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Our first Meet and Greet

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Saturday, as I was broken and unable to play, we decided to skip our usual date night outing (a local swinger's club we enjoy hanging out at) and hit a meet and greet listed on SLS. In spite of the fact that we've been going to the club for almost a year now, we still consider ourselves to be newbies, and were more than a little nervous about the new setting. At the club, we know a lot of the regulars, and we feel like it's a situation where we're never pressured to do something we're not ready for. But this? Totally new place, totally new people... nerve wracking!


When we arrive, we immediately see the table for our "group" and check in. So far, so good. It's immediately apparent who the swingers are (the group organizers had given everyone a token to wear to make it clear who was with "us"). Mr. Desert and I hit the bar for a couple of drinks, then start to wander. We were standing on the outside of the gathering, taking it all in, and were immediately approached by a very nice older guy. Soon we were part of a larger group, all talking and introducing themselves to us. It was definitely friendly and welcoming, although it also felt like somewhere there was a signal going out... "Hey! Fresh meat over here!" We always let people know that we're pretty new and still exploring, but I think that attracts people as well.


It seemed like not too long after we were there, we had two different invites to attend private gatherings later in the evening. One was at a couple's house, and one was a hotel gathering. My nerves immediately hit super high gear. Were we ready for this?! IF we chose to get involved, there was only so much I could do, so I had the out of being unable to play, but Mr. Desert doesn't really have that out. He clarified with the host that there would be absolutely no pressure to be involved and that we could hang back and watch or participate as much as we were comfortable doing so. After a few whispered words back and forth, we decided to go for it. We figured that, if nothing else, we could make our escape while everyone else was engaged if we felt pressured.


We got to the hotel and met up with everyone in the parking lot. Another round of introductions (there was a couple there that we hadn't talked to at all at the gathering) and then we headed up to the room. More small talk, then within minutes, people were already nekkid and heading to the bedroom. There were 5 couples there (including us) and I'm still not sure how everyone managed to be on the same bed! But apparently it all works out in the end. Mr. Desert stripped down and I was nearly there, and I was amazed at the casual, friendly, laughing atmosphere. A joke here, a few laughs there, and everyone was having a good time.


We were close to the happenings, and a few of the men asked if it was OK to touch me. I was fine with it, but I appreciated that they asked and allowed Mr. Desert to give the go ahead. After most of the group finished, there was one couple on the bed (married to each other) and we laid down next to them. We touched some while he fucked her, and he commented quietly that this was what he liked better - two couples in a more intimate environment. After a while, they finished, and we all went back out to the living room area. One couple got dressed and headed out, and everyone else sat and chatted. It's obvious that they all know each other well, which was nice for us - I felt a little more comfortable with people who know each other, rather than a group of total strangers. The host talked to us some about swinging, and asked if we had any questions. He was so welcoming and so nice, and invited us to dinner or drinks one night, just so we could all talk and they could answer any questions. The hosts had to get home to the kids, so the evening was winding down. I ended up getting taken on a quest for cigarettes by one of the women and we chatted some as we wandered the hotel. Eventually we found the group again (we had't' taken a key to get back in - oops!) and Mr. Desert and I headed to get something to eat then home.


It was definitely a fun experience, although at the same time, I wondered later if we would have been more involved if I had been able to play. That part makes me nervous, as once before, we've overstepped our boundaries with a couple we know from the club, and had to regroup quite a bit. All worked out well for us after that, but it was a rocky few days, and I definitely don't want that to happen again. It's easy to get caught up in the moment, and I want to make sure that, whatever we decide to do, Mr. D and I are both good with it. But we got to cross another "first" off of the list. The fun part was finding the couples on SLS and making some connections that way, too. If nothing else, at least two of the couples might become friends down the road, and that'll be good.

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Sounds like a nice comfortable hotel party. It's always nice to meet new people.


I missed why you couldn't play, what is up with the nervousness regarding overstepping your boundaries?


What we've done is just come out and say what are limits are, and saying "no" always works as a last resort.

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Sounds like a great first meet n greet, We get comments like yours all the time from new people to our events and It's always great to hear. I'm real glad that others out there are doing things right.


Tom i'm guessing that by broken she ment that it was that time of the month.



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Tom - we've gotten swept up in the moment before and did more than we were ready for. I just don't want that to happen again, hence the nervousness of a new situation. And yes, it was that time of the month for me. :)

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