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What do you want out of swinging?

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The title to this blog entry you think would have an easy answer to it. 7 months ago when me an my wife started swinging I would have given you an answer like; "For me and my wife to meet a couple or individual to enhance are own loving relationship." of course that would be accomplished by having sex with them of course... That's still part of the answer I would give if someone asked me what do you want from swinging but I would definitely add into it the following; In addition to us as a couple having sex with that "other" couple to enhance our own relationship we also want to some degree to feel wanted and appreciated by that other couple. Let's face it, part of swinging is the ego trip you get from being wanted by that man or woman whom you have found attractive. We both find we want to feel that the other couple has as much passion for us as we do for them else the experience falls a little flat. Sure everyone gets naked, body parts go places but in our limited experiences we have yet to find that passion we are seekng either during or after the deed to be there. Its over and your often left wondering if they really appreciated what just happened either right after the act or many times often days later. Me and my wife are built in such a way that the sex act itself actually matters to us. It means something to us to actually engage in that with that person or persons. We put our all into that sexual moment same as we put our all into getting to know the couple hours, days, or weeks before and after. Meaning we care to know who you are, go on a vanilla date maybe, chat before and after, actually talk after we've had sex to some degree the following weeks. We have analyzed it and we don't think we are a needy couple. We don't try to smother the other couples with to much talking or chatting or texting or make wierd demands on there time. Just a simple hello , here and there. How's your week going. Thinking about you guys. Maybe a little flirt thrown in a once in awhile. SOMETHING! ...but alas we get zip. It's like pulling teeth sometimes with couples! So couples with passion like us is what we look for. Give a care ...I know your busy ..were busy to as well.. but we can take 5 min from our day and shoot an email or text once in awhile in a blue moon ...again its the ego thing..... to a certain degree the ego is important and shouldn't be ignored...it's healthy to want to feel wanted and desired. Not ignored. We are not mad at the couples specifically ..just frustrated that they are not built like us.... Any comments or opinions. :cool:

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I feel that we have a connection with most of our playmates. We've been fortunate to have met people that want more than just a quick roll and nothing after that. I've played with a few women that when the sex is over they are ready to get up, get dressed, etc and I feel like something is missing. I like that after connection a little touching, a little talk. Not talking about an emotional relationship, but a little more connection than just physical.


Not that the pure sex encounter is a bad thing but a little more is nice.


Me personally I like to send an email, say hello see what's going on, but not all people function that way. Some of our friends just don't do the contact thing beyond our swing times.

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Ask yourself, are you looking for another couple like yourselves or are you looking to spend a fun moment with someone you find sexually interesting (and hopefully they find you interesting too)? There are all kinds of swingers and the more restrictions you place on your playmates, the smaller the pool becomes. If you're in a target rich environment, you can afford to be more selective, but what experiences are you passing by?


I don't like to place expectations on other people's behavior (other than basic respect). With some folks, we've developed a bit of a friendship and others, we've never seen again - even though the sex was pretty good.


When you go to Baskin Robins, do you always select the same flavor of ice-cream, or do you try something new?

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I understand your desires. I would respectfully suggest, however, that you not expect to achieve them with most. Finding true friendship in swinging is like walking backwards, almost unnatural. You can meet a hundred people you'll totally enjoy for two, three, four hours. Anything beyond that requires effort, and even when you make the effort, you'll likely find that enjoyable vanilla time does not translate to "I wonder how my play partner's day went?" How many people do we truly connect with, truly want to spend time with, truly think beyond ourselves about? Very few... very few. Cherish them if you find them.

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We are the same as in we wish there to be more than just the sex.

We happen to live in an area where there are TONS of people in the lifestyle and many of them are looking for the same.

I'd suggest finding maybe one or two playmates/couples where they feel the same and would like to have it more of a steady thing, while you can also enjoy other occasions for "just the sex".

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