if its "bigger" than mine, you cannot show it. What else could be the reason

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I am older than most of youmbut wheb I was younger , a woman nursing a baby was not that unusual. I did not think it strang and it did not attract attention. I was raised in a rural area, and untilI moved to the city,, I never thought about it as a sexual act.

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