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Hood Piercing

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For the prelude... anyone who doesn't know, J is out of town for the next 2 weeks and I am out of commission so to speak.


We have talked about hood piercing and I have always been more then curious about having it done. heck anything to rev things up is all good with me :)

J is out of town and I walk into the Tattoo/Piercing establishment. there are two young men there their ages do not combine to equal mine but WTF.


I inquire about hood piercing. After split second pause the Eric the piercer (sounds kinds viking like doesn't it LOL) answers all of my questions with bland professionalism.


I'm thinking, I am a Gramma, what is he thinking and am I really going to let him look at my clit among other things???


I went with him into his piercing room and he shut the door. I almost wanted the other young man to hold my hand I am such a ninny! Then I took off my scrubs-yes I came from work- and sat down, frog legged my legs and he checked things out, washed me off, used the thru tube and did the deed. I actually only yelped once it was over in a minute and certainly did not hurt near as much as my nose piercing or my upper ear piercings.


Now, I am not squeemish but when he said you'll feel a little pressure now, I wondered what was going on and asked... he replied, you are bleeding quite a bit, I, an old ER Nurse answered, no one ever bled out from a clit hood piercing. I figured a bit on a 4X4 well I stood up and the saran wrap on the chair was covered and my ass was too, What had I done??? It didn't hurt a bit, not like my ears or nose?


I drove home and got in the shower and no more bleeding at all, no tenderness, I don't have an orgasm whenever I walk and I was so wishful, I would have had an incentive to exercise *sigh* I have checked things out so to speak and everything is in working order just waiting for J to get home. Now what other mischief can I get into for the next 10 days or so :kissface:

Later gators,

P of PnJ Day

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Does J know you planned to do this, or is this a little surprise for him? Either way, I commend your bravery.


While I find piercings most intriguing on others, I would rather get 5 more tattoos than one body piercing. I think it's because I worry it'll get in the way of whatever I'd be piercing. I'll be interested to hear how well you and J like it once it's all healed . . .



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J knows and can't wait to see and try it out, makes him hot he says LOL. He has at least 10 more days to wait LOL. Think I had planned to tease him a bit out of sheer orneriness at the same time giving him something else to look forward to :)

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Yeah, I saw in one of the threads that he is excited about it. And I see we share yet another trait--a love of teasing. My honey says I dabble in teasing the way Michelangelo dabbled in painting.



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That doesn't sound too bad at all! Is it uncomfortable now? Have you been taking anything for it? Do you think you'll really have to wait the whole 10 days?


(I'm such a baby when it comes to abstinence. :sad:)


Mrs. C.

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Actually the piercer said that I could have sex that night but no gang bangs-my words not his-I am not feeling it a bit actually, no pain at all and haven't had since it was first done. The hood is just a thin bit of skin. The labia protect it and it doesn't have any musculature to move it about. I do feel a funny little subtle "buzz" for lack of a better term in my low pelvis if I am sitting still and quiet about every minute or so but if I am up and about I do not notice anything. I tried it out with my silver bullett the first evening and it worked fine and did not get sore or bleed or hurt at all. If I can help any further just send me a private message and I will be happy to answer any questions without blushing :blush:

P of PnJ Day

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thanks, now let's see how things go for real, and I can tell you I am looking forward to J's return!!!!

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he said not to change it for 3 months but I think I could now if I wanted to. i'll let you know.

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